The Supreme Court Of The United States Is Guilty Of Subornation Of Perjury

Packing it with activist "conservative" Justices sure isn't
Conservatives as activists! All they do is put a lasso around your Propaganda control agendas to slow them down. That in itself may teach people more personal responsibilities in their ways of living.
  1. Jump to essay-2Federal courts must necessarily resolve standing inquiries before proceeding to the merits of a lawsuit. See, e.g., Davis v. FEC, 554 U.S. 724, 732 (2008). In fact, a court may raise the issue of standing sua sponte (i.e., of its own accord) in order to ensure that it has jurisdiction, even if no party to the lawsuit contests standing. See, e.g., Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Mineta, 534 U.S. 103, 110 (2001) (per curiam). Although the Supreme Court must examine a litigant’s standing when the lower court has erroneously assumed that standing exists, it will not investigate standing sua sponte in order to rule upon an issue that a lower court denied the litigant standing to bring before the court. Id.
Because standing isn't an issue.
See above. Standing is ALWAYS an issue
There is no lie.
There was no injured party. THAT is the lie
Seeing as this case was brought by the BUSINESS OWNER, and BEFORE she ever began offering the services in question, your claim is bullshit.
Well now she has learned well from watching if that's the case. Though I think you're a fool if you assume that what your hearing is absolute truth...smells like severe confirmation Bias...I would wait to see if what you think is the case is actually true Mr.Steele. The supreme court has an army of paralegals and think that the liberal justices wouldn't have screamed like stuck Rats weeks ago?

Doesn't pass the smell test.

Well now she has learned well from watching if that's the case. Though I think you're a fool if you assume that what your hearing is absolute truth...smells like severe confirmation Bias...I would wait to see if what you think is the case is actually true Mr.Steele.
So you have no evidence other than what was reported and since you don't WANT to believe simply ignore it.

Sadly, most of it is actually true, from researching it myself....:(

The case should have never been taken up by the Supreme Court....

And the case was created, out of thin air to purposely make it to the S.C. for this court to legislate from the bench, their partisan will.... there was no harm done to her by another person for the S.C. justices to adjudicate

it was all a hypothetical....The SC claims they do not take hypothetical cases on their website....
I am confident that this deplorable SCOTUS is going to be a pivotal issue in the 2024 General Election. Now Dems can hold these regressive, unconstitutional rulings we have seen lately up as examples of "every vote for a Republican candidate being a vote to take our country BACKWARDS."
Just like the way the screwed up Dobbs decision last year thwarted the "red wave" everybody was anticipating for last November, these recent SCOTUS rulings are actually going to be quite a gift for Dems in 2024.
Even though Republicans don't like to ever aknowledge the elephant in the room....that the American electorate is changing demographically, with minorities quickly overtaking Anglos as the majority of the voting public, and that majority favoring progressive, liberal policies; they know it is happening right before their eyes.
So what is their solution?
Well, aside from their standard old tricks of trying to steal elections by gerrymandering and suppressing the minority vote they just double down on their regressive, conservative bullshit like trickle-down economic policy, corporate welfare.....and yes, installing judicial activists on the nation's highest court.
Don't worry though.
This is going to be fresh on voter's minds as they go vote in 2024.
It is going to be impossible for The GOP to slip out from under this this time. It is too BIG and a glaring example of where Republicans want to take our nation if they have their way.
Back to 1939.
Americans are NOT having it anymore!
That is why Republicans can't win elections nowdays, as evidenced by last November.
In November 2024 expect Dems to take The House, The Senate, and The White House.
It's going to be a blue tsunami!
Injured by an event that never occurred?

Standing is ALWAYS an issue
If standing is an issue. It doesn't apply in this case because everyone has standing. Smith alleges that the creation of the statute is the harm. That's why the State of Colorado and the Director of Civil Rights are named in the lawsuit.
So you have no evidence other than what was reported and since you don't WANT to believe simply ignore it.

Do some critical thinking. You have three dissenting judges with a collective research staff numbering in the hundreds. But they missed it?

I don't think so.

Bullshit. This activist Court accepted a case that should never have gone anywhere.

It was based on a lie and throws the whole idea of “standing” ( someone who has been harmed) out the window…

This court has long ago discarded the entire idea of precedent.

That is a moot concept now
We'll see about that when Armstrong vs. Bush I & II gets revisited here shortly.
Your post says nothing about standing or the lie that is at the root of this bullshit decision
Well there you go.... perfectly reasonable explanation. I don't know why he assumes that it would even get that far if it had no standing ...literally hundreds of paralegals and law clerks all missed this error? No way.

I am confident that this deplorable SCOTUS is going to be a pivotal issue in the 2024 General Election. Now Dems can hold these regressive, unconstitutional rulings we have seen lately up as examples of "every vote for a Republican candidate being a vote to take our country BACKWARDS."
Just like the way the screwed up Dobbs decision last year thwarted the "red wave" everybody was anticipating for last November, these recent SCOTUS rulings are actually going to be quite a gift for Dems in 2024.
Even though Republicans don't like to ever aknowledge the elephant in the room....that the American electorate is changing demographically, with minorities quickly overtaking Anglos as the majority of the voting public, and that majority favoring progressive, liberal policies; they know it is happening right before their eyes.
So what is their solution?
Well, aside from their standard old tricks of trying to steal elections by gerrymandering and suppressing the minority vote they just double down on their regressive, conservative bullshit like trickle-down economic policy, corporate welfare.....and yes, installing judicial activists on the nation's highest court.
Don't worry though.
This is going to be fresh on voter's minds as they go vote in 2024.
It is going to be impossible for The GOP to slip out from under this this time. It is too BIG and a glaring example of where Republicans want to take our nation if they have their way.
Back to 1939.
Americans are NOT having it anymore!
That is why Republicans can't win elections nowdays, as evidenced by last November.
In November 2024 expect Dems to take The House, The Senate, and The White House.
It's going to be a blue tsunami!
That happens say hello to the all new United Soviet States of Maerikastan. REAL Americans will not tolerate the obvious far Left Communist takeover by you filth.
I am confident that this deplorable SCOTUS is going to be a pivotal issue in the 2024 General Election. Now Dems can hold these regressive, unconstitutional rulings we have seen lately up as examples of "every vote for a Republican candidate being a vote to take our country BACKWARDS."
Just like the way the screwed up Dobbs decision last year thwarted the "red wave" everybody was anticipating for last November, these recent SCOTUS rulings are actually going to be quite a gift for Dems in 2024.
Even though Republicans don't like to ever aknowledge the elephant in the room....that the American electorate is changing demographically, with minorities quickly overtaking Anglos as the majority of the voting public, and that majority favoring progressive, liberal policies; they know it is happening right before their eyes.
So what is their solution?
Well, aside from their standard old tricks of trying to steal elections by gerrymandering and suppressing the minority vote they just double down on their regressive, conservative bullshit like trickle-down economic policy, corporate welfare.....and yes, installing judicial activists on the nation's highest court.
Don't worry though.
This is going to be fresh on voter's minds as they go vote in 2024.
It is going to be impossible for The GOP to slip out from under this this time. It is too BIG and a glaring example of where Republicans want to take our nation if they have their way.
Back to 1939.
Americans are NOT having it anymore!
That is why Republicans can't win elections nowdays, as evidenced by last November.
In November 2024 expect Dems to take The House, The Senate, and The White House.
It's going to be a blue tsunami!
Condense your argument to a few well worded sentences.
You vastly underestimate the number of staunch democrats who were dead set against the debt relief. I know many. AA? Once again you have vastly underestimated the sheer numbers of those embittered by it....most of them lefties .


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