The "teachers" who stomped American flag, Jesus are FIRED!

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

As it was the student's freedom to refuse which, apparently, the liberal teacher had a problem with.

See how that works?

Nobody has red the articles. The teacher did not discipline the student. That student and others refused to do the activity and expressed their opnions. Nothing was done to the students. The one student who was susupended from the classs is the one who went to shool officials and "expressed concern" about the lesson. He was suspended from the class by the authorities at the school, not by the teacher. Probably for his behavior when he spoke to administrators. The teacher later got threatening phone calls. Maybe the student spoke in a threatening way about the teacher when the student was speaking to school administrators, so they didn't want him to go back to that teacher's class.

And, again, these exercises were not about disliking one religion or another or one country or another, they were about the blind devotion to symbols. But, obviously, you people don't get it. The lesson would have been just the type of thing for the way you all think. Obivously it is a lesson that doesn't get through to some people.

"Probably for his behavior"? So basically what you're telling us is that you have no clue why he was suspended. Did it ever cross your mind that the reason might be that the administrators were fully as idiotic as the professor teaching the class?

As for my "not getting it"? I'm an atheist, Sherlock...and I view what the professor did as beyond the pale. Why? Because I'm aware of the fact that just because I don't believe in God doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have the right to do so. The student refusing to step on the written word Jesus isn't "blind devotion" to's treating a symbol of his religious belief with respect. NOBODY has the right to impose their views on others...or require that others alter THEIR views...not you...not I...and certainly not a professor at a public university!
As it was the student's freedom to refuse which, apparently, the liberal teacher had a problem with.

See how that works?

Nobody has red the articles. The teacher did not discipline the student. That student and others refused to do the activity and expressed their opnions. Nothing was done to the students. The one student who was susupended from the classs is the one who went to shool officials and "expressed concern" about the lesson. He was suspended from the class by the authorities at the school, not by the teacher. Probably for his behavior when he spoke to administrators. The teacher later got threatening phone calls. Maybe the student spoke in a threatening way about the teacher when the student was speaking to school administrators, so they didn't want him to go back to that teacher's class.

And, again, these exercises were not about disliking one religion or another or one country or another, they were about the blind devotion to symbols. But, obviously, you people don't get it. The lesson would have been just the type of thing for the way you all think. Obivously it is a lesson that doesn't get through to some people.

"Probably for his behavior"? So basically what you're telling us is that you have no clue why he was suspended. Did it ever cross your mind that the reason might be that the administrators were fully as idiotic as the professor teaching the class?

As for my "not getting it"? I'm an atheist, Sherlock...and I view what the professor did as beyond the pale. Why? Because I'm aware of the fact that just because I don't believe in God doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have the right to do so. The student refusing to step on the written word Jesus isn't "blind devotion" to's treating a symbol of his religious belief with respect. NOBODY has the right to impose their views on others...or require that others alter THEIR views...not you...not I...and certainly not a professor at a public university!

But they were not "required" to do it. Those who objected and refused to do it did not get in trouble. No one got in trouble for not doing it. No one was 'required to do it.' The boy who was suspended from class was not suspended by the teacher. According to his own words in the article, there were other students who also refused to do it. They did not get suspended. Being suspended from the class has something to do with other behavior, most likely for how he behaved when he spoke to administrators. Perhaps he was threatening or belligerent or something the administrators found was a reason for him not to be in the same class with that particular teacher. They didn't suspend him from school, only from that class.
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The board is hiding behind "personnel reasons", I imagine, which means none of us really know what happened.
What happened to freedom of speech?

I fully support free speech.

I do not support vile filth abusing their positions of authority to abuse those under them.

The Jesus stomping twats actually went after the student that refused.

What kind of HS class teaches that the Flag is a useless symbol?

hope you understand, this kind of conduct is unacceptable in a classroom setting.

What you're saying is, freedom of speech is fine but not when you disagree with it.
You either have it, or you don't.

I believe both actions were unwise but they used their right of freedom of speech and should sue the schools in question for breaching their constitutional rights.

yell fire in a crowded theater, see what happens to you.

and yeah, noted that you don't get it.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

How is it covered under freedom of speech? It is not the government telling you to stop, it is your employer. There is a huge difference!
Stupid for both of them to carry their plan out. There are a lot better ways to make a point than to act stupidly.
The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

As it was the student's freedom to refuse which, apparently, the liberal teacher had a problem with.

See how that works?

Nobody has red the articles. The teacher did not discipline the student. That student and others refused to do the activity and expressed their opnions. Nothing was done to the students. The one student who was susupended from the classs is the one who went to shool officials and "expressed concern" about the lesson. He was suspended from the class by the authorities at the school, not by the teacher. Probably for his behavior when he spoke to administrators. The teacher later got threatening phone calls. Maybe the student spoke in a threatening way about the teacher when the student was speaking to school administrators, so they didn't want him to go back to that teacher's class.

And, again, these exercises were not about disliking one religion or another or one country or another, they were about the blind devotion to symbols. But, obviously, you people don't get it. The lesson would have been just the type of thing for the way you all think. Obivously it is a lesson that doesn't get through to some people.

