The The On-Going Un-Weaving Of America


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Karl Marx declared years ago that the United States would never be defeated and destroyed by any foreign enemy but would instead destroy itself from within.

For decades politicians and specific groups, especially Democrats, have worked continuously to keep Americans divided because, as the saying goes, 'UNITED WE STAND'. Politicians successfully divided the country to the point Americans began identifying themselves as members of political parties 1st - Democrats or Republicans primarily - rather than as Americans. Politicians have been so successful in dividing Americans along party lines they now have opposing Party supporters arguing over whose politicians / party is more criminal / treasonous rather than holding all politicians equally accountable to 1 set of rules / laws, not 1 set of rules/laws for average Americans, 1 set of rules/laws for Republicans, and NO rules/laws for Democrats.

When Barak Obama ran for President he did not try to hide what his agenda was - he openly declared what it was: To FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States...and he did everything he could. He used Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' as a playbook to divide and wield ultimate power as President. 'Rules For Radicals' is a 'How To' manual for Socialists n how to divide and conquer - Barry even quoted the book during his Inauguration.

Barry and his administration violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election and illegally spied on EVERYONE: Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party politicians, and a newly elected President, and his team. At the end of his Presidency he collaborated with the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy working for the FBI and Russians, to acquire Russian Intel Service propaganda, and use this propaganda as the basis for a failed attempted political coup.

For 4 years the Democrats continuously attempted treasonous faux coup attempt after failed coup attempt. D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi became the 1st politician in US history to attempt to Impeach a President - the SAME President...and FAIL...TWICE in US history.

The entire time liberal extremist ideas, agendas, and cultural changes and challenges were forced on the American people, further dividing Americans. Americans have been herded through gates that split them into smaller groups, fracturing our society.

People are no longer Americans 1st / Americans - they are Democrats / Republicans.
They are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Life.
They are Anti-2nd Amendment or they are Pro-gun.
They are Pro-Open Borders or for Sovereignty and National Security.
They are Men, Women, L, G, B, T, Q.
They are White, Black, Asian. Latino, etc...
They are Pro-Government Control, for self-appointed ruling politicians or Pro-Constitution, freedom, and for politicians who understand they are servants of the people who are entrusted with defending the Constitution and the Founding Father's vision for this country, nt their own.

...and the division goes on and on...until now liberal extremist 'Cancel Culture' wielding Ultimate Intolerance has been unleashed; Liberal Progressive Extremists have declared 'the enemy' is anyone who does not embrace the liberal extremist ideology and policies, anyone who mentions the obvious stolen election, who speaks out against the socialist transition going on....with Socialist 'Big Tech' acting as enforcer to squash true freedom of speech.

Democrats, Big Socialist Tech, Supporting Companies are now telling Americans what they can SAY, what they can READ, what movies they can WATCH - virtual book / media / Constitutional Rights 'burnings'.

'Divide and Conquer'....'Divide...and FALL'. You can see new examples EVERYDAY:

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation
Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

I thought the goal was to eliminate DISCRIMINATION, achieve EQUALITY...where we looked at each other and only saw fellow Americans?! Now Liberal Extremists do not even try to hide their attempts to further divide us...

So many absurd claims. So little interest in arguing each silly point with a closed mind such as yours. Who do you think should be in charge of which books or movies should be published?
So many absurd claims. So little interest in arguing each silly point with a closed mind such as yours. Who do you think should be in charge of which books or movies should be published?
Why do you Book-Burners and Censor-Lovers fear FREE Speech so much? It is because images, accounts, and stories of freedom and liberty threaten those who seem to impose oppressive edicts and Socialist oppression / rule. It is because Socialism has failed all over the world and the argument for it is always quickly, easily defeated. So rather than attempt to discuss / debate, you seek to SILENCE, proving how wrong / failed Socialism is...but still you cling to it.
I second that! I have, in fact, been pondering (a little, not a lot) on how to present it to this forum- but, I haven't because I've had more important things to do- watching the grass grow and get greener every day, watching the birds and squirrels playin in the spring air and enjoying my coffee and cigarettes on perfect spring nights on the patio- playin at playin my guitars- learning songs that touch me- loving my family- notice my signature line- that's a line from a song I wrote- a rebuttal to Don't Let The Old Man In- IOW, important stuff- not being a publicity whore like politicians are-

The author made a good argument and I'm glad (on one hand) that he called out BOTH, Party's- I'm not so glad he didn't spend an equal amount of effort on Republicans.

