Zone1 The Teaching Profession has a problem

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
I worked at an elementary school for 6 years, and I keep up-to-date on what's going on in our schools.

Personally, I think teachers are short-changed in the short-term, but overall spoiled in the long-term. They get their pension and recieve nearly full time wages, at the expense of the tax-payer, for the rest of their life. Anyone from the private sector would love to have such lovely retirement. I think teachers wages should be increased, but cut the pension. The Teacher's union is way too strong, and is now extremely political, supporting the Democrat party without attempting to hide it.

However, from what I've observed in the millenial/gen Z group of teachers.. they seem to fall in the "activist" department. They feel its their duty to guide youth in the "correct" direction instead of giving all of the viewpoints objectively. When I taught, I had no problem talking about different issues in history, religious holidays, etc. in a matter-of-fact manner. Yet, what I've noticed is a massive dose of egoism, narcissism, and justification of sharing THEIR "life experiences" with 30 kids under their care, and being an activist in presenting which morals are correct, and which are evil.

Nothing can accentuate this more than the Trans issue in schools. Over time we find out about more and more instances of teachers influencing, encouraging a child's confusion of their gender/sex, and even attempting to hide such issues from parents. This isn't a one-off, it's clear to find across the country. These teachers feel they are performing a duty to harvest and guide a child's innocence towards radical, unhealthy, permanent choices because of their own beliefs, without considering the consequences for their targeted victim.

Much like the left loves to point fingers at the police for having an anti-black culture problem, teachers have an activist problem. They are more and more becoming leftist, child-less activists who don't have children but simply want to influence and indoctrinate yours. It's now common to see verified teachers on social media openly promoting their sharing of their sex life, their lifestyles, and putting LGBTQ flags or BLM flags/symbols in their classrooms. They feel it's important that 30 random kids need to know all about THEIR life.. pure egoism and narcissism.
The real problem in education.

Someone like you can get a job in it.

Nobody is making anyone "trans". Either you are transgender or cisgender... and the vast majority of transgender never get early interventions or treatments.
lol the vermin have something like 30% of kids believing they're 'nonbinary' faggots now, as opposed 2% of every other age bracket, according to Pew. it's entirely via indoctrination, and even more damning evidence they aren't 'born that way'. They're degenerate groomers, end of story.
I worked at an elementary school for 6 years, and I keep up-to-date on what's going on in our schools.

Personally, I think teachers are short-changed in the short-term, but overall spoiled in the long-term. They get their pension and recieve nearly full time wages, at the expense of the tax-payer, for the rest of their life. Anyone from the private sector would love to have such lovely retirement. I think teachers wages should be increased, but cut the pension. The Teacher's union is way too strong, and is now extremely political, supporting the Democrat party without attempting to hide it.

However, from what I've observed in the millenial/gen Z group of teachers.. they seem to fall in the "activist" department. They feel its their duty to guide youth in the "correct" direction instead of giving all of the viewpoints objectively. When I taught, I had no problem talking about different issues in history, religious holidays, etc. in a matter-of-fact manner. Yet, what I've noticed is a massive dose of egoism, narcissism, and justification of sharing THEIR "life experiences" with 30 kids under their care, and being an activist in presenting which morals are correct, and which are evil.

Nothing can accentuate this more than the Trans issue in schools. Over time we find out about more and more instances of teachers influencing, encouraging a child's confusion of their gender/sex, and even attempting to hide such issues from parents. This isn't a one-off, it's clear to find across the country. These teachers feel they are performing a duty to harvest and guide a child's innocence towards radical, unhealthy, permanent choices because of their own beliefs, without considering the consequences for their targeted victim.

Much like the left loves to point fingers at the police for having an anti-black culture problem, teachers have an activist problem. They are more and more becoming leftist, child-less activists who don't have children but simply want to influence and indoctrinate yours. It's now common to see verified teachers on social media openly promoting their sharing of their sex life, their lifestyles, and putting LGBTQ flags or BLM flags/symbols in their classrooms. They feel it's important that 30 random kids need to know all about THEIR life.. pure egoism and narcissism.

My pension is less than HALF of my teaching salary. Are you kidding?

Start there. Just there.
As soon as the pension is brought up as an issue, the entire post loses all credibility. It is noticed how a typical lazy CEO making 1000x the rest of the workers is worshipped.
They will just fire those who do stand up to the freaks. They put parents who object to the scams on terrorist watch lists now,

Pay close attention to all those down ballot school board and city council races.

This is so overblown. Please.
My pension is less than HALF of my teaching salary. Are you kidding?

Start there. Just there.

Governors can plunder those pension funds at will. George W. Bush did that as Texas Governor, peeled off some excellent real estate in the portfolios and sold it to cronies at a third of its market value at the time.
My pension is less than HALF of my teaching salary. Are you kidding?

Start there. Just there.
Getting paid half your salary for doing... nothing.

That sounds like a pretty good deal. Better than most of us will get with Social Security.

lol the vermin have something like 30% of kids believing they're 'nonbinary' faggots now, as opposed 2% of every other age bracket, according to Pew. it's entirely via indoctrination, and even more damning evidence they aren't 'born that way'. They're degenerate groomers, end of story.

Do you have a link?


Actually, 9.5% of children identify as LGBTQ+, about the same amount as the population as a whole.
No, it isn't. There are a few conservatives who have taken over school boards, and many more need to.

Until people realize they are nuts, and they get voted off.

The problem with elected school boards is that you have no idea who these people are.

Until one of them beclowns himself trying to put creationism or anti-gay policies on the curriculum, and the courts bitch slap them down.
No, it isn't. There are a few conservatives who have taken over school boards, and many more need to.

Choose any random elementary school in rural Nebraska.

Do you REALLY think that school is overrun with the Woke Brigade teaching children to be non-binary?

Getting paid half your salary for doing... nothing.

That sounds like a pretty good deal. Better than most of us will get with Social Security.

Do you have a link?


Actually, 9.5% of children identify as LGBTQ+, about the same amount as the population as a whole.
Why don't you quit your job and become a teacher? As far as retirement it would be beneficial if every last worker retired in their early 50s. The wokeness is limited to a tiny minute number of states. It's not an issue.
Choose any random elementary school in rural Nebraska.

Do you REALLY think that school is overrun with the Woke Brigade teaching children to be non-binary?

There's zero of any of that stuff here. Only hyper partisans believe it.
Nothing can accentuate this more than the Trans issue in schools. Over time we find out about more and more instances of teachers influencing, encouraging a child's confusion of their gender/sex, and even attempting to hide such issues from parents. This isn't a one-off, it's clear to find across the country. These teachers feel they are performing a duty to harvest and guide a child's innocence towards radical, unhealthy, permanent choices because of their own beliefs, without considering the consequences for their targeted victim.

What percent of teachers do you think it is that does this sort of thing?
Getting paid half your salary for doing... nothing.

That sounds like a pretty good deal. Better than most of us will get with Social Security.
For retiring from a tough, skilled profession and SS being intended as only a floor, it makes perfect sense. Though In Typhoid's case, perhaps her anti-union dues paying and anti-vax activism call for adjustment.

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