The Supreme Court Of The United States Is Guilty Of Subornation Of Perjury

The leftwing judges are the ones who are partisan, douchebag.

If one allows discrimination, that is inherently partisan.
If one is not partisan, then they can not allow discrimination against anyone.
There is no such thing as illegal or harmful discrimination.

There has never been and never will be a war over iindividual choice

Discrimination is not only harmful, but it is always deliberately intended to be harmful.
And that clearly is an evil and illegal intent.
I cannot wait till Trump becomes president again and kills all liberal policies. Also for every lawsuit that is won, because a child was groomed into a sex change. The democrat party should have to match every penny the doctors pay. If it wasn't for democrats in school grooming these kids. We wouldn't have this problem.
Fits right in with the Orange sexual abuser's cult.
Any evidence of any of those accusations?
Because even Trump court appointed Judges will throw any of that out of their courts in a second.
COVID BS,BLM,Ukraine,The Biden’s foreign business practices ,Climate change bs. Pretty much anything the DNC supports.
Discrimination is not only harmful, but it is always deliberately intended to be harmful.
And that clearly is an evil and illegal intent.
It is harmless and has never harmed a sould intention is irrelevant.

It is legal and morally good

I discriminae against dumb fucking marxists like you and no haerm is done I do it intentionally and it is a morally good thing
So you will no longer ever work with any conservatives?

I work with conservatives because they are smart enough to understand why arbitrary discrimination has to always remain illegal.
Those who do not, are not conservatives, because they are not sticking with "original principles" of the constitution.
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
um, the case didn't overturn anything about being able to discrimate...secondly, if there was perjury, it's not the Courts job to prosecute it.

You need to stop getting your news from propaganda websites
um, the case didn't overturn anything about being able to discrimate...secondly, if there was perjury, it's not the Courts job to prosecute it.

You need to stop getting your news from propaganda websites
If there was perjury the case should be discarded
um, the case didn't overturn anything about being able to discrimate...secondly, if there was perjury, it's not the Courts job to prosecute it.

You need to stop getting your news from propaganda websites
Courts are supposed to base decisions on facts.

Trump’s justices no longer care about facts. They are more than happy to ignore truth to justify whatever they wanted to do in the first place.
I work with conservatives because they are smart enough to understand why arbitrary discrimination has to always remain illegal.
Those who do not, are not conservatives, because they are not sticking with "original principles" of the constitution.
It is legal and all laws restricting it must be repealed

All reasonjable people know this.

The original principles of the constituon protect the right to arbitrary discrimination
I work with conservatives because they are smart enough to understand why arbitrary discrimination has to always remain illegal.
Those who do not, are not conservatives, because they are not sticking with "original principles" of the constitution.
There are lots of “conservatives” in Russia huh… ya know… where you work.

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