He could have, for instance, told how Bush Jr made Obama's tools (alphabet agencies) available for the "spying" on Joe Average with the False Flag of 9/11 giving way to the Patriot Act, which eviscerates the 4th amendment.
Or he could have, but didn't, inform Republican voters (Joe Average) that BOTH sides subscribe to the same monetary policy which further enslaves Joe Average and his kids, kids, kids, kids, kids, kids with Borrow to Spend in the Keynesean top down economy (some may remember Trickle Down made famous by a Republican God, Reagan), implemented by a Reublican, Richard Nixon, who also implemented Wage and Price Controls when he sold the US Soul to the Devil to help finance the World Colonization through hegemony, and recalled how Bush Sr, a Republican, first uttered a New World Order- but, he didn't. So I'm not totally on board with his rant- and that and a buck fifty will get you a cup of coffee somewhere- but not in a politically enslaved business which Bush Jr claimed he wasn't fond of, being a "free market kind of guy"- so he said, while giving Joe Average a stimulas check and bailing out Too Big To Fail banksters- but, he didn't.
So many absurd claims. So little interest in arguing each silly point with a closed mind such as yours.
There's nothing to argue- just point out, with absurdity not withstanding, or being hyperbolic (if you can) where you disagree- you see, shallow, closed minds, are on BOTH sides of the divide- and yes, you're one of the ones the author referred to. Every "absurd" comment you post vaidates what you yourself said as being, well, you- a "closed mind"- a Party Loyal hack.
Karl Marx declared years ago that the United States would never be defeated and destroyed by any foreign enemy but would instead destroy itself from within.

For decades politicians and specific groups, especially Democrats, have worked continuously to keep Americans divided because, as the saying goes, 'UNITED WE STAND'. Politicians successfully divided the country to the point Americans began identifying themselves as members of political parties 1st - Democrats or Republicans primarily - rather than as Americans. Politicians have been so successful in dividing Americans along party lines they now have opposing Party supporters arguing over whose politicians / party is more criminal / treasonous rather than holding all politicians equally accountable to 1 set of rules / laws, not 1 set of rules/laws for average Americans, 1 set of rules/laws for Republicans, and NO rules/laws for Democrats.

When Barak Obama ran for President he did not try to hide what his agenda was - he openly declared what it was: To FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States...and he did everything he could. He used Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' as a playbook to divide and wield ultimate power as President. 'Rules For Radicals' is a 'How To' manual for Socialists n how to divide and conquer - Barry even quoted the book during his Inauguration.

Barry and his administration violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election and illegally spied on EVERYONE: Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party politicians, and a newly elected President, and his team. At the end of his Presidency he collaborated with the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy working for the FBI and Russians, to acquire Russian Intel Service propaganda, and use this propaganda as the basis for a failed attempted political coup.

For 4 years the Democrats continuously attempted treasonous faux coup attempt after failed coup attempt. D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi became the 1st politician in US history to attempt to Impeach a President - the SAME President...and FAIL...TWICE in US history.

The entire time liberal extremist ideas, agendas, and cultural changes and challenges were forced on the American people, further dividing Americans. Americans have been herded through gates that split them into smaller groups, fracturing our society.

