The Tea Party loves the Constitution?

Big big fail. They despised Centralized Government. The concept of one size fits all whether you like it or not is absurd. You totally miss the point of enumerated Powers and Federalism. That explains so much.

If they despised a centralized government they had the capability to specifically exclude it in the Constitution. They chose not to do so

Federalism opposes Centralized Government Einstein. Tyranny is bad, not good RW. You are almost beyond hope, you really need an intervention. How many times do you think Tyranny or Tyrant was referred to in the Federalist Papers????? You are either very poorly educated on the matter or a total fraud. The fact that you lead others down the path of subjugation is evident. The defense of predatory government inexcusable, RW.

Quite a reach, don't ya think Mr Einstein??

Centralized Government= Tyranny

We have 150 years of experience to show you are wrong
...which the FF built small on purpose.

You really should stop trying to insist that the Founding Fathers would approve of our current bloated Federal government. It makes you look foolish.

Yes they built it small for a purpose. That purpose was that a country of 2.5 million did not require a large government and they lacked the communications and transportation infrastructure to manage the country centrally.
The Founding Fathers would not have a clue of what it takes to run a modern society operating in a global economy.
Neither do Democrats.

It was a Democrat, FDR, who put us on a path to become a modern society. It was the conservatives of the day who had to be pulled, kicking and screaming into the 20th Century.

Since that time, the US has become the worlds predominant military and economic superpower
It's incorrect to broad brush the founders. Some were more on the side of having a sort of a sort of loose conferation of states..some were more on the side of having a strong central government. I think the unifying principle was indivdual rights..and reigning in government's control of it's citizens. Hence habeas, the right to a speedy trial, the separation of powers, representative government and trial by jury.

You cut class allot during History, didn't you? Why not do some catching up?????

The University of Oklahoma College of Law: A Chronology of US Historical Documents

care to argue those things with me? cause nothing that was said was incorrect.

and i'm not aware of the magna carta being binding on the U.S.

Be specific, the Magna Carta would have been binding to the Colonies, correct????? What is your point about it?

The unifying point that separated us from every Nation Jillian was Inalienable Rights Jillian.
I would love to discuss any topic you want, with you. Let it be your platform or argument, not someone else's flawed position.

You know what I have wanted to discuss with you for a long time from a non confrontational position was was Marbury VS Madison. Starting with the virtues of each side of the argument. ;)
Yes they built it small for a purpose. That purpose was that a country of 2.5 million did not require a large government and they lacked the communications and transportation infrastructure to manage the country centrally.
The Founding Fathers would not have a clue of what it takes to run a modern society operating in a global economy.
Neither do Democrats.

It was a Democrat, FDR, who put us on a path to become a modern society. It was the conservatives of the day who had to be pulled, kicking and screaming into the 20th Century.

Since that time, the US has become the worlds predominant military and economic superpower
Ahhh, yes, the creation of the Welfare State. Unsurprising that you'd see that as a good thing.
Yes they built it small for a purpose. That purpose was that a country of 2.5 million did not require a large government and they lacked the communications and transportation infrastructure to manage the country centrally.
The Founding Fathers would not have a clue of what it takes to run a modern society operating in a global economy.
Neither do Democrats.

It was a Democrat, FDR, who put us on a path to become a modern society. It was the conservatives of the day who had to be pulled, kicking and screaming into the 20th Century.

Since that time, the US has become the worlds predominant military and economic superpower

From my perspective, Roosevelt secured the power and position of Government, Government Workers, Union Workers, and the Oligarchy Powers of the day. He made everyone else pay for it, some with all they possessed. Thankfully he set up bread lines and soup kitchens to feed those his policies dispossessed. ;) Sort of reminds me of "We The Living", by Ayn Rand. By the way, who were the biggest outside contributors to the Russian Revolution????? :eusa_whistle: Look for the Union label???? Got milk?
You cut class allot during History, didn't you? Why not do some catching up?????

