The Tea Party loves the Constitution?

There IS a contradiction. It was shown in my post and IF you hadn;t edited my poost and removed 90% of it so you could avoid admitting and reposting that contradiction as you pretend it doesn't exist.

here is my full and complete post.

Try not to stumble over yourself as you run away from it's entire context this time.
Typical leftist: Make up shit and insist it's there.

There is no contradiction. Now stamp your feet and pout some more.

YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.

You are hallucinating. But we all already know that. Bumble on.
There IS a contradiction. It was shown in my post and IF you hadn;t edited my poost and removed 90% of it so you could avoid admitting and reposting that contradiction as you pretend it doesn't exist.

here is my full and complete post.

Try not to stumble over yourself as you run away from it's entire context this time.
Typical leftist: Make up shit and insist it's there.

There is no contradiction. Now stamp your feet and pout some more.

YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.

Truth be told...the only part of the Constitution they reall support is the second amendment
Typical leftist: Make up shit and insist it's there.

There is no contradiction. Now stamp your feet and pout some more.

YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.

Truth be told...the only part of the Constitution they reall support is the second amendment

Gee Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum tag teaming. Surprise Surprise! A Kodak moment. Stop drooling until after I take this picture. ... A moment to treasure. look the twins are both walking for the first time. :lol: :lol: :lol: Honey come see this.
Thanks for trolling loser now let's see if you have anything valid to offer or are you here just to attack in the typical hit and run style of the lame and moronic right??

He presented a baseless OPINION and I called him out for it and all you can do is troll. GJ hack. LOL
A baseless opinion, huh?

Can you find where the right to privacy, the basis for Roe v. Wade, is enumerated in the Constitution?


What does that have to do with what was said and if you have a point that applies to liberals as a whole, even as the right within this thread seems to be against the whole generalizations tactic, please do proceed. LOL
Go back and read the thread. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.
There is no contradiction. The OP claims that Tea Partiers hate the Constitution. That's a falsehood, a product of leftist stereotypes.

You claiming the sky is pink doesn't make it so.
So you're saying the big government statist collectivists of today would have been the small government individuals of the Revolution?

That's completely irrational.

The Revolution was not about small government

It was about wanting our own government
...which the FF built small on purpose.

You really should stop trying to insist that the Founding Fathers would approve of our current bloated Federal government. It makes you look foolish.

Foolish or Willfully ignorant. What our government has become was exactly what the Founders tried to avoid.
YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.
There is no contradiction. The OP claims that Tea Partiers hate the Constitution. That's a falsehood, a product of leftist stereotypes.

You claiming the sky is pink doesn't make it so.

I never said they hate it

I asked why, if they love the Constitution like they do, why they would want to change it.

I have yet to receive an acceptable answer

Liberals are perfectly happy with the Constitution as it stands
The Revolution was not about small government

It was about wanting our own government
...which the FF built small on purpose.

You really should stop trying to insist that the Founding Fathers would approve of our current bloated Federal government. It makes you look foolish.

Foolish or Willfully ignorant. What our government has become was exactly what the Founders tried to avoid.
And now they're saying the FF would have blessed how they've ruined the vision.
YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.
There is no contradiction. The OP claims that Tea Partiers hate the Constitution. That's a falsehood, a product of leftist stereotypes.

You claiming the sky is pink doesn't make it so.

I never said they hate it

I asked why, if they love the Constitution like they do, why they would want to change it.

I have yet to receive an acceptable answer

Liberals are perfectly happy with the Constitution as it stands
Horseshit, all of it.
...which the FF built small on purpose.

You really should stop trying to insist that the Founding Fathers would approve of our current bloated Federal government. It makes you look foolish.

Foolish or Willfully ignorant. What our government has become was exactly what the Founders tried to avoid.
And now they're saying the FF would have blessed how they've ruined the vision.

We've ruined it.
Holy shit are the TPs ignorant of the founding fathers!

