The superiority complex of the faithless is their Achilles heel


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
I find their obliviousness to this just a wee bit ironic.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
I find their obliviousness to this just a wee bit ironic.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

To be fair it is not all atheists/agnostics that suffer from this, but there are those who do. I call them "asshole atheists" i.e. the ones who get sand up their anus upon seeing a street sign with the word heaven in it, or a cross on a hilltop on state park land.
Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.
Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.

I think this is more about arrogance then intelligence.

IQ and being a dick are not directly correlated. If that were the case Steven Hawking would be launching kittens from a slingshot attached to his wheelchair.
I don't subscribe to any religion, but I think this is the reason religion is a positive in folks' lives. The whole point of religion is to recognize there is a higher power to which we are accountable.

Living a life of gratitude and modesty and compassion is the way to an emotionally healthy and satisfactory life. A life arranged around one's ego and self gratification is ultimately self destructive.
I think the same holds true for believers...their belief in their superior righteousness and knowledge tends to bite them in the patootey. With a lot of believers, there seems to be a nearly automatic assumption that I know nothing about their faith. In point of fact, I was an active and faithful Christian for more than 30 years. They assume that I must have gotten butthurt over something and left, but it really was because the more I learned and thought about my particular religion, the less logical it seemed. They also assume I'm immoral (not) and angry at god (not). I just don't believe. I often wish I did, but it apparently wasn't meant to be.

To quote another poster (wink),

whatcha gonna do?
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Yes the arrogance to think they have it all figured out and eveyrone is supposed to follow their way.
I think the same holds true for believers...their belief in their superior righteousness and knowledge tends to bite them in the patootey. With a lot of believers, there seems to be a nearly automatic assumption that I know nothing about their faith. In point of fact, I was an active and faithful Christian for more than 30 years. They assume that I must have gotten butthurt over something and left, but it really was because the more I learned and thought about my particular religion, the less logical it seemed. They also assume I'm immoral (not) and angry at god (not). I just don't believe. I often wish I did, but it apparently wasn't meant to be.

To quote another poster (wink),

What can you do?

A militant believers self projection to me is different that the one from a militant atheist. One has to remember, as stated by baruch, that most religions include humility as a prime character trait. That and the belief that those who oppose them will get thier due from God sooner or later to me mitigates some of thier haughtiness.

What adds to a militant atheist's hubris to me IS their correlation of intelligence with lack of belief. It approaches a level of disdain I dont see in the other direction.

However, get into trying to teach a militant belivers's KIDS about atheism, then all hell will break loose, not in a haughty condescending way, but of the old timey bibical shitstorm variety.
Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.

I think this is more about arrogance then intelligence.

IQ and being a dick are not directly correlated. If that were the case Steven Hawking would be launching kittens from a slingshot attached to his wheelchair.

People of religious belief think more often then not simply having that belief entitles them to heaven and people who don't share that belief are condemned to hell. That's a level of arrogance no atheist will ever be able to fulfill.

It's never atheists playing the holier than thou card.
A militant believers self projection to me is different that the one from a militant atheist.

It is different. I've never seen a militant atheist chortle in glee about another person's impending eternal stay in god's big deep fryer. There is an active thread on this board where a believer does just that. it's rather difficult to respond to that sort of behavior without some degree of disdain.
Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.

Perhaps they do, that's great. I respect those with a higher education and those in science and all that many contribute to serve/help us all.

However, does that make them right about there being no God? No, not at all. Just because someone hasn't experienced a relationship with God doesn't mean He doesn't exist.

At the end of the day, or at our funerals, most of the time our IQ isn't even going to be brought up, but rather how we made others feel, how we served and helped others, or how we loved others.

Besides... most of us can say we've gotten humbled (or pwned, as some call it,lol) by the simplest of words from others who may not have as high an IQ as we do.

1 Corinthians 3

19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.


1 Corinthians 1: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.

And white people have higher IQ's than black people on average.

What conclusions do you draw from that fact?
Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.

I think this is more about arrogance then intelligence.

IQ and being a dick are not directly correlated. If that were the case Steven Hawking would be launching kittens from a slingshot attached to his wheelchair.

People of religious belief think more often then not simply having that belief entitles them to heaven and people who don't share that belief are condemned to hell. That's a level of arrogance no atheist will ever be able to fulfill.

It's never atheists playing the holier than thou card.

Technically they can't play the holier than thou card, but some of them do play the "smarter than you, mouthbreather" card.
Google atheism+IQ

So you can't say atheists are all smarter than all believers, but on average they have a higher IQ.

Perhaps they do, that's great. I respect those with a higher education and those in science and all that many contribute to serve/help us all.

However, does that make them right about there being no God? No, not at all. Just because someone hasn't experienced a relationship with God doesn't mean He doesn't exist.

At the end of the day, or at our funerals, most of the time our IQ isn't even going to be brought up, but rather how we made others feel, how we served and helped others, or how we loved others.

Besides... most of us can say we've gotten humbled (or pwned, as some call it,lol) by the simplest of words from others who may not have as high an IQ as we do.

1 Corinthians 3

19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.


1 Corinthians 1: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;


Well said and I agree, morality trumps IQ level.

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