The Stolen Land Of Iran

Please you are making yourself look very ignorant now. ALL Arab invasions were to spread Islam. You forget that Islam is not only a religion, but an ideology and way of life. That is what makes it incompatible with Western Civilization and democracy.

Being honest with yourself here, have you EVER actually read a book on Islamic history. Honestly.

As a side note, I am perfectly comfortable with my argument. I studied Islamic history and Islamic law sets formally at both the undergrad and graduate level. I would gladly have a formal debate with you on the subject with moderation.
Once again you are ignoring the fact that most Sassanian citizens weren't Zoroastrian. Not sure why you continuously make that error when I've pointed it out to you multiple times now.

From your own source by the way:

Coerced conversion was accordingly rare, the only significant exception being Qoṭayba b. Moslem’s campaign in Transoxania towards the end of the first Islamic century.

IRAN ix. RELIGIONS IN IRAN (2) Islam in Iran ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

And Muslim was the general who I already mentioned previously in the thread. Your own source supports everything that I have said.
As a Muslim I understand why you would want to make it look like Iranians actually willingly converted into Islam, to whitewash how Islam actually spread by invading Arab Jihadist savages. Approach any real Iranian with that suggestion, and they will laugh at you.
Once again you are ignoring the fact that most Sassanian citizens weren't Zoroastrian. Not sure why you continuously make that error when I've pointed it out to you multiple times now.

From your own source by the way:

Coerced conversion was accordingly rare, the only significant exception being Qoṭayba b. Moslem’s campaign in Transoxania towards the end of the first Islamic century.

IRAN ix. RELIGIONS IN IRAN (2) Islam in Iran ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

And Muslim was the general who I already mentioned previously in the thread. Your own source supports everything that I have said.
As a Muslim I understand why you would want to make it look like Iranians actually willingly converted into Islam, to whitewash how Islam actually spread by invading Arab Jihadist savages. Approach any real Iranian with that suggestion, and they will laugh at you.

That's your own initial source disagreeing with you there sport. And I'm not a Muslim.
Please you are making yourself look very ignorant now. ALL Arab invasions were to spread Islam. You forget that Islam is not only a religion, but an ideology and way of life. That is what makes it incompatible with Western Civilization and democracy.

Being honest with yourself here, have you EVER actually read a book on Islamic history. Honestly.

As a side note, I am perfectly comfortable with my argument. I studied Islamic history and Islamic law sets formally at both the undergrad and graduate level. I would gladly have a formal debate with you on the subject with moderation.
As a side note I was born and raised in a Muslim country and my background is from two additional Muslim countries and I can tell that you are Muslim propagandist who doesn't know jackshit about the history of Islam and Muslims.
Once again you are ignoring the fact that most Sassanian citizens weren't Zoroastrian. Not sure why you continuously make that error when I've pointed it out to you multiple times now.

From your own source by the way:

IRAN ix. RELIGIONS IN IRAN (2) Islam in Iran ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

And Muslim was the general who I already mentioned previously in the thread. Your own source supports everything that I have said.
As a Muslim I understand why you would want to make it look like Iranians actually willingly converted into Islam, to whitewash how Islam actually spread by invading Arab Jihadist savages. Approach any real Iranian with that suggestion, and they will laugh at you.

That's your own initial source disagreeing with you there sport. And I'm not a Muslim.
Yeah sure. This source disagrees with me: :cuckoo:

Stop making shit up.

The history of Zoroastrians of Iran after the Arab conquest can be summarized in three words: oppression, misery and massacre.

The Arabs invaded Persia not only for its reputed wealth, but to bring into the faith new converts and to impose Islam as the new state religion. They were religious zealots who believed that “in a religious war if one kills or is killed, one’s place in heaven is secure”. To impose the new religion, the old culture and creed had to be destroyed. Therefore first they targeted the libraries, universities and schools. Only few examples reflect the enormity of the calamity that befell upon Persia at 630 A.D. Although some events and figures appear legendary, nevertheless are considered to be true, as they have been recorded by many historians of the Islamic era.

When the Arab commander (Saad ibn-e Abi Vaghas) faced the huge library of Cteciphon, he wrote to Omar: what should be done about the books. Omar wrote back “If the books contradict the Koran, they are blasphemous and on the other hand if they are in agreement with the text of Koran, then they are not needed, as for us only Koran is sufficient”. Thus, the huge library was destroyed and the books or the product of the generations of Persian scientists and scholars were burned in fire or thrown into the Euphrates.[1] By the order of another Arab ruler (Ghotaibeh ibn-e Moslem) in Khwarezmia, those who were literate with all the historians, writers and Mobeds were massacred and their books burned so that after one generation the people were illiterate.[2] Other libraries in Ray and Khorassan received the same treatment and the famous international University of Gondishapour declined and eventually abandoned, and its library and books vanished. Ibn-e Khaldoun, the famous Islamic historian summarizes the whole anihilation and conflagration:” where is the Persian science that Omar ordered to be destroyed?” Only few books survived, because the Persian scholars translated them into Arabic.
You didn't answer the question ;)
What's the question? That Iranians "willingly converted into Islam". Dipstick when Arabs invaded successfully, Islam was always shoved down the conquered people's throats next.

You are joke.
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Yeah sure. This source disagrees with me: :cuckoo:

Coerced conversion was accordingly rare, the only significant exception being Qoṭayba b. Moslem’s campaign in Transoxania towards the end of the first Islamic century. IRAN ix. RELIGIONS IN IRAN (2) Islam in Iran ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

Yes, if you didn't convert you were oppressed, persecuted, treated as a second class citizen with less rights than Muslims, paid a special non Muslim tax, your religion's history obliterated, and that's when they were nice to you.

"coerced conversions were rare". LOL what a joke!
Yeah sure. This source disagrees with me: :cuckoo:

Coerced conversion was accordingly rare, the only significant exception being Qoṭayba b. Moslem’s campaign in Transoxania towards the end of the first Islamic century. IRAN ix. RELIGIONS IN IRAN (2) Islam in Iran ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

Yes, if you didn't convert you were oppressed, persecuted, treated as a second class citizen with less rights than Muslims, paid a special non Muslim tax, your religion's history obliterated, and that's when they were nice to you.

"coerced conversions were rare". LOL what a joke!

Persecution is counted as coercion. That was your own source which you used to initially support your own argument and it disagrees with you. Deal with it.

Or are you admitting that you were just googling random sources and used crap ones?
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Get a life. A non Muslim who gets a degree in Islamic history. That is so believable.

"Son what would you like to be when you grow up?"
"I want to know everything there is about Islamic history"

Ha ha ha.
Thanks. I'll take the Iranian Zoroastrian congress over your crap source.
Get a life. A non Muslim who gets a degree in Islamic history.

I don't have a degree in Islamic history. But you insisting that I must be some sort of secret Muslim follows the typical desperation path that seems to exist on this forum. It's sad that you have to attempt to reassure yourself about your own stances by making stuff up about me.

"Son what would you like to be when you grow up?"
"I want to know everything there is about Islamic history"

Ha ha ha.

You've never heard of Orientalists before? :confused:
Also, being honest with yourself for the fifth time: have you honestly EVER actually read a book on Islamic history?
I know enough, from living with Muslims all my life, and listening to their garbage propaganda. One of the themes were what you just stated, all these people "willingly converted". Maybe you'd have better luck at your local mosque about how great Islam was, and how all these people accepted it with open arms? Just saying.

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