Obviously you don't get it. The teachers acted out of the guidelines. They were wrong in doing so, it is not about religion, it is not about the first amendment. It is about an employee being punishes for being a tepid employee. No freedom lost.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Sad...apparently the importance of "symbols"...even a word scribbled on a piece of paper...trumps freedom of speech and the teaching moment.
The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Placed on administrative leave and finally resigned are not exactly fired.
It is good that neither of these clowns are still teaching their respective classes, both should have been FIRED from their jobs....with lose of all benefits and pensions.
Just wondering if that is PAID administrative leave which is actually nothing more than a vacation.
Nobody has red the articles. The teacher did not discipline the student. That student and others refused to do the activity and expressed their opnions. Nothing was done to the students. The one student who was susupended from the classs is the one who went to shool officials and "expressed concern" about the lesson. He was suspended from the class by the authorities at the school, not by the teacher. Probably for his behavior when he spoke to administrators. The teacher later got threatening phone calls. Maybe the student spoke in a threatening way about the teacher when the student was speaking to school administrators, so they didn't want him to go back to that teacher's class.

And, again, these exercises were not about disliking one religion or another or one country or another, they were about the blind devotion to symbols. But, obviously, you people don't get it. The lesson would have been just the type of thing for the way you all think. Obivously it is a lesson that doesn't get through to some people.

"Probably for his behavior"? So basically what you're telling us is that you have no clue why he was suspended. Did it ever cross your mind that the reason might be that the administrators were fully as idiotic as the professor teaching the class?

As for my "not getting it"? I'm an atheist, Sherlock...and I view what the professor did as beyond the pale. Why? Because I'm aware of the fact that just because I don't believe in God doesn't mean that someone else doesn't have the right to do so. The student refusing to step on the written word Jesus isn't "blind devotion" to's treating a symbol of his religious belief with respect. NOBODY has the right to impose their views on others...or require that others alter THEIR views...not you...not I...and certainly not a professor at a public university!

But they were not "required" to do it. Those who objected and refused to do it did not get in trouble. No one got in trouble for not doing it. No one was 'required to do it.' The boy who was suspended from class was not suspended by the teacher. According to his own words in the article, there were other students who also refused to do it. They did not get suspended. Being suspended from the class has something to do with other behavior, most likely for how he behaved when he spoke to administrators. Perhaps he was threatening or belligerent or something the administrators found was a reason for him not to be in the same class with that particular teacher. They didn't suspend him from school, only from that class.

That is such a cop out on your part! It's an authority figure that has sway over what grade a student will receive for a course. Saying that it's OK because they weren't "required" to do it is ridiculous. It's not OK because of the same general principle that it's not OK for people in positions of authority to hit on their subordinates. You're using the power of your position to coerce those who need a job...or a grade. The message sent by this professor and this college is quite what is required or face potential consequences. Who do you think gets higher grades in that particular teacher's class...those who "go along to get along" or those that refuse to do so?

The fact that this student was suspended AFTER he went to administrators to complain about how the professor was conducting his class may in fact prove nothing other than the institution is willing to protect it's own to the point of getting rid of any students who dare to question the status quo.
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It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Sad...apparently the importance of "symbols"...even a word scribbled on a piece of paper...trumps freedom of speech and the teaching moment.

I don't see it as a teaching moment, I see it as a disrespect for others beliefs. It is like burning the Koran, it is a show of disrespect. Hopefully he will learn from his mistake.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

Do, or any liberal have even the slightest understanding that the "teachers" abused their authority?

Free speech doesn't mean; If you work for me, I can call you a fucking slut all day long, and claim it as free speech.

Do you understand now?
What happened to freedom of speech?

I fully support free speech.

I do not support vile filth abusing their positions of authority to abuse those under them.

The Jesus stomping twats actually went after the student that refused.

What kind of HS class teaches that the Flag is a useless symbol?

hope you understand, this kind of conduct is unacceptable in a classroom setting.

What you're saying is, freedom of speech is fine but not when you disagree with it.
You either have it, or you don't.

I believe both actions were unwise but they used their right of freedom of speech and should sue the schools in question for breaching their constitutional rights.

There is no freedom of speech issue here. Congress did not make any law prohibiting some fool ordering Christians to write "Jesus" on a piece of paper and then step on it, thereby turning his entire class into Christian martyrs --- or not, if they are Mormons, of course, which aren't Christians. The idiot teacher in question was perfectly free to do that. And the school was perfectly free to place him on administrative leave.

It's like at work: you are perfectly free to call your boss a total tool, because Congress has not made any law against your doing that. And he is perfectly free to fire you, because Congress hasn't made any law against that, either. Yet.

Free speech is purely an issue of government laws and imprisonment, NOT private interactions.
The "teachers" who stomped American flag, Jesus are FIRED!
Not to worry, tenure and the teacher's Union will save them.
Pretty sure you can teach critical thinking without stomping on Jesus or the American flag.
...It was all about the teachers getting Christ[ia]ns to defile something that they hold in high regard and getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.

Yeah....I think you've put your finger on the very core of the issue. It's an anti-Christian thing to do and nearly everyone, even non-believers, recognized that at once. And the idea was to force them to deny Jesus themselves!! Wow. It's getting to feel a lot like Rome.

That and the perverted pleasure of controlling people with less power, teachers over students: I bet that was in the mix too.

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