The "teachers" who stomped American flag, Jesus are FIRED!

imagine if a teacher stomped on muhammad, liberals would act as if the 1st did not exist and proclaim that one must act "responsibly"


There are many lefties who would act stupidly, yes.
imagine if a teacher stomped on muhammad, liberals would act as if the 1st did not exist and proclaim that one must act "responsibly"


Muslim extremists would try (or at least threaten ) to burn down the school and kill the teacher (to say nothing of what would happen to US embassies around the world). That's why liberals always direct their 'courage' against Christians - they know they don't have to be afraid of them. Says a lot...
imagine if a teacher stomped on muhammad, liberals would act as if the 1st did not exist and proclaim that one must act "responsibly"


There are many lefties who would act stupidly, yes.

you've finally come to accept your flaws and admit i'm right.

keep it up and i may be proud of you one day.

I have always admitted that you were a fool, and I never want your flawed reactionary approval. :lol:

Lefties and reactionaries (like you) are anti-American.
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What happened to freedom of speech?
Nothing. You're free to say what you want- just not at work, where there are certain standards of conduct.
The incident in South Carolina first flared up when Scott Compton, an honors English teacher at Chapin High School in Chapin, S.C., was placed on long-term administrative leave after he threw an American flag on the floor and stomped on it in front of his students.

What valid reason is there for this behavior? He's a High School English teacher. His views on the flag, the nation, or nationalist symbolism is not relevant and there is no reason for him to be volunteering his views- especially not in a manner deliberately intended to offend.
While I agree that poor judgement was exercised in the choice of example...students should be encouraged to question everything, including their country and their religious beliefs.

We all understand that both the government and the church have both fomented, participated in and condoned terrible events and conditions.
That's not the role of a High School English teacher....
While I agree that poor judgement was exercised in the choice of example...students should be encouraged to question everything, including their country and their religious beliefs.

We all understand that both the government and the church have both fomented, participated in and condoned terrible events and conditions.
That's not the role of a High School English teacher....

IOU + rep.
What happened to freedom of speech?

So what of the students freedom of speech when he refused to STOMP on the picture of Jesus? Why should he be disciplined for doing what he believed was right? Why should the teacher get away with this?
In Florida we had a religious teacher threaten to burn the Koran. Liberals went nuts.

Now we have two liberal teachers, at work and act stupidly and liberals cry for free speech!

Which is it liberals?

You nuts need to get a clue, while you work, you have NO freedom of speech, outside the classroom, you can blabber and act as stupid as need.

The work place isn't about free speech. It's about doing your job and not acting like an idiot. Then you go after a student, are you libs really thinking?
While I agree that poor judgement was exercised in the choice of example...students should be encouraged to question everything, including their country and their religious beliefs.

We all understand that both the government and the church have both fomented, participated in and condoned terrible events and conditions.
That's not the role of a High School English teacher....

These students were not enrolled in a class to learn parts of speech or proper conjugation of verbs.

The class was Intercultural Communication.

In that context, the student is expected to learn that one must step back from the preconception that ones own cultural beliefs and axioms are universally held.
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While I agree that poor judgement was exercised in the choice of example...students should be encouraged to question everything, including their country and their religious beliefs.

We all understand that both the government and the church have both fomented, participated in and condoned terrible events and conditions.
That's not the role of a High School English teacher....

These students were not enrolled in a class to learn parts of speech or proper conjugation of verbs.

The class was Intercultural Communication.

In that context, the student is expected to learn that one must step back from the preconception that ones own cultural beliefs and axioms are universally held.

That can be done in a more appropriate manner.

Like how bowing can be viewed as a sign of respect in some cultures and a sign of submission in others :eusa_whistle:
That's not the role of a High School English teacher....

These students were not enrolled in a class to learn parts of speech or proper conjugation of verbs.

The class was Intercultural Communication.

In that context, the student is expected to learn that one must step back from the preconception that ones own cultural beliefs and axioms are universally held.

That can be done in a more appropriate manner.

Like how bowing can be viewed as a sign of respect in some cultures and a sign of submission in others :eusa_whistle:

I fact, I prefaced my opinion with that exact sentiment..."While I agree that poor judgement was exercised in the choice of example".
Some things are better left to Universities or taught outside of the classroom.

He forgot his place and acted in an inappropriate manner.

Some of the reactions were beyond unacceptable.
What happened to freedom of speech?

I fully support free speech.

I do not support vile filth abusing their positions of authority to abuse those under them.

The Jesus stomping twats actually went after the student that refused.

What kind of HS class teaches that the Flag is a useless symbol?

hope you understand, this kind of conduct is unacceptable in a classroom setting.

What you're saying is, freedom of speech is fine but not when you disagree with it.
You either have it, or you don't.

I believe both actions were unwise but they used their right of freedom of speech and should sue the schools in question for breaching their constitutional rights.

I have the freedom of speech to call my boss an asshole.

He also has the freedom to fire my ass for it
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It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

As it was the student's freedom to refuse which, apparently, the liberal teacher had a problem with.

See how that works?
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

Good job missing the point. No one has claimed it is illegal to step on a piece of paper or that anyone was being prohibited from doing so.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

The only thing that was wrong was the student being hassled when he refused to step on the paper. That is all. Stomping on a name is not a big deal, and it is not illegal, and it should come under freedom of speech, which Republicans only favor if it is speech they agree with.

As it was the student's freedom to refuse which, apparently, the liberal teacher had a problem with.

See how that works?

Nobody has red the articles. The teacher did not discipline the student. That student and others refused to do the activity and expressed their opnions. Nothing was done to the students. The one student who was susupended from the classs is the one who went to shool officials and "expressed concern" about the lesson. He was suspended from the class by the authorities at the school, not by the teacher. Probably for his behavior when he spoke to administrators. The teacher later got threatening phone calls. Maybe the student spoke in a threatening way about the teacher when the student was speaking to school administrators, so they didn't want him to go back to that teacher's class.

And, again, these exercises were not about disliking one religion or another or one country or another, they were about the blind devotion to symbols. But, obviously, you people don't get it. The lesson would have been just the type of thing for the way you all think. Obivously it is a lesson that doesn't get through to some people.

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