The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

As a conservative I hate the republican stance on weed.

Let the Government stay out of my life, I don't need them to tell me what i can and cannot put into my body, talk about big brother at its most basic level.

The only thing this war on drugs leads to is higher prison rates and wasted money.

Let america smoke it up. anyone who wants to smoke, already does. It's not like legalizing it going to cause a dramatic increase in cannabis consumption. All it will do is hurt the black market, lower prison populations, and create additional tax revenue.
That's sure not the way it's worked in my state. Medical pot is legal in my state, and over the last several years little by little you smell it everywhere now. There's no doubt that it is being used much more now as compared to when it was illegal.
ill say it again....Medical Pot has been legal here longer than your State and yet that has not happened here......why is that?....i fucking delivered mail and this includes the not so great areas and i very seldom smelled the stuff ......and many people were home.....
Yes typically I am in asshole, anyone who knows me will tell you that.

But no I don't smoke for escapism, If I feel like shit or had real bad day at work ill go to the liquor cabinet.
I smoke because it makes food taste better, makes running less tedious, making fucking feel better, makes TV more enjoyable. Why wouldn't I smoke?
I am soo sorry for you if the best you ever had was not your wife or girlfriend all natural.
Israeli researchers have been studying cannabis for over 50 years. Unlike most pharmaceuticals, it's benefits FAR exceed its' risks. You can die from drinking too much water (water intoxication et al.) even the OP article conceeds you can't overdose from cannabis.

What risk or fate could be worse than psychosis or schizophrenia?
and how often does that happen?

Very often if it doubles the risk.

Federal Report Marijuana Causes Mental Illness

May 3, 2005 -- Children who use marijuana before age 12 are twice as likely to later develop serious mental illness as those who don't try the drug until they're 18, according to a federal report released Tuesday.

Bush administration officials pointed to the study as growing evidence that smoking marijuana may cause mental illnesses -- including depression, schizophrenia, and suicide attempts -- in some people.
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia

The terrible truth about cannabis Expert s devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless Daily Mail Online

NAMI Marijuana and Mental Illness

Certainly not all people who smoke marijuana will develop schizophrenia, but people who are at risk of developing this illness—including individuals with close family relatives that have severe mental illness—will be more likely to experience psychosis if they are using marijuana.

Regular marijuana use bad for teens brains study finds -- ScienceDaily

Frequent marijuana use can have a significant negative effect on the brains of teenagers and young adults, including cognitive decline, poor attention and memory, and decreased IQ, according to psychologists discussing public health implications of marijuana legalization at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention. ...

Some research has shown that frequent use of high potency THC can increase risk of acute and future problems with depression, anxiety and psychosis...

Smoking marijuana has been linked with an increased risk of mental illness, and now researchers say that when pot smokers do become mentally ill, the disease starts earlier than it would if they didn't smoke pot.

This means that serious psychiatric diseases that might not have shown up until kids were in their teens or twenties - or might never had developed at all are starting in children as young as 12 who smoke marijuana. ...

Smoking Pot May Hasten Onset of Mental Illness Fox News
As a conservative I hate the republican stance on weed.

Let the Government stay out of my life, I don't need them to tell me what i can and cannot put into my body, talk about big brother at its most basic level.

The only thing this war on drugs leads to is higher prison rates and wasted money.

Let america smoke it up. anyone who wants to smoke, already does. It's not like legalizing it going to cause a dramatic increase in cannabis consumption. All it will do is hurt the black market, lower prison populations, and create additional tax revenue.
That's sure not the way it's worked in my state. Medical pot is legal in my state, and over the last several years little by little you smell it everywhere now. There's no doubt that it is being used much more now as compared to when it was illegal.

How you arrived at that conclusion from what you typed amazes me. How can you say there is no doubt its being used more if you didnt know how much it was used in the first place? You do realized that making it legal allowed people to do it in the open and thats why you smell it more right?

I think that's part of it, but the availability of it now compared to years ago tells me it's being used more than before. You can see it growing out in the open in people's gardens. There's more pot, so more of it's being smoked.

And the shit stinks, and I should have the right to walk down the street and not have someone's smoke invade my nostrils. You want to use it, then keep it to yourself ! may think you're successful but the fact is you're operating at 70% of your potential. And if that doesn't bother you, the smoke has already messed up your ambition. Nobody is saying it works the same on everybody....what we're saying is you use a little piece of your mind to alter your only got so many little pieces. Maybe legalization is the way....take away the "outlaw" aspect and maybe kids will see it as boring after awhile. I'm no what you will with your life.
Presuming one is not predisposed to some reactive biological or psychological condition, so long as marijuana is used properly and intelligently (by mature adults), and it is not contaminated with pesticides or growth-inducing hormones, it is relatively harmless.

The biggest problem with marijuana is prohibition, which has driven it underground therefore impeding all efforts to educate the general public in its proper use. So it's purchased from bootleggers, most of whom sell contaminated weed, to users who have no idea of its potency and believe there is only one way to use it. Thus they abuse it.

If marijuana is made legal, smoking it, which is not the best way to enjoy it, will soon become the least common method of use. Vaporizers will replace smoking and edibles will prevail.

Again, legalization will quickly eliminate virtually all of the problems presently attributed to marijuana use -- by those who wish to use it intelligently. As for those who are motivated by self-destructive impulses, and those who are simply too stupid to do anything right, they always will find ways to harm themselves and they should not be regarded as representative.

Last, you are absolutely correct about the effect removing the lure of the illicit will have on minors. A substantial percentage of them will lose interest. This effect has been observed in The Netherlands where marijuana has been decriminalized since 1976.

(Semper Fi)
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Israeli researchers have been studying cannabis for over 50 years. Unlike most pharmaceuticals, it's benefits FAR exceed its' risks. You can die from drinking too much water (water intoxication et al.) even the OP article conceeds you can't overdose from cannabis.

