The Third Gender

Lol, autotype got me again. it was ssupposed to say it's immoral because i say its immoral based on ur logic. Talking on this forum n working may be to much for me,lol. there are many of u here more educated than myself, n I respect that. I just dont understand how we can't reach some level of respect for each other even though we have different views. do u believe we all have an innate ability to determine what's right and what's wrong?

I think we do.

I think that saying homosexuality is wrong needs a higher threshold than "I think it's icky" and "God said it was bad".

Which you have yet to provide.

Homosexuality is against the law of nature...are you going to say that pedophilia is fine and the the age of consent should be lowered so some 40 something queer should be able to seduce a twelve year old into the ways of queer love??? Because that is EXACTLY where society is heading. I bet a liberal fuck like you would applause and salute the "sexual awakening" of the child and anyone that didn't support this was simply a "hater" strike me as being that fucking sick in the head....
Do you have to be a queer to be a cocksucker? I know of no straight men that would perform fellatio on another male because if they did? That would make them a queer......looks like you lose yet another argument...seems like you are not even trying.

I will totally defer to your greater expertise on cocksucking. I'm sure you know a lot about it.

No one died at Sandy Hook/ was a manufactured news event at a school that wasn't even in working order. It was a toxic waste dump with mold and water damage and a roof that was in need of being replaced. Why would they need to bring in porta-potties and why can't Newtown produce the receipt of the rental? That's easily answered....the water was cut off to the school because it had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008.

and again, so everyone in Newtown (Population 28,000) would know this wasn't an active school and would have all kept quiet about the scam. Every last one of them.

Here's a more logical reason why the responders brought in porta-potty's. The entire school was a crime scene and you didn't want someone shitting in the middle of your crime scene.

A 20 year old that allegedly suffered from Asperger's Syndrome that hated the touch of metal killed his mother and then bypassed 6 other schools to one that had been shut down since 2008 and fired off 150 shots in less than ten minutes where the first responders on the scene with no EMT experience declares all 20 children dead within ten minutes of entering the school where Adam Lanza kills himself and none of the bodies are removed until 2:00 AM Saturday morning under the cover of really buy that sack of bullshit? If so, I have some land here in Florida on the edge of a sinkhole that would be an incredible investment that I will let go on the cheap just because I like ya......

I think when you have a six year old whose been hit by a 5.56 round, it's kind of easy to tell they are dead.

again, you really have provided no evidence Sandy Hook was closed in 2008 other than conspiracy websites. That would be kind of hard to cover up.

But then again, you are the cocksucker who calls the parents of slain chidlren liars.
Homosexuality is against the law of nature...are you going to say that pedophilia is fine and the the age of consent should be lowered so some 40 something queer should be able to seduce a twelve year old into the ways of queer love??? Because that is EXACTLY where society is heading. I bet a liberal fuck like you would applause and salute the "sexual awakening" of the child and anyone that didn't support this was simply a "hater" strike me as being that fucking sick in the head....

Pedophilia is wrong because a child can't consent.

No one was suggesting we lower the age of consent (even though it is not consistent throughout the country, some States IN JesusLand have it as low as 14.)

Of course, the reality. The concept that a person only reaches adulthood at 18 is a relatively modern one. Through most of history, marriage followed pregnancy and most girls were married off in their teens. Teens today are like teens through any other part of history. Once puberty hits, they want to find out what their new toys can do.

Today we have women waiting until they are 30 to tie the knot and then either rushing to have a baby or trying to convince an unwed teen to give up one of hers.

But um, laws of nature, or something.
Do you have to be a queer to be a cocksucker? I know of no straight men that would perform fellatio on another male because if they did? That would make them a queer......looks like you lose yet another argument...seems like you are not even trying.

I will totally defer to your greater expertise on cocksucking. I'm sure you know a lot about it.

No one died at Sandy Hook/ was a manufactured news event at a school that wasn't even in working order. It was a toxic waste dump with mold and water damage and a roof that was in need of being replaced. Why would they need to bring in porta-potties and why can't Newtown produce the receipt of the rental? That's easily answered....the water was cut off to the school because it had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008.

and again, so everyone in Newtown (Population 28,000) would know this wasn't an active school and would have all kept quiet about the scam. Every last one of them.

Here's a more logical reason why the responders brought in porta-potty's. The entire school was a crime scene and you didn't want someone shitting in the middle of your crime scene.

