The Taxed Enough Already Party

Now how could a normal American hate such a group? OH thats right people get grumpy and ready to fight when the free meal is taken away.
The fact that the T.E.A. Party gets bashed from both the Left AND the Right is proof positive it's the right way to go.

HINT: Democrats and Republicans play for the same team.

Yep, they want to shake up the status quo, and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable....unless it's their idea.:D
Easy...they are in direct contrast to modern liberalism.
Liberals want to raise taxes, tea party - lower them.
Liberals believe government spending is the answer to all problems, TEA's believe government spending is a fundamental reason for problems.
Liberals want to increase entitlement spending and expand into more entitlements - TEA's want to reduce entitlements and even end some.

The Tea Party to the left represents a tremendous threat. It would be the end of the world to them if the party entered mainstream America.

Taxes have been lowered under democrats, income taxes that is. Entitlements have been reduced under Obama and some are to be phased out, like the section 8 housing payments. Fed aid to help with home heating and cooling bills. Fair taxes that would be nice. I would like to see millionaires and billionaires, companies too pay taxes like many others do.

Tax outrage: 1,400 millionaires didn't pay U.S. income taxes in 2009

or are you teabaggers only wanting the poor to pay more?
Easy...they are in direct contrast to modern liberalism.
Liberals want to raise taxes, tea party - lower them.
Liberals believe government spending is the answer to all problems, TEA's believe government spending is a fundamental reason for problems.
Liberals want to increase entitlement spending and expand into more entitlements - TEA's want to reduce entitlements and even end some.

The Tea Party to the left represents a tremendous threat. It would be the end of the world to them if the party entered mainstream America.

Taxes have been lowered under democrats, income taxes that is. Entitlements have been reduced under Obama and some are to be phased out, like the section 8 housing payments. Fed aid to help with home heating and cooling bills. Fair taxes that would be nice. I would like to see millionaires and billionaires, companies too pay taxes like many others do.

Tax outrage: 1,400 millionaires didn't pay U.S. income taxes in 2009

or are you teabaggers only wanting the poor to pay more?

Taxes have been lowered under democrats, income taxes that is.

Taxes were lowered under obama? when you have to pay it back at the end of the tax year it's not called lowering taxes. If you had a job you would realize any income taxes that were cut were also taxed at the end of the tax year.

Entitlements have been reduced under Obama and some are to be phased out, like the section 8 housing payments.

New numbers of food stamp takers is not cutting entitlements.

are you teabaggers only wanting the poor to pay more

paying one dollar would be more from some of the poor.
Yes, progressives cant stand the thought of individualism....

They're communists er collectivists... Our Bill of Rights is a threat to their collectivism because it recognizes individuals and not groups...

protection of Individual freedoms and rights.

so why did 44 of the Tea Party vote for keeping the patriot act?
Why are they against Gays?
Against the right to not believe in god?
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Our mission is based on the U.S. Constitution's original principles and not on any political party platform. We must return the United States to the States and the people as spelled out in the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution was written by our founders to limit the powers of the federal government, instead, giving the power to the people and the States.

What’s the TPM’s position on the following Supreme Court Cases?

Marbury v Madison (1803)

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

Exparte Young (1908)

West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish

United States v. Darby Lumber Co (1941)

Cooper v. Aaron (1958)

Or does the TPM simply reject the doctrine of judicial review and the rule of law altogether?

We must return the United States to the States and the people as spelled out in the U.S. Constitution.

Where is that ‘spelled out’? Is it the position of the TPM that states may violate the Constitutional rights of their citizens? And if not to whom do citizens appeal for relief when their rights are violated by the state or a local jurisdiction?

The U.S. Constitution was written by our founders to limit the powers of the federal government, instead, giving the power to the people and the States.

And if the TPM is an advocate of ‘limit[ing] the powers of the federal government,’ why do so many advocate government preemption of citizens’ right to privacy with regard to abortion, right to equal protection with regard to same sex marriage, and advocate conjoining of church and State in violation of the First Amendment with regard to school prayer?

As a committed group of ordinary Americans, we will achieve this by promoting candidates who commit to the original founding principles of the U.S. Constitution of limited federal government, states' rights, balanced budgets, individual liberty, freedom and personal responsibility.

Case law in support of the above?

Cite in the Constitution where a ‘balanced budget’ is mandated.

Does the ‘TPM Constitution’ have a 14th Amendment? Or any of the Amendments, for that matter.

This profound and comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, its case law, and the judicial process in general is one of many reasons why the TPM must be opposed.
protection of Individual freedoms and rights.

so why did 44 of the Tea Party vote for keeping the patriot act?
Why are they against Gays?
Against the right to not believe in god?

The people of the TEA party like democrats and repblicans can be fooled Those 44 will be dealt with when the next election comes up.
Our mission is based on the U.S. Constitution's original principles and not on any political party platform. We must return the United States to the States and the people as spelled out in the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution was written by our founders to limit the powers of the federal government, instead, giving the power to the people and the States.

What’s the TPM’s position on the following Supreme Court Cases?

Marbury v Madison (1803)

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

Exparte Young (1908)

West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish

United States v. Darby Lumber Co (1941)

Cooper v. Aaron (1958)

Or does the TPM simply reject the doctrine of judicial review and the rule of law altogether?

We must return the United States to the States and the people as spelled out in the U.S. Constitution.

Where is that ‘spelled out’? Is it the position of the TPM that states may violate the Constitutional rights of their citizens? And if not to whom do citizens appeal for relief when their rights are violated by the state or a local jurisdiction?

The U.S. Constitution was written by our founders to limit the powers of the federal government, instead, giving the power to the people and the States.

And if the TPM is an advocate of ‘limit[ing] the powers of the federal government,’ why do so many advocate government preemption of citizens’ right to privacy with regard to abortion, right to equal protection with regard to same sex marriage, and advocate conjoining of church and State in violation of the First Amendment with regard to school prayer?

As a committed group of ordinary Americans, we will achieve this by promoting candidates who commit to the original founding principles of the U.S. Constitution of limited federal government, states' rights, balanced budgets, individual liberty, freedom and personal responsibility.

Case law in support of the above?

Cite in the Constitution where a ‘balanced budget’ is mandated.

Does the ‘TPM Constitution’ have a 14th Amendment? Or any of the Amendments, for that matter.

This profound and comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, its case law, and the judicial process in general is one of many reasons why the TPM must be opposed.

Look just because some judge made a ruling does not mean that ruling is Constitutional.

My guide is the Constitution To many liberal judges to even give a shit about them

Cite in the Constitution where a ‘balanced budget’ is mandated.
It's called the amendment process don't you liberals claim the Constitution is a living document? Oh and who wouldn't want a balanced budget?

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