The "teachers" who stomped American flag, Jesus are FIRED!

What happened to freedom of speech?

Progressives squashed [free speech, DJ edit] when they become butthurt over anything said by someone who disagrees with them.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

That being said your freedom of speech does not extend to your workplace, when you are acting as an agent of said workplace, in particular a public school setting.

If he did it after school to a volunteer group of students, then he couldn't be touched. In the classroom you have certain standards of decorum, and he squashed those.

Exactly, except that the 'after school' segment is still subject to firing.

The salient lessons here are that fake-liberal fascists began the attack on free speech (most notably, with attacks on valedictorians reading prayers at graduation speeches because some filthy fucking lamo might lose self esteem listening to a successful person praising a deity), but nutball fascists will take the legal rulings to the bank (raising millions in political contributions to add to nutball pestilence throughout the land).

The third lesson: there is no substitute for good judgment.
Administrative leave? What that means is he's on a paid vacation until this blows over. The chances of a black professor being fired these days are slim and none...and slim just left town.

So you are glad he lost his job because he is black? Cool.

These teachers were trying to make the point to their students not to worship 'symbols.' It is critical thinking. The fact that they were, essentially, run out of town for doing so, is not an example of good over evil; it is an example of evil over good. It is an example of narrow mindedness over open mindedness. It is an example of theocratic and totalitarian rule over thought: basically, these teachers committed 'thought crime' as depicted in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. They had ideas that are not approved by a bullying minority in this country, and so they were punished for having those thoughts--the thoughts I am referring to are not about religion or patriotism, but blind worship of symbols rather than thinking for oneself. I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here won't get the distinction, which is why a teacher and a college professor were trying to teach these concepts by using dramatic illustration.

Pretty sure you can teach critical thinking without stomping on Jesus or the American flag.
When the teachers went after the students who refused to participate,that showed the true agenda. It was all about the teachers getting Christens to defile something that they hold in high regard and getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.
I'm not particularly religious but I would have refused as well.But in an effort to be honest...... if you wanted me to stomp on the koran I would. But I wouldnt feel comfortable while doing it.

Will you look at that...critical thinking and I didnt have to defile someones religion. From either side.

This is from the link/the article:
At Florida Atlantic, communications instructor Deandre Poole is now on administrative leave after junior Ryan Rotela, a devout Mormon, was suspended from class because he complained about Poole’s Jesus-stomping assignment. (RELATED: Florida Atlantic Univ. student claims he was suspended for not stomping on Jesus [VIDEO])

School officials expressed concerned about Poole’s physical safety after he allegedly received death threats and racially-tinged messages on his voicemail. Poole is black

The teacher didn't punish the student or 'go after him.' Teachers don't have the right to suspend anyone; the principal does that. If he was told not to go back to that teacher's class, it is mostly likely that he, the student, was very verbal and possibly threatening to the teacher because of this lesson. If the student was not allowed to go back to the class, it would be because he was causing disruption in the class. But that is completely up the the principal, not the teacher. Or, if it is a college, the chair of that department. It seems someone then proceeded to threaten the teacher by voicemail. Someone went after the teacher rather than the teacher going after the student.

Pretty sure you can teach critical thinking without stomping on Jesus or the American flag.
Given the specific point these teachers were trying to make, what they did would be the most obvious way of getting the point across. And obviously, they made their point: that people don't believe in freedom of thought, that they don't want to be open minded, that they don't want to think critically.
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It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

They chose wisely. If it had been mohammed and the quran they would aleady be dead by now.
What happened to freedom of speech?

It is intact. But when you are in the classroom, you are supposed to show respect to the beliefs of all your students, and the dumbasses work for the government. Do you think you could publically stomp the trademark of a private comany and keep your job. If you think that go try it. Here, let me call the media for you.
Simple answer. The number one enemy of Communists is Jesus Christ. That is why the Obama administration has waged war against evangelicals in America.

I can see we have another one who slept through classes while attending junior high. ^^^^
Posts like this one is a main reason that people think the right is wacko, even fellow righties are embarrassed by these extreme nutters.
There is no freedom of speech on the job.

That is true. When you are on company time you don't get to dog the company you work for. I even recall an NP I worked with who used to take her knitting to workshops. The director told her to lose the knitting and the NP told her she couldn't tell her what to do in a workshop because she had paid for it. To which the director told her that she was given educational leave on company time, so yes, she could tell her what to do. She lost the knitting. I was glad. I think it makes you look stupid to be in a professional seminar knitting and it is an embarassment to your coworkers and your company.
So you are glad he lost his job because he is black? Cool.