People are no longer Americans 1st / Americans - they are Democrats / Republicans.
They are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Life.
They are Anti-2nd Amendment or they are Pro-gun.
They are Pro-Open Borders or for Sovereignty and National Security.
They are Men, Women, L, G, B, T, Q.
They are White, Black, Asian. Latino, etc...
They are Pro-Government Control, for self-appointed ruling politicians or Pro-Constitution, freedom, and for politicians who understand they are servants of the people who are entrusted with defending the Constitution and the Founding Father's vision for this country, nt their own.

...and the division goes on and on...until now liberal extremist 'Cancel Culture' wielding Ultimate Intolerance has been unleashed; Liberal Progressive Extremists have declared 'the enemy' is anyone who does not embrace the liberal extremist ideology and policies, anyone who mentions the obvious stolen election, who speaks out against the socialist transition going on....with Socialist 'Big Tech' acting as enforcer to squash true freedom of speech.

Democrats, Big Socialist Tech, Supporting Companies are now telling Americans what they can SAY, what they can READ, what movies they can WATCH - virtual book / media / Constitutional Rights 'burnings'.

'Divide and Conquer'....'Divide...and FALL'. You can see new examples EVERYDAY:

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation
Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

I thought the goal was to eliminate DISCRIMINATION, achieve EQUALITY...where we looked at each other and only saw fellow Americans?! Now Liberal Extremists do not even try to hide their attempts to further divide us...

Fake news.
You'd think you'd smarten up over time.....?

You're regurgitating the same ole, same ole, FAKE NEWS.....

Yep, Russian propaganda pushed in to the right wing media.... you and ilk, lick it up like ice cream.

Hopefully, some day, you will wake up in reality.
I'm still trying to picture easyt reading Marx.

Too high above your reading level, I guess....which means the writings of Sun Tzu are WAY above your IQ / reading level....

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

- Sun Tzu
Karl Marx declared years ago that the United States would never be defeated and destroyed by any foreign enemy but would instead destroy itself from within.

For decades politicians and specific groups, especially Democrats, have worked continuously to keep Americans divided because, as the saying goes, 'UNITED WE STAND'. Politicians successfully divided the country to the point Americans began identifying themselves as members of political parties 1st - Democrats or Republicans primarily - rather than as Americans. Politicians have been so successful in dividing Americans along party lines they now have opposing Party supporters arguing over whose politicians / party is more criminal / treasonous rather than holding all politicians equally accountable to 1 set of rules / laws, not 1 set of rules/laws for average Americans, 1 set of rules/laws for Republicans, and NO rules/laws for Democrats.

When Barak Obama ran for President he did not try to hide what his agenda was - he openly declared what it was: To FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States...and he did everything he could. He used Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' as a playbook to divide and wield ultimate power as President. 'Rules For Radicals' is a 'How To' manual for Socialists n how to divide and conquer - Barry even quoted the book during his Inauguration.

Barry and his administration violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election and illegally spied on EVERYONE: Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party politicians, and a newly elected President, and his team. At the end of his Presidency he collaborated with the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy working for the FBI and Russians, to acquire Russian Intel Service propaganda, and use this propaganda as the basis for a failed attempted political coup.

For 4 years the Democrats continuously attempted treasonous faux coup attempt after failed coup attempt. D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi became the 1st politician in US history to attempt to Impeach a President - the SAME President...and FAIL...TWICE in US history.

The entire time liberal extremist ideas, agendas, and cultural changes and challenges were forced on the American people, further dividing Americans. Americans have been herded through gates that split them into smaller groups, fracturing our society.

People are no longer Americans 1st / Americans - they are Democrats / Republicans.
They are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Life.
They are Anti-2nd Amendment or they are Pro-gun.
They are Pro-Open Borders or for Sovereignty and National Security.
They are Men, Women, L, G, B, T, Q.
They are White, Black, Asian. Latino, etc...
They are Pro-Government Control, for self-appointed ruling politicians or Pro-Constitution, freedom, and for politicians who understand they are servants of the people who are entrusted with defending the Constitution and the Founding Father's vision for this country, nt their own.