The University of Oklahoma College of Law: A Chronology of US Historical Documents

care to argue those things with me? cause nothing that was said was incorrect.

and i'm not aware of the magna carta being binding on the U.S.

Be specific, the Magna Carta would have been binding to the Colonies, correct????? What is your point about it?

The unifying point that separated us from every Nation Jillian was Inalienable Rights Jillian.
I would love to discuss any topic you want, with you. Let it be your platform or argument, not someone else's flawed position.

You know what I have wanted to discuss with you for a long time from a non confrontational position was was Marbury VS Madison. Starting with the virtues of each side of the argument. ;)

everyone gets their positions, at least in part, from others. in my own case, a lot of it from my teachers and professors. i'd say that's preferable to people who get their information on what the constitution is from rush, beck and levin, et al.

i'm happy to discuss almost any issue with you. and you and i have no rancor between us. :)

but .... what inalienable rights? there weren't any rights at all unless you were a white male landowner.

as for marbury. the reality is it was the correct decision and was the only thing that allowed the court to do the job it was intended to do. other than as a study of what the court is there for, i'm not sure what you want to discuss. it's been the law since, when? 1803?

oh...and congrats on being a mod. :)
Neither do Democrats.

It was a Democrat, FDR, who put us on a path to become a modern society. It was the conservatives of the day who had to be pulled, kicking and screaming into the 20th Century.

Since that time, the US has become the worlds predominant military and economic superpower

From my perspective, Roosevelt secured the power and position of Government, Government Workers, Union Workers, and the Oligarchy Powers of the day. He made everyone else pay for it, some with all they possessed. Thankfully he set up bread lines and soup kitchens to feed those his policies dispossessed. ;) Sort of reminds me of "We The Living", by Ayn Rand. By the way, who were the biggest outside contributors to the Russian Revolution????? :eusa_whistle: Look for the Union label???? Got milk?

As a political theorist, Ayn Rand was a terrific novelist. :)

roosevelt did what he had to to get the country out of the great depression.
anyone who has studied the era knows that FDR's new deal was enacted right after the economy began to recover...then the new deal flat lined it for over two more years. The free market will fix itself. Government can ONLY damage, never fix. That is history.
anyone who has studied the era knows that FDR's new deal was enacted right after the economy began to recover...then the new deal plunged it into the depression. The free market will fix itself. Government can ONLY damage, never fix. That is history.

that's what the rightwingnuts like to say.

it's not bourne out by the facts and circumstances.

and the hatred of government BS doesn't fly. it was stupid when reagan said it. it still is.

50% of senior citizens lived in poverty until social security.

children worked in sweat shops until government outlawed it.

you work in a safe environment because of the EPA and OSHA.

my kid goes to a great FREE school because government pays for it.

I can't abide the BS 'i hate government' mantra.
history is a bitch for a socialist liberal.

also, government doesn't pay for your schools. Your community does via taxes. Come on, thats 101.
history is a bitch for a socialist liberal.

also, government doesn't pay for your schools. Your community does via taxes. Come on, thats 101.

i'm not a socialist, hon.

and if you actually used the term properly, you'd know that. words have meanings and it's really important that rightwing propagandists don't misuse them because they think it sounds good and people who don't know any better listen to those words.

taxes are paid to the government. with that money, we get roads, schools, and all the other things that government pays for.

or should it only pay for blowing up people in other countries?
anyone who has studied the era knows that FDR's new deal was enacted right after the economy began to recover...then the new deal flat lined it for over two more years. The free market will fix itself. Government can ONLY damage, never fix. That is history.

LOL...Sure it did

Same old...."It would have worked better if you had done nothing" I guess Hoover was right....Prosperity was just around the corner

What we do know is that all leading economic indicators got better after FDR enacted his policies
your money is ALWAYS your money. Paying taxes simply allows the governing entity to use the funds towards (presumably) helping the community and country at large. It is STILL your money.
history is a bitch for a socialist liberal.

also, government doesn't pay for your schools. Your community does via taxes. Come on, thats 101.

My local community is not part of the Government?

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