The Supreme Court Of The United States Is Guilty Of Subornation Of Perjury

Freedom has the built in limit of when it harms others, and discrimination is deliberately harmful to others, so is illegal.
Otherwise you are claiming that we should have the "freedom" to rape and murder.
Discrimination harms NO ONE

that is fact you keep lying about

When I turn down a date with a fat woman it is discrimination and harms no one. It might hurt her feelings but that is not harm
Freedom has the built in limit of when it harms others, and discrimination is deliberately harmful to others, so is illegal.
Otherwise you are claiming that we should have the "freedom" to rape and murder.
Nope. Forced diversity always harms national cohesiveness. The forced busing of the 1970s, for example, did nothing but destroy neighborhood schools.
How is a web designer turning away a customer without any valid reason, anything but discrimination?
She had a valid reason, it went against her religious beliefs, which is also a Constitutional right.
The SCOTUS allowed individuals to illegal discriminate against a whole section of society.
That violates the 14th amendment of the Constitution.
That puts all minorities at risk, including conservatives.
Not at all, a gay couple can still get a website from the lady, but if they want her to design one that would promote their wedding. She doesn't have to do it. If a gay couple likes a baker, the baker can sell them anything off the shelf. But he doesn't have to make one specifically for their wedding.
Nope. Forced diversity always harms national cohesiveness. The forced busing of the 1970s, for example, did nothing but destroy neighborhood schools.
Forced diversity was not the problem. Forced racism is.

Forced racism caused forced neighborhood segregaton and less funds for schools in black neighborhood schools.
What I find amazing is that the LGBT crowd doesn't understand the morality pendulum of any society. But they couldn't stop the pushing and never once considering that there was going to be an ever increasing backswing from their progressive agenda.

And the backlash is gaining MASS and SPEED.....of course the conservatives will push hard and long and go way too far.
Bullshit. This activist Court accepted a case that should never have gone anywhere.

It was based on a lie and throws the whole idea of “standing” ( someone who has been harmed) out the window…

This court has long ago discarded the entire idea of precedent.

That is a moot concept now
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What I find amazing is that the LGBT crowd doesn't understand the morality pendulum of any society. But they couldn't stop the pushing and never once considering that there was going to be an ever increasing backswing from their progressive agenda.

And the backlash is gaining MASS and SPEED.....of course the conservatives will push hard and long and go way too far.
That's exactly right
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A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
This is so ridiculous as to be laughable. Do you think this is the first court that has taken this issue up. So you are questioning the entire US justice system? You're a shithouse lawyer at best. STFU about things you have no knowledge of.
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
Daily kos? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :cuckoo::cuckoo::laughing0301:
How is a web designer turning away a customer without any valid reason, anything but discrimination?
Maybe read the opinion...she had a valid reason. Creating it violated her religious's not that hard. She was willing to do other work for them, just not their wedding. This is no different their the baker case, where people were trying to force a man to bake a cake for their wedding, and violate his religious beliefs. He too, was willing to make them other cakes, or sell them whatever else they wanted.

Why is it that you all think it's ok to force people to violate their religous beliefs? what's next, are ya'll gonna force Jews to eat pork?
Bullshit. This activist Court accepted a case that should never have gone anywhere.

It was based on a lie and throws the whole idea of “standing” ( someone who has been harmed) out the window…

This court has long ago discarded the entire idea of precedent.

That is a moot concept now
This was not going away..ever. It was going to happen again and again and again..... additionally I find your choice of factoids much too convenient.
Go read it first. Then take a class on it.
I've read the Constitution and clearly uinderstand it better than you. Liberals like you get irate if every SC decision doesn't go your way so you want to pack the court with Liberal judges. That is not America.

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