These teachers were trying to make the point to their students not to worship 'symbols.' It is critical thinking. The fact that they were, essentially, run out of town for doing so, is not an example of good over evil; it is an example of evil over good. It is an example of narrow mindedness over open mindedness. It is an example of theocratic and totalitarian rule over thought: basically, these teachers committed 'thought crime' as depicted in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. They had ideas that are not approved by a bullying minority in this country, and so they were punished for having those thoughts--the thoughts I am referring to are not about religion or patriotism, but blind worship of symbols rather than thinking for oneself. I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here won't get the distinction, which is why a teacher and a college professor were trying to teach these concepts by using dramatic illustration.

Pretty sure you can teach critical thinking without stomping on Jesus or the American flag.
When the teachers went after the students who refused to participate,that showed the true agenda. It was all about the teachers getting Christens to defile something that they hold in high regard and getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.
I'm not particularly religious but I would have refused as well.But in an effort to be honest...... if you wanted me to stomp on the koran I would. But I wouldnt feel comfortable while doing it.

Will you look at that...critical thinking and I didnt have to defile someones religion. From either side.

This is from the link/the article:
At Florida Atlantic, communications instructor Deandre Poole is now on administrative leave after junior Ryan Rotela, a devout Mormon, was suspended from class because he complained about Poole’s Jesus-stomping assignment. (RELATED: Florida Atlantic Univ. student claims he was suspended for not stomping on Jesus [VIDEO])

School officials expressed concerned about Poole’s physical safety after he allegedly received death threats and racially-tinged messages on his voicemail. Poole is black

The teacher didn't punish the student or 'go after him.' Teachers don't have the right to suspend anyone; the principal does that. If he was told not to go back to that teacher's class, it is mostly likely that he, the student, was very verbal and possibly threatening to the teacher because of this lesson. If the student was not allowed to go back to the class, it would be because he was causing disruption in the class. But that is completely up the the principal, not the teacher. Or, if it is a college, the chair of that department. It seems someone then proceeded to threaten the teacher by voicemail. Someone went after the teacher rather than the teacher going after the student.

Pretty sure you can teach critical thinking without stomping on Jesus or the American flag.
Given the specific point these teachers were trying to make, what they did would be the most obvious way of getting the point across. And obviously, they made their point: that people don't believe in freedom of thought, that they don't want to be open minded, that they don't want to think critically.

He threw the kid out of the classroom, what are you on about? He had no right to do what he did and these are the types we want out of the education system. Whatever it takes. Take your communism back to Russia, we don't want it here.

It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Time to get all the communists out of our education system. Time to expose these people far and wide and let the students know they have the power to remove communists from the classroom. - Jeremiah

This has absolutely nothing to do with communism.

It isn't about teaching a political viewpoint or teaching politics at all. It isn't about teaching a religious viewpoint or teaching religion at all. It is about teaching people to think for themselves rather than being bullied into thinking one way or another by anyone, be it the state, a religion, or anyone else. These teachers were using examples and using dramatic methods to try to get the idea across, the concept of free thinking and free will; unfortunately, those who do not want people to think for themselves shut them down and metaphorically ran them out of town. If you want to be the kind of country that issues death warrants for people who insult your flag or your religion, then carry on

So the teacher bullying a student to comport himself the way the teacher wants him to is teaching how to think for one's self.
Time to get all the communists out of our education system. Time to expose these people far and wide and let the students know they have the power to remove communists from the classroom. - Jeremiah

This has absolutely nothing to do with communism.

It isn't about teaching a political viewpoint or teaching politics at all. It isn't about teaching a religious viewpoint or teaching religion at all. It is about teaching people to think for themselves rather than being bullied into thinking one way or another by anyone, be it the state, a religion, or anyone else. These teachers were using examples and using dramatic methods to try to get the idea across, the concept of free thinking and free will; unfortunately, those who do not want people to think for themselves shut them down and metaphorically ran them out of town. If you want to be the kind of country that issues death warrants for people who insult your flag or your religion, then carry on

So the teacher bullying a student to comport himself the way the teacher wants him to is teaching how to think for one's self.

This is also from the link provided by the OP:

Some students stomped; others, including Rotela, didn’t. He said he told the instructor, Deandre Poole, that the assignment offended his religious convictions.