...and the division goes on and on...until now liberal extremist 'Cancel Culture' wielding Ultimate Intolerance has been unleashed; Liberal Progressive Extremists have declared 'the enemy' is anyone who does not embrace the liberal extremist ideology and policies, anyone who mentions the obvious stolen election, who speaks out against the socialist transition going on....with Socialist 'Big Tech' acting as enforcer to squash true freedom of speech.

Democrats, Big Socialist Tech, Supporting Companies are now telling Americans what they can SAY, what they can READ, what movies they can WATCH - virtual book / media / Constitutional Rights 'burnings'.

'Divide and Conquer'....'Divide...and FALL'. You can see new examples EVERYDAY:

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation
Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

I thought the goal was to eliminate DISCRIMINATION, achieve EQUALITY...where we looked at each other and only saw fellow Americans?! Now Liberal Extremists do not even try to hide their attempts to further divide us...

Damned fine post. Unfortunately, it is the absolute truth.........
So many absurd claims. So little interest in arguing each silly point with a closed mind such as yours. Who do you think should be in charge of which books or movies should be published?

Really? Please point out which "claims" you are writing about.............
You should read my post again. I'm not interested in arguing such a list of absurd claims with anyone who doesn't accept reality. Pick out one of those goofy claims, and I might consider it.
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Karl Marx declared years ago that the United States would never be defeated and destroyed by any foreign enemy but would instead destroy itself from within.

For decades politicians and specific groups, especially Democrats, have worked continuously to keep Americans divided because, as the saying goes, 'UNITED WE STAND'. Politicians successfully divided the country to the point Americans began identifying themselves as members of political parties 1st - Democrats or Republicans primarily - rather than as Americans. Politicians have been so successful in dividing Americans along party lines they now have opposing Party supporters arguing over whose politicians / party is more criminal / treasonous rather than holding all politicians equally accountable to 1 set of rules / laws, not 1 set of rules/laws for average Americans, 1 set of rules/laws for Republicans, and NO rules/laws for Democrats.

When Barak Obama ran for President he did not try to hide what his agenda was - he openly declared what it was: To FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States...and he did everything he could. He used Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' as a playbook to divide and wield ultimate power as President. 'Rules For Radicals' is a 'How To' manual for Socialists n how to divide and conquer - Barry even quoted the book during his Inauguration.

Barry and his administration violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election and illegally spied on EVERYONE: Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party politicians, and a newly elected President, and his team. At the end of his Presidency he collaborated with the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy working for the FBI and Russians, to acquire Russian Intel Service propaganda, and use this propaganda as the basis for a failed attempted political coup.

For 4 years the Democrats continuously attempted treasonous faux coup attempt after failed coup attempt. D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi became the 1st politician in US history to attempt to Impeach a President - the SAME President...and FAIL...TWICE in US history.

The entire time liberal extremist ideas, agendas, and cultural changes and challenges were forced on the American people, further dividing Americans. Americans have been herded through gates that split them into smaller groups, fracturing our society.

People are no longer Americans 1st / Americans - they are Democrats / Republicans.
They are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Life.
They are Anti-2nd Amendment or they are Pro-gun.
They are Pro-Open Borders or for Sovereignty and National Security.
They are Men, Women, L, G, B, T, Q.
They are White, Black, Asian. Latino, etc...
They are Pro-Government Control, for self-appointed ruling politicians or Pro-Constitution, freedom, and for politicians who understand they are servants of the people who are entrusted with defending the Constitution and the Founding Father's vision for this country, nt their own.

...and the division goes on and on...until now liberal extremist 'Cancel Culture' wielding Ultimate Intolerance has been unleashed; Liberal Progressive Extremists have declared 'the enemy' is anyone who does not embrace the liberal extremist ideology and policies, anyone who mentions the obvious stolen election, who speaks out against the socialist transition going on....with Socialist 'Big Tech' acting as enforcer to squash true freedom of speech.