Alexander Hamilton, the greatest proponent of the Constitution, wanted a much stronger federal governement with much greater power to tax. He championed the Constitution because he know that it was the closest thing he could get to the powerful centralized government that he really wanted.

Thomas Paine was a proponent of taxing the wealthy and paying the poor a "Guaranteed minimum income", based on his belief that everyone owned an equal share of all natural resources and therefore owned a stake in everything.

The U.S. Constitution is the basis for the U.S. Government. You can not be against the Government and be for the Constitution. At each and every step, every law and every program that the govenment creates is scrutinized by the courts to verify that it conforms to the Constitution.

You also cannot be for the Constitution yet against the government. Clearly, the TPs are against the Government and therefore against the Constitution. They just like to confuse everyone by saying that they are for the Constitution.

What the TPs are really for is the destruction of the Government and abandonment of the Constitution, for a reversal of the American Revolution and a return to absolute totalitarian rule of the wealthy.
YES there is. The point of this thread was to show how the tea partiers want to change the constitution and since this thread began there have been several from the right who have argued against that premise. Then many righties shifted their argument in a CYA move to try and claim that they want to change it in "the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself." in a desperate attempt to change the subject with a strawman argument.

The contradiction is there and you sticking your fingers in your ears and scream lalalalalalalala won't make it go away.
There is no contradiction. The OP claims that Tea Partiers hate the Constitution. That's a falsehood, a product of leftist stereotypes.

You claiming the sky is pink doesn't make it so.

I never said they hate it

I asked why, if they love the Constitution like they do, why they would want to change it.

I have yet to receive an acceptable answer

Liberals are perfectly happy with the Constitution as it stands

Circumstance changes, needs change, Technology changes, so does the application of law. Why do you think the Constitution has a built in Amendment Structure????? All Politics aside, wouldn't you generally agree that if 75% of the People had a strong position on any specific concern, that they should have the Right to decide one way or other on the matter? If you don't, you realize that you are going against The Constitution itself.

Think about it a minute, in relation to controversial Court Decisions, that even if the grievance is legitimate, the court may have indeed been the wrong venue, that legislation or amendment was the more correct path. How much unresolved shit do we fight over every day, when the Court, rather than repair or heal tries to put a band-aid on a festering wound. If there are changes we all must go through, what is the proper venue? I'm not saying the court doesn't have a role, it does, just not the role it sometimes thinks it does.

I don't buy Liberals being happy with anything the way it is for a second. I have known too many for too long, fascism and dictate are more your style. Control over others, exemptions for you and your friends. Us an Them to the 10th power.
...which the FF built small on purpose.

You really should stop trying to insist that the Founding Fathers would approve of our current bloated Federal government. It makes you look foolish.

Foolish or Willfully ignorant. What our government has become was exactly what the Founders tried to avoid.
And now they're saying the FF would have blessed how they've ruined the vision.

The Founding Fathers never had a vision of what 21st century America would be like....nor should we expect them to
Foolish or Willfully ignorant. What our government has become was exactly what the Founders tried to avoid.
And now they're saying the FF would have blessed how they've ruined the vision.

The Founding Fathers never had a vision of what 21st century America would be like....nor should we expect them to

wow, you must have like 5 masters degrees and 12 Phds to come to that conclusion, professor! thats why there is the amendment process, by the way. I cant believe you stick around just to get your ass beat. Masochist much?
Holy shit are the TPs ignorant of the founding fathers!

Alexander Hamilton, the greatest proponent of the Constitution, wanted a much stronger federal governement with much greater power to tax. He championed the Constitution because he know that it was the closest thing he could get to the powerful centralized government that he really wanted.

Thomas Paine was a proponent of taxing the wealthy and paying the poor a "Guaranteed minimum income", based on his belief that everyone owned an equal share of all natural resources and therefore owned a stake in everything.

The U.S. Constitution is the basis for the U.S. Government. You can not be against the Government and be for the Constitution. At each and every step, every law and every program that the govenment creates is scrutinized by the courts to verify that it conforms to the Constitution.

