The Teflon Don Grinds Down #TheResistance


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
This is why you people are losing and will continue to lose for the next four years.

Kurt Schlichter - The Teflon Don Grinds Down #TheResistance

See, the problem for #TheResistance is that it is composed of stupid people who think they are smart people, parochial bigots who consider themselves open-minded cosmopolitans, and meritocrats who really didn’t merit anything except contempt. They refuse to see that their hero Obama left in his miserable wake a country on the verge of being torn apart, and a teetering legacy built of wishes and fraud that is collapsing before our eyes. When Trump is done, it will be like The One had never even been there. History will label Obama “The Zero” – zero accomplishments, zero achievements, zero return on America’s eight-year investment in fake hope and change for the worse.

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