Democrats, Big Socialist Tech, Supporting Companies are now telling Americans what they can SAY, what they can READ, what movies they can WATCH - virtual book / media / Constitutional Rights 'burnings'.

'Divide and Conquer'....'Divide...and FALL'. You can see new examples EVERYDAY:

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation
Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

I thought the goal was to eliminate DISCRIMINATION, achieve EQUALITY...where we looked at each other and only saw fellow Americans?! Now Liberal Extremists do not even try to hide their attempts to further divide us...

Oh, yes.

The United States of America is coming to the end.

It will stagger on until it collapses in the next century,

It proved that multiculturalism simply does not work.

No one is to blame.

Cultures are neither good nor bad. They are simply different.

And some cultures are just incompatible.
The USA doesn't need to worry about Dems and the left, they will get theirs just as tyrants and corrupt leaders have for the past 5,000 years.
Karl Marx declared years ago that the United States would never be defeated and destroyed by any foreign enemy but would instead destroy itself from within.

For decades politicians and specific groups, especially Democrats, have worked continuously to keep Americans divided because, as the saying goes, 'UNITED WE STAND'. Politicians successfully divided the country to the point Americans began identifying themselves as members of political parties 1st - Democrats or Republicans primarily - rather than as Americans. Politicians have been so successful in dividing Americans along party lines they now have opposing Party supporters arguing over whose politicians / party is more criminal / treasonous rather than holding all politicians equally accountable to 1 set of rules / laws, not 1 set of rules/laws for average Americans, 1 set of rules/laws for Republicans, and NO rules/laws for Democrats.

When Barak Obama ran for President he did not try to hide what his agenda was - he openly declared what it was: To FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States...and he did everything he could. He used Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' as a playbook to divide and wield ultimate power as President. 'Rules For Radicals' is a 'How To' manual for Socialists n how to divide and conquer - Barry even quoted the book during his Inauguration.

Barry and his administration violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election and illegally spied on EVERYONE: Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party politicians, and a newly elected President, and his team. At the end of his Presidency he collaborated with the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy working for the FBI and Russians, to acquire Russian Intel Service propaganda, and use this propaganda as the basis for a failed attempted political coup.

For 4 years the Democrats continuously attempted treasonous faux coup attempt after failed coup attempt. D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi became the 1st politician in US history to attempt to Impeach a President - the SAME President...and FAIL...TWICE in US history.

The entire time liberal extremist ideas, agendas, and cultural changes and challenges were forced on the American people, further dividing Americans. Americans have been herded through gates that split them into smaller groups, fracturing our society.

People are no longer Americans 1st / Americans - they are Democrats / Republicans.
They are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Life.
They are Anti-2nd Amendment or they are Pro-gun.
They are Pro-Open Borders or for Sovereignty and National Security.
They are Men, Women, L, G, B, T, Q.
They are White, Black, Asian. Latino, etc...
They are Pro-Government Control, for self-appointed ruling politicians or Pro-Constitution, freedom, and for politicians who understand they are servants of the people who are entrusted with defending the Constitution and the Founding Father's vision for this country, nt their own.

...and the division goes on and on...until now liberal extremist 'Cancel Culture' wielding Ultimate Intolerance has been unleashed; Liberal Progressive Extremists have declared 'the enemy' is anyone who does not embrace the liberal extremist ideology and policies, anyone who mentions the obvious stolen election, who speaks out against the socialist transition going on....with Socialist 'Big Tech' acting as enforcer to squash true freedom of speech.

Democrats, Big Socialist Tech, Supporting Companies are now telling Americans what they can SAY, what they can READ, what movies they can WATCH - virtual book / media / Constitutional Rights 'burnings'.

'Divide and Conquer'....'Divide...and FALL'. You can see new examples EVERYDAY:

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation
Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

I thought the goal was to eliminate DISCRIMINATION, achieve EQUALITY...where we looked at each other and only saw fellow Americans?! Now Liberal Extremists do not even try to hide their attempts to further divide us...

