The Summerize Obama's Speech Contest!!!!

You think a speach where you claim America refusing to lead would be a betrayal of who we are followed by we give up leadership on wednesday is an "excellent" speech?:cuckoo:


What a gem!


what country are you from, jambo?
Yeah, I'm not anal enough to spell check on a fucking message board... so what?

"Concidering" your excellent Catholic education, why should you need to spell-check?
Obama gave tax cuts to Billionaires and illegally bombed libya for oil, not to mention, gitmo is still open, the patriot act is continued, all wars are escalated, illegal drone attacks in Pakistan continue and illegal wiretaps are escalated

Obama needs a liberal nobel prize for murder and corruption

Obama is the worst President ever
Bush Jr. paved the way. But Obrahma is definitely playing right along with the globalist agenda.

This is what hoping for change is about. Get off your ass and quit hoping America....
Obama gave tax cuts to Billionaires and illegally bombed libya for oil, not to mention, gitmo is still open, the patriot act is continued, all wars are escalated, illegal drone attacks in Pakistan continue and illegal wiretaps are escalated

Obama needs a liberal nobel prize for murder and corruption

Obama is the worst President ever

Let us Hope they do?

Nobel Committee Asked to Strip Obama's Peace Prize
You think a speach where you claim America refusing to lead would be a betrayal of who we are followed by we give up leadership on wednesday is an "excellent" speech?:cuckoo:


What a gem!


what country are you from, jambo?
Yeah, I'm not anal enough to spell check on a fucking message board... so what?

It's called an education and a brain.

It predates the spell check.
Like I said,

You seriously have to worship at the alter of Obama to think that inconsistant piece of crap of a speach was "excellent". When the contradictions and lies flow from one sentence to the next "excellent" is not any description of what it was.

If Bush had given it they'd be rolling on the floor that he's a criminal

The action was wrong. The speech defending and explaining it was excellent. Is that too nuanced for a simpleton like you?
You seriously have to worship at the alter of Obama to think that inconsistent piece of crap of a speech was "excellent". When the contradictions and lies flow from one sentence to the next "excellent" is not any description of what it was.

If Bush had given it they'd be rolling on the floor that he's a criminal

The action was wrong. The speech defending and explaining it was excellent. Is that too nuanced for a simpleton like you?
The speech was sorry. It was replete with contradictions and flat out lies. Not what anyone could call "excellent".
It's called an education and a brain.

It predates the spell check.
They're called an education and a brain. dumbass.

I was referring to the ability to spell, which is singular.
eh? In context, that makes sense.

Don't really care, can't type either. You want to make fun of spelling on a message board... have at it. It makes no difference to your inane assessment of the President's speech as "excellent". How many more contradictions would you allow him before you downgraded to grrrrrreat!!!

the speech was excellent, even if the policy is wrong. Anyone who supports the policy but is still bashing the speech has ODS.

I don't support the policy, but the president's explanation and defense of it was superb. No, it didn't change my mind.

It's even more depressing when bad ideas can be eloquently and convincingly promoted and defended.
You think a speach where you claim America refusing to lead would be a betrayal of who we are followed by we give up leadership on wednesday is an "excellent" speech?:cuckoo:


What a gem!

There is no contradiction there. He's wrong, but not contradictory.

the speech was excellent, even if the policy is wrong. Anyone who supports the policy but is still bashing the speech has ODS.

I don't support the policy, but the president's explanation and defense of it was superb. No, it didn't change my mind.

It's even more depressing when bad ideas can be eloquently and convincingly promoted and defended.
You think a speech where you claim America refusing to lead would be a betrayal of who we are followed by we give up leadership on Wednesday is an "excellent" speech?:cuckoo:


What a gem!

There is no contradiction there. He's wrong, but not contradictory.
Humanitarian bombs? A NFZ attacking tanks and artillery? We're not backing the rebels, but due to our efforts they've retaken towns? Khadaffy must go, but we're not trying to remove him?

And saying a failure to lead would be a betrayal of who we are followed by we give up leading on Wednesday is an admission of a preplanned betrayal... which we were supposedly acting to not do.
One other word I neglected to state about the speech...


How? Specifically.
Do you not get that he just made Libya a national responsibility while shifting any from himself?

Carbonated knows...He just plays stupid...refuses to stay in A Holiday Inn Express...and then tries to nail people with garbage.

Lest we forget Obama's "CAIRO SPEECH"...and whom these 'Rebels' really are...and we are headed to another EGYPT, IRAN...

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Bush Jr. paved the way. But Obrahma is definitely playing right along with the globalist agenda.

That, in itself, should convince anyone with half a brain that the President of the United States is only a figurehead for the real rulers of America, the International Zionists, who continue on their merry way no matter who or what is elected President.
Bush Jr. paved the way. But Obrahma is definitely playing right along with the globalist agenda.

That, in itself, should convince anyone with half a brain that the President of the United States is only a figurehead for the real rulers of America, the International Zionists, who continue on their merry way no matter who or what is elected President.
The dumbass Jew hating conspiracy nut thread is ----->>>>>>> that way.

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