A 20 year old that allegedly suffered from Asperger's Syndrome that hated the touch of metal killed his mother and then bypassed 6 other schools to one that had been shut down since 2008 and fired off 150 shots in less than ten minutes where the first responders on the scene with no EMT experience declares all 20 children dead within ten minutes of entering the school where Adam Lanza kills himself and none of the bodies are removed until 2:00 AM Saturday morning under the cover of really buy that sack of bullshit? If so, I have some land here in Florida on the edge of a sinkhole that would be an incredible investment that I will let go on the cheap just because I like ya......

I think when you have a six year old whose been hit by a 5.56 round, it's kind of easy to tell they are dead.

again, you really have provided no evidence Sandy Hook was closed in 2008 other than conspiracy websites. That would be kind of hard to cover up.

But then again, you are the cocksucker who calls the parents of slain chidlren liars.

"I think when you have a six year old whose been hit by a 5.56 round, it's kind of easy to tell they are dead"

And we know this how exactly????? Oh! That's right, the lamestream media said so and your beloved federal "gubermint" said so........move along , folks.....redacted information and all footage of the 400 plus children that were allegedly there no longer exists via the FOIA...what we do have is dash-cam videos of a porker Connecticut state trooper laying out picnic fixings on the hood of his cruiser with no time stamps.....can't investigate the alleged shooting of 27 people on an empty stomach, ya know........and THANK GOD for the porta-potties because after a hearty lunch of cold cuts nature will have to take it's course...right?

Oh wait, you claim that cops couldn't take a shit at the school because it was a crime scene....right? But yet just several hundred feet down the road we have the firehouse where (snicker) "worried masses" are milling around....going in through one door, circling, appearing again as if to give the appearance that there was a chaotic scene even though there was no sense of urgency....can't disrupt the "milling folk" lest one of these heroic badge wearing "men of action" needs to take a shit....right? THANK GOD that someone had the organization skills to "think ahead of the game" and order porta-potties along with an electronic sign that declares that "Everyone Must Sign In" to insure that the parents get credit for attending this drill and as they casually walk back to their cars in leisure wear as if they had just attended a child's soccer game on a Saturday afternoon in the Fall....and what do we see? They are wearing lanyards with name tags to specify their role in this capstone drill. I have seen a more intense sense of urgency when someone has to put down a pet than what you see from these parents that have just allegedly picked up their children (like I said while wearing casual wear but yet on a work day) to "whisk" them away to safety and the comforting arms of their alleged parents.

What pisses me off more than this fakery is that they put so little effort into it and didn't think enough of the intellect of those that could sniff this fraud out...."It's on must be true!!!!"...the mantra of the moron millions that clasped their hands and openly wept over an event that was totally staged and then opened up their meager pocketbooks to write a check to these frauds....were you one of them? I doubt it.....Lincoln blinks at the light when you pull a dime out of your pocket.


P.S "cocksucker"???? I bet you use the "N" word against a black person that isn't a fellow leftard....much like you use queer slurs in a lame attempt marginalize someone like me that hands you your cyber ass for all to see and witness....

Homosexuality is against the law of nature...are you going to say that pedophilia is fine and the the age of consent should be lowered so some 40 something queer should be able to seduce a twelve year old into the ways of queer love??? Because that is EXACTLY where society is heading. I bet a liberal fuck like you would applause and salute the "sexual awakening" of the child and anyone that didn't support this was simply a "hater" strike me as being that fucking sick in the head....

Pedophilia is wrong because a child can't consent.

No one was suggesting we lower the age of consent (even though it is not consistent throughout the country, some States IN JesusLand have it as low as 14.)

Of course, the reality. The concept that a person only reaches adulthood at 18 is a relatively modern one. Through most of history, marriage followed pregnancy and most girls were married off in their teens. Teens today are like teens through any other part of history. Once puberty hits, they want to find out what their new toys can do.

Today we have women waiting until they are 30 to tie the knot and then either rushing to have a baby or trying to convince an unwed teen to give up one of hers.

But um, laws of nature, or something.

Liberals that are in GLSEN, NAMBLA and the LGBTQ are totally on board with lowering the age of consent...their reasoning is that once a child reaches puberty and start to expolore themselves sexually that they are better off having an experienced mentor to guide them....and the leftard queer faction wants to be that "mentor"., has even given a pