The Supreme Court Of The United States Is Guilty Of Subornation Of Perjury

Is this really the kind of country you were hoping for?

Seems that no one is really happy, least of all Trump.
Your perception is wrong. American patriots are ecstatic. We just don't show our emotions like immature children like the left does.
The complaint is that it IS a “pre-emotive lawsuit” and you proved it so.

The SC does not take such cases… I’m a normal world
There are legal standards for both the troll and the pre-emptive lawsuit. (Both have similar standards) Conditions of these things were fully met so they moved forward with the process and legal standing was proven even though the "troll" was not able to be produced nor was it necessary.

You are not a lawyer and yet you try to play one on the internet with half baked propaganda ideas.

It's not helping your reputation.
The Court does not take “pre-emptive” lawsuits

In a normal world.

There has to be “standing”. Someone harmed..
She filed the suit to seek an injunction against Colorado law which she correctly believed was unConstitutional
It is harmless and has never harmed a sould intention is irrelevant.

It is legal and morally good

I discriminae against dumb fucking marxists like you and no haerm is done I do it intentionally and it is a morally good thing

First of all, it is always foolish and harmful to allow any discrimination, since it always increases social polarization and results in violence.
Since those that are so selfish as to want to discriminate are so harmful, they need to be removed.
Obviously you are lying because if discrimination was not harmful, you would not do it.
Your intent is to cause as much harm as possible.
Which is inherently immoral.
Courts are supposed to base decisions on facts.

Trump’s justices no longer care about facts. They are more than happy to ignore truth to justify whatever they wanted to do in the first place.
Yeah, and they did...the facts presented. They aren't allowed to go out and find their own facts...the arguments were presented by both parties....The facts are clear and the law is clear. This isn't a complex case at all.
um, the case didn't overturn anything about being able to discrimate...secondly, if there was perjury, it's not the Courts job to prosecute it.

You need to stop getting your news from propaganda websites

How is a web designer turning away a customer without any valid reason, anything but discrimination?
First of all, it is always foolish and harmful to allow any discrimination, since it always increases social polarization and results in violence.
Since those that are so selfish as to want to discriminate are so harmful, they need to be removed.
Obviously you are lying because if discrimination was not harmful, you would not do it.
Your intent is to cause as much harm as possible.
Which is inherently immoral.
It NEVER results in violence.

It is absolutely a human right asnd the only harm comes from trying to ban it.

All people discriminate including you so remove yourself forever

I do it as you do because it is harmless
Welcome to freedom, dumbass.

Freedom has the built in limit of when it harms others, and discrimination is deliberately harmful to others, so is illegal.
Otherwise you are claiming that we should have the "freedom" to rape and murder.
The suit contained falsehoods.

This isn’t the first time. Remember when Gorsuch pretended the religious football coach was praying quietly to himself.

Read the suit that I linked a few pages back and you show me the falsehoods. I don’t read Brietbart or other far right wing sites, with lots of spin nor do I read rawstory or DailyKos which are far left wing sites with lots of spin.

show the falsehoods in the suit and let me know, try thinking on your own and not let others tell you what to think.

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