The Stolen election Humor Thread

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Quick! No cheating. Answer truthfully & honestly: Was it Hugo Chávez who stole the election, was it the CIA, or was it Italian defense contractors?

Sidney Powell cited woman who claimed to be headless, time-traveling entity in email pushing election conspiracy theories.​


It was Dominion switching the votes
It was fake registrations and inflated voter rolls. Those people who registered do not exist but their vote did. Ballots were filled out by minions and distributed to be put in drop boxes or mailed in complete with phony signatures. The huge percentages for Biden in late night ballot drops were virtually impossible not to mention countless laws and correct procedures ignored.

The election had 0 integrity just like the people behind the big lie that say the election was free and fair. The fraud was fucking obvious and remains obvious.
It was fake registrations and inflated voter rolls. Those people who registered do not exist but their vote did. Ballots were filled out by minions and distributed to be put in drop boxes or mailed in complete with phony signatures. The huge percentages for Biden in late night ballot drops were virtually impossible not to mention countless laws and correct procedures ignored.

The election had 0 integrity just like the people behind the big lie that say the election was free and fair. The fraud was fucking obvious and remains obvious.
Bamboo Ballots from CHINA!

Maryland has not had a legitimate election in quite some time. The past two November elections in 2020 and 2022 highlight this truth perfectly. It was recently brought to my attention that an event was held in Maryland regarding election integrity and the disenfranchisement of close to 200K Maryland voters through the rigging of elections through the use of illegally adjudication of ballots as being 100% blank.
During my work in Maryland with Walter Charlton and Natalie Abbas in connection with the Gibson Group case, I learned a great deal about the state of elections in Maryland.
It was a great exercise and we learned a great deal about the administration of elections using voting systems with no legal or voided certifications.

In Maryland we confirmed the use of “BALLOTS CAST - BLANK” to disenfranchise voters and significantly impact the outcomes of elections.
We were able to identify to the precinct level throughout Maryland exactly where the fraud was occuring.Subscribe
We were able to identify that the machines used in Maryland elections were never properly nor legally certified according to Maryland law.
We were able to confirm in Maryland that elderly voters are being unwittingly used to finance a massive election fraud RICO operation at a scale and scope that now threatens the financial existence of the entire corrupt campaign finance enterprise.
All of the facts were apparently too much for some Talbot County Maryland voters to bear in person at an event held to publicly discuss these dire circumstances.

The event saw not one last minute cancellation by the venues, but two. They found a last minute alternate venue and were able hold the event. The outrage crew soon after took to the interwebz to feign outrage that people dared to question their alternate reality of free fair and fraud free elections.
One of those “TRIGGERED” was Phil Jackson who personally attacked the presenters of information.


Can any reasonably prudent or intellectually honest person claim that so many voters in Maryland cast ballots that had not one voting position filled in?

Massive organized fraud is everywhere.
When the voters of PA elected a dead man and another who just had a stroke and could not talk, I like to think it was rigged.

At least, it makes me feel better about things.
It was George Soros and the Deep State using Bamboo Ballots from China
The survey found that even though trust in elections overall rebounded significantly after the 2022 elections, once you peel back the layers and look at different groups, you see very different stories for different parts of American society. Democrats’ trust bounced way up to 83 percent who trust American democracy, and 58 percent of independents. Both of those were a big rise from before the election. Republicans didn’t budge an inch though. Only 46 percent of Republicans said they trusted the American election system overall. Republicans were five times as likely as Democrats to say that the 2022 midterms reflected significant fraud.
Republicans were five times as likely as Democrats to say that the 2022 midterms reflected significant fraud.
After the 2020 and 2022 elections, Republicans faced a choice.

Is it our poor candidates and policies that are losing elections or are we being cheated?

Republicans chose the latter

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