Very well said. Did you write that?
Karl Marx declared years ago that the United States would never be defeated and destroyed by any foreign enemy but would instead destroy itself from within.

For decades politicians and specific groups, especially Democrats, have worked continuously to keep Americans divided because, as the saying goes, 'UNITED WE STAND'. Politicians successfully divided the country to the point Americans began identifying themselves as members of political parties 1st - Democrats or Republicans primarily - rather than as Americans. Politicians have been so successful in dividing Americans along party lines they now have opposing Party supporters arguing over whose politicians / party is more criminal / treasonous rather than holding all politicians equally accountable to 1 set of rules / laws, not 1 set of rules/laws for average Americans, 1 set of rules/laws for Republicans, and NO rules/laws for Democrats.

When Barak Obama ran for President he did not try to hide what his agenda was - he openly declared what it was: To FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States...and he did everything he could. He used Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' as a playbook to divide and wield ultimate power as President. 'Rules For Radicals' is a 'How To' manual for Socialists n how to divide and conquer - Barry even quoted the book during his Inauguration.

Barry and his administration violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election and illegally spied on EVERYONE: Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party politicians, and a newly elected President, and his team. At the end of his Presidency he collaborated with the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy working for the FBI and Russians, to acquire Russian Intel Service propaganda, and use this propaganda as the basis for a failed attempted political coup.

For 4 years the Democrats continuously attempted treasonous faux coup attempt after failed coup attempt. D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi became the 1st politician in US history to attempt to Impeach a President - the SAME President...and FAIL...TWICE in US history.

The entire time liberal extremist ideas, agendas, and cultural changes and challenges were forced on the American people, further dividing Americans. Americans have been herded through gates that split them into smaller groups, fracturing our society.

People are no longer Americans 1st / Americans - they are Democrats / Republicans.
They are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Life.
They are Anti-2nd Amendment or they are Pro-gun.
They are Pro-Open Borders or for Sovereignty and National Security.
They are Men, Women, L, G, B, T, Q.
They are White, Black, Asian. Latino, etc...
They are Pro-Government Control, for self-appointed ruling politicians or Pro-Constitution, freedom, and for politicians who understand they are servants of the people who are entrusted with defending the Constitution and the Founding Father's vision for this country, nt their own.

...and the division goes on and on...until now liberal extremist 'Cancel Culture' wielding Ultimate Intolerance has been unleashed; Liberal Progressive Extremists have declared 'the enemy' is anyone who does not embrace the liberal extremist ideology and policies, anyone who mentions the obvious stolen election, who speaks out against the socialist transition going on....with Socialist 'Big Tech' acting as enforcer to squash true freedom of speech.

Democrats, Big Socialist Tech, Supporting Companies are now telling Americans what they can SAY, what they can READ, what movies they can WATCH - virtual book / media / Constitutional Rights 'burnings'.

'Divide and Conquer'....'Divide...and FALL'. You can see new examples EVERYDAY:

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation
Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

I thought the goal was to eliminate DISCRIMINATION, achieve EQUALITY...where we looked at each other and only saw fellow Americans?! Now Liberal Extremists do not even try to hide their attempts to further divide us...

Oh, yes.

The United States of America is coming to the end.

It will stagger on until it collapses in the next century,

It proved that multiculturalism simply does not work.

No one is to blame.

Cultures are neither good nor bad. They are simply different.

And some cultures are just incompatible.
It will not make it to the next century.
America barely survived the depression then saved the world from Japan and Germany then began the building of the middle class then expanded that to full opportunity for all which Some chose to pursue and reap the rewards of. Then mandatory acceptance of low level cultures began to be imposed, embracement of non traditional sexual mores imposed, then feelings and fairness were imposed and by now the peak performance of the USA is in decline

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