What risk or fate could be worse than psychosis or schizophrenia?
and how often does that happen?

Very often if it doubles the risk.

Federal Report Marijuana Causes Mental Illness

May 3, 2005 -- Children who use marijuana before age 12 are twice as likely to later develop serious mental illness as those who don't try the drug until they're 18, according to a federal report released Tuesday.

Bush administration officials pointed to the study as growing evidence that smoking marijuana may cause mental illnesses -- including depression, schizophrenia, and suicide attempts -- in some people.
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia

The terrible truth about cannabis Expert s devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless Daily Mail Online

NAMI Marijuana and Mental Illness

Certainly not all people who smoke marijuana will develop schizophrenia, but people who are at risk of developing this illness—including individuals with close family relatives that have severe mental illness—will be more likely to experience psychosis if they are using marijuana.

Regular marijuana use bad for teens brains study finds -- ScienceDaily

Frequent marijuana use can have a significant negative effect on the brains of teenagers and young adults, including cognitive decline, poor attention and memory, and decreased IQ, according to psychologists discussing public health implications of marijuana legalization at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention. ...

Some research has shown that frequent use of high potency THC can increase risk of acute and future problems with depression, anxiety and psychosis...

Smoking marijuana has been linked with an increased risk of mental illness, and now researchers say that when pot smokers do become mentally ill, the disease starts earlier than it would if they didn't smoke pot.

This means that serious psychiatric diseases that might not have shown up until kids were in their teens or twenties - or might never had developed at all are starting in children as young as 12 who smoke marijuana. ...

Smoking Pot May Hasten Onset of Mental Illness Fox News
you do realize for just about every anti-pot "study"......there is a pro-pot "study" that counters it....i smoked the stuff quite often for at least 25-30 years .....i never knew anyone who developed mental problems or health problems who just smoked pot .....many of those people are doing quite well people i knew who did other drugs like speed or coke pretty frequently as well as pot or who Drank a lot.....many of those ones had problems.....some died over the years.....others became low income or just useless one seems to say that other drugs were being used by all these people who had health problems or who died.....and thats not sayin that someone just might have a shitty reaction to smoking pot.....that is very possible......most people who just smoked pot normally,not heavy smokers, had next to no problems....
As a conservative I hate the republican stance on weed.

Let the Government stay out of my life, I don't need them to tell me what i can and cannot put into my body, talk about big brother at its most basic level.

The only thing this war on drugs leads to is higher prison rates and wasted money.

Let america smoke it up. anyone who wants to smoke, already does. It's not like legalizing it going to cause a dramatic increase in cannabis consumption. All it will do is hurt the black market, lower prison populations, and create additional tax revenue.
That's sure not the way it's worked in my state. Medical pot is legal in my state, and over the last several years little by little you smell it everywhere now. There's no doubt that it is being used much more now as compared to when it was illegal.

How you arrived at that conclusion from what you typed amazes me. How can you say there is no doubt its being used more if you didnt know how much it was used in the first place? You do realized that making it legal allowed people to do it in the open and thats why you smell it more right?

I think that's part of it, but the availability of it now compared to years ago tells me it's being used more than before. You can see it growing out in the open in people's gardens. There's more pot, so more of it's being smoked.

And the shit stinks, and I should have the right to walk down the street and not have someone's smoke invade my nostrils. You want to use it, then keep it to yourself !
sure you smell it just walking down the street....sure you do....
Here's a thought. I was born and live in Colorado, I am tired of these carpet baggers from out of state instituting morality here, go back to California or were ever. We never wanted a sanctuary city, dope legalized, nor did we want the light rail, fracking or the airport moved out to Adams county nor did we legit Coloradans want any of this gay rights crap that you neo cosmopolitans like Hinkenpooper dreamed up. We wanted a quiet peaceful state. I will never ever vote for a liberal ever again ever. PS, I would vote for a crash test dummy rather than another liberal Colorado democrat ever again.
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Cannabis is too much ingrained in the "legal" system as a cash cow to be easily legislated into legal use globally. LEO, lawyers, bondsmen, court staff, judges, prison staff, supporting contractors...all benefit from the prosecution of cannabis infractions, once defined in some states to mean the possession of one seed could lead to a felony conviction.

It's always going to be a money game. The lawyers and the "legal" system will always get richer!
Here's a thought. I was born and live in Colorado, I am tired of these carpet baggers from out of state instituting morality here, go back to California or were ever. We never wanted a sanctuary city, dope legalized, nor did we want the light rail, fracking or the airport moved out to Adams county nor did we legit Coloradans want any of this gay rights crap that you neo cosmopolitans like Hinkenpooper dreamed up. We wanted a quiet peaceful state. I will never ever vote for a liberal ever again ever.
yea they are all from California......nobody in your state wanted what your people voted for.....heres a thought.....if you people never wanted it.....why did it get passed?...
nothing like driving behind a bunch of pot heads going half the speed limit passing it back and forth....
Some have never progressed beyond the propaganda film, "Reefer Madness".
Thousands of studies have been done ... most conclude marijuana is not harmful.
Some have never progressed beyond the propaganda film, "Reefer Madness".
Thousands of studies have been done ... most conclude marijuana is not harmful.
Many of these studies saying pot is bad for you have been disproved by other studies. You have to look at these studies and see who would benefit from them.
It is like the controversy over whether milk is good for you after the nursing period. Some scientists say no, some yes. If you look at the ones who say yes, they are usually on the payroll of dairy associations.
nothing like driving behind a bunch of pot heads going half the speed limit passing it back and forth....

yea nothing like going by an accident where some fucking drunk plowed into a family killing everyone....but himself....

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