The Supreme Court has been court-packed several times in the past


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

I kicked your ass on this before, you lying little fuck.

Article III of the United States Constitution, a document you have never read, and no member of your filthy traitorous party has read, says;

Article III
Primary tabs
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Section 2.

Congress has NO authority over the Court which is a coequal branch of government. The SCOTUS has EXCLUSIVE authority over the size and structure of the court.
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

I kicked your ass on this before, you lying little fuck.

Article III of the United States Constitution, a document you have never read, and no member of your filthy traitorous party has read, says;

Article III
Primary tabs
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Section 2.

Congress has NO authority over the Court which is a coequal branch of government. The SCOTUS has EXCLUSIVE authority over the size and structure of the court.
Yeah I don't see any instruction on congress or the executive modifying the court
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

You got anything from the last century and a half? The only time during that period, FDR tried to get congress to do it and they refused. He was pissed that the court struck down much of his wish list. Of course he ultimately got his way, because the court caved and became a rubber stamp for him. A sad period in our history.

SO it's just fine for Trump & the GOP to be a slimy, hypocritical, unethical bitches, but Democrats can't do that?
Sounds like a Double Standard to me!
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

I kicked your ass on this before, you lying little fuck.

Article III of the United States Constitution, a document you have never read, and no member of your filthy traitorous party has read, says;

Article III
Primary tabs
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Section 2.

Congress has NO authority over the Court which is a coequal branch of government. The SCOTUS has EXCLUSIVE authority over the size and structure of the court.
Copy and pasting the Constitution and getting nice stickers from conservative forum nicknames don't make your BS true.
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

You got anything from the last century and a half? The only time during that period, FDR tried to get congress to do it and they refused. He was pissed that the court struck down much of his wish list. Of course he ultimately got his way, because the court caved and became a rubber stamp for him. A sad period in our history.

You got any change of the Constitution regarding Court packing from the last century and a half?
You're getting your ass kicked in this one.
To expand the USSC to thirteen seats, with Biden or Harris as POTUS, would restore integrity to the highest court, integrity that was lost with the impeached president trump's appointees.

And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

You got anything from the last century and a half? The only time during that period, FDR tried to get congress to do it and they refused. He was pissed that the court struck down much of his wish list. Of course he ultimately got his way, because the court caved and became a rubber stamp for him. A sad period in our history.

You got any change of the Constitution regarding Court packing from the last century and a half?
You're getting your ass kicked in this one.

You ass hats haven't seen an ass kicking, but you will if you try to eliminate all the checks and balances in the system. Which you commies are trying to do.

And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

I kicked your ass on this before, you lying little fuck.

Article III of the United States Constitution, a document you have never read, and no member of your filthy traitorous party has read, says;

Article III
Primary tabs
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Section 2.

Congress has NO authority over the Court which is a coequal branch of government. The SCOTUS has EXCLUSIVE authority over the size and structure of the court.
Copy and pasting the Constitution and getting nice stickers from conservative forum nicknames don't make your BS true.

I realize how much you and your traitor party HATE HATE HATE the Constitution, nevertheless it remains the law of the land, despite your violent efforts to subvert it.

Simply put, IF a Communist party controlled congress attempted to pervert the court, the SCOTUS (most likely unanimously) will declare the plot unconstitutional, as I have shown it to be.
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.
Trump should start the process now and pack the Court with 24-year-old gun nuts who will overturn every election in the dems favor.

I support it. I want to go ahead and have fiat Court rule.
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.

I kicked your ass on this before, you lying little fuck.

Article III of the United States Constitution, a document you have never read, and no member of your filthy traitorous party has read, says;

Article III
Primary tabs
Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Section 2.

Congress has NO authority over the Court which is a coequal branch of government. The SCOTUS has EXCLUSIVE authority over the size and structure of the court.
Copy and pasting the Constitution and getting nice stickers from conservative forum nicknames don't make your BS true.

What a fucking stupid fuck!
To expand the USSC to thirteen seats, with Biden or Harris as POTUS, would restore integrity to the highest court, integrity that was lost with the impeached president trump's appointees.


So "integrity" is defined as "communist rule."

That we have 150 years of precedent isn't integrity? No, the Communists are losing so they demand they be able to cheat, to rig things in their favor.

That's the opposite of integrity, scumbag.

We can be a nation of laws, or we can be a nation of violence. We can not be a nation of "waaahhhh, mine". Fuck you crybully traitors.

If you vermin attempt to corrupt the courts, the courts will strike you down. As you increase the violence and terrorism you are currently engaged in, we the people will strike you scum down.
And FDR wanted to expand it but failed.
Congress has the authority to court-pack, even for political reasons.
Every time the court was expanded, it was for political reasons:
When Chief Justice John Marshall wrote Marbury v. Madison, he sat as one of six members of the fully-staffed Supreme Court. President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Party congressional majority shrank the size of the Court from six to five in 1801 to limit Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the bench. The new Democratic-Republican majority under President Jefferson quickly restored the sixth seat and expanded the Court to seven seats in 1807 when Congress created a seventh circuit court.

Congress expanded the Court from seven to nine members under Andrew Jackson in 1837. And thirty years later, during the midst of the U.S. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln named a tenth justice to the Supreme Court, apparently motivated partly by a desire to ensure the Court would not interfere with Union war tactics.

Congress’s actions to shrink the Supreme Court from ten to seven immediately after the war were even more nakedly partisan. Congress denied President Andrew Johnson the ability to nominate justices who might oppose the congressional Reconstruction plan. President Ulysses Grant increased the Court back to nine seats after it ruled “greenback” paper currency unconstitutional, giving him two extra appointments. The newly constituted Court reheard the case and reversed.
Trump should start the process now and pack the Court with 24-year-old gun nuts who will overturn every election in the dems favor.

I support it. I want to go ahead and have fiat Court rule.

They can rule that the democrat Party is conspiring with the CCP and declare them an enemy combatant

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