You also cannot be for the Constitution yet against the government. Clearly, the TPs are against the Government and therefore against the Constitution. They just like to confuse everyone by saying that they are for the Constitution.

What the TPs are really for is the destruction of the Government and abandonment of the Constitution, for a reversal of the American Revolution and a return to absolute totalitarian rule of the wealthy. is that way ----->
Foolish or Willfully ignorant. What our government has become was exactly what the Founders tried to avoid.
And now they're saying the FF would have blessed how they've ruined the vision.

The Founding Fathers never had a vision of what 21st century America would be like....nor should we expect them to

No they didn't. They did understand Self Reliance though, and Interdependence. They understood Federalism, better than we do. They understood Tyranny. We seem to have lost all of that.
Holy shit are the TPs ignorant of the founding fathers!

Alexander Hamilton, the greatest proponent of the Constitution, wanted a much stronger federal governement with much greater power to tax. He championed the Constitution because he know that it was the closest thing he could get to the powerful centralized government that he really wanted.

Thomas Paine was a proponent of taxing the wealthy and paying the poor a "Guaranteed minimum income", based on his belief that everyone owned an equal share of all natural resources and therefore owned a stake in everything.

The U.S. Constitution is the basis for the U.S. Government. You can not be against the Government and be for the Constitution. At each and every step, every law and every program that the govenment creates is scrutinized by the courts to verify that it conforms to the Constitution.

You also cannot be for the Constitution yet against the government. Clearly, the TPs are against the Government and therefore against the Constitution. They just like to confuse everyone by saying that they are for the Constitution.

What the TPs are really for is the destruction of the Government and abandonment of the Constitution, for a reversal of the American Revolution and a return to absolute totalitarian rule of the wealthy.

Hamilton was a Schemer that abused his trust. He used Federalism as a tool or stepping stone. Madison was more the true Federalist. Enumerated Powers, Decentralized power.
The Tea Party is not out to get you of steal your children. :eek:

Calm down, clean yourself up, and get some clean underwear. :mm:
There is no contradiction. The OP claims that Tea Partiers hate the Constitution. That's a falsehood, a product of leftist stereotypes.

You claiming the sky is pink doesn't make it so.

I never said they hate it

I asked why, if they love the Constitution like they do, why they would want to change it.

I have yet to receive an acceptable answer

Liberals are perfectly happy with the Constitution as it stands

Circumstance changes, needs change, Technology changes, so does the application of law. Why do you think the Constitution has a built in Amendment Structure????? All Politics aside, wouldn't you generally agree that if 75% of the People had a strong position on any specific concern, that they should have the Right to decide one way or other on the matter? If you don't, you realize that you are going against The Constitution itself.

Think about it a minute, in relation to controversial Court Decisions, that even if the grievance is legitimate, the court may have indeed been the wrong venue, that legislation or amendment was the more correct path. How much unresolved shit do we fight over every day, when the Court, rather than repair or heal tries to put a band-aid on a festering wound. If there are changes we all must go through, what is the proper venue? I'm not saying the court doesn't have a role, it does, just not the role it sometimes thinks it does.

I don't buy Liberals being happy with anything the way it is for a second. I have known too many for too long, fascism and dictate are more your style. Control over others, exemptions for you and your friends. Us an Them to the 10th power.

Imagine the chaos if every time we needed a Constitutional interpretation we needed a Constitutional amendment. The Constitution would be thousands of pages long

The courts are not perfect. Neither was the amendment process with prohibition. But eventually, the courts refine the decision or reverse it entirely. The courts interpreting the constitution has been working for 200 years
And now they're saying the FF would have blessed how they've ruined the vision.

The Founding Fathers never had a vision of what 21st century America would be like....nor should we expect them to

No they didn't. They did understand Self Reliance though, and Interdependence. They understood Federalism, better than we do. They understood Tyranny. We seem to have lost all of that.

Save us from the hyperbole...

To say this country is currently under tyranny is an injustice to the millions of people who actually ARE under tyranny

Just because your political view was defeated in the last election does not equate to tyranny

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