Two days later, the junior alleges, he went to an FAU school official to express his unease with the assignment.

The result? Rotela has been suspended from the class.

An FAU official defended the decision, telling WPEC that the Jesus-stomping was part of a classroom exercise from a textbook: “Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach, 5th Edition.”

Read more: Florida Atlantic Univ. student claims he was suspended for not stomping on Jesus [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

First, based on both sources (provided by the OP) which I read, there was no bullying whatsoever by the teacher. There were other students in the class who refused to take part in the assignment, and nothing happened to them.

Second, 'comporting' himself the way the teacher wants? It seems the student didn't do anything else in class except object to the assignment, saying it offended him, and he refused to do it. The teacher did nothing about that, according to the student himself. Then the student complained to school officials "express his unease with the assignment." That is when he was suspended from the class. Why would they do that? Probably because of the student's behavior or something he said about the teacher, possibly something threatening. As far as a student 'comporting' himself the way the teacher wants in class: generally the only thing that is essential is that the student doesn't disrupt the class so that other students cannot learn, so that the lessons cannot go forward. But the teacher didn't suspend the student from class; the school officials did that.

It is also of note that the teacher was following a lesson in a textbook designed for this course.

Something else of note:

I am getting a series of negative reps for expressing my viewpoint in this thead, and I'm being called a communist. Hilarious and so very quintessentially ironic. You guys are a riot. A sad riot. I'll bet you'd like to tar and feather me as well. LOL
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What happened to freedom of speech?

I fully support free speech.

I do not support vile filth abusing their positions of authority to abuse those under them.

The Jesus stomping twats actually went after the student that refused.

What kind of HS class teaches that the Flag is a useless symbol?

hope you understand, this kind of conduct is unacceptable in a classroom setting.

What you're saying is, freedom of speech is fine but not when you disagree with it.
You either have it, or you don't.

I believe both actions were unwise but they used their right of freedom of speech and should sue the schools in question for breaching their constitutional rights.

Not what was said at all. When one is placed in a position of authority and power what one says or does matters. One gives up some freedom for that power over the minds of their students. If you had any common sense you would know that.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Admin leave is not "fired". One teacher is not "teachers"
IMO, this situation is not as clear cut as it may appear at first blush.

While I agree that poor judgement was exercised in the choice of example...students should be encouraged to question everything, including their country and their religious beliefs.

We all understand that both the government and the church have both fomented, participated in and condoned terrible events and conditions.

But, I believe the method used by these teachers was flawed and insensitive..there are better methods to imbue students with this quality of questioning everything, even axioms.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Administrative leave? What that means is he's on a paid vacation until this blows over. The chances of a black professor being fired these days are slim and none...and slim just left town.

So you are glad he lost his job because he is black? Cool.

These teachers were trying to make the point to their students not to worship 'symbols.' It is critical thinking. The fact that they were, essentially, run out of town for doing so, is not an example of good over evil; it is an example of evil over good. It is an example of narrow mindedness over open mindedness. It is an example of theocratic and totalitarian rule over thought: basically, these teachers committed 'thought crime' as depicted in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. They had ideas that are not approved by a bullying minority in this country, and so they were punished for having those thoughts--the thoughts I am referring to are not about religion or patriotism, but blind worship of symbols rather than thinking for oneself. I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here won't get the distinction, which is why a teacher and a college professor were trying to teach these concepts by using dramatic illustration.

Who lost their job? All an "administrative leave" means is that he's being paid to sit home and do nothing. Gee, what a CRUSHING blow! Come on...get serious! That professor has a better chance of being hit by falling NASA space junk than of being fired.
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What happened to freedom of speech?

What happened to your brain?

This isn't freedom of speech. This is indoctrination by an authority figure before a captive audience. Furthermore, these are government run institutions and they have an obligation to remain unbiased and not discriminate against certain groups. I'm sorry if you're too fucking stupid to see the difference.
Simple answer. The number one enemy of Communists is Jesus Christ. That is why the Obama administration has waged war against evangelicals in America.

I don't much hold with firing them. If we teach our children critical thinking skills, they'll see them for what they are and be the wiser for it.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Administrative leave? What that means is he's on a paid vacation until this blows over. The chances of a black professor being fired these days are slim and none...and slim just left town.

So you are glad he lost his job because he is black? Cool.

That is not at all what he said. Put away the bait.
imagine if a teacher stomped on muhammad, liberals would act as if the 1st did not exist and proclaim that one must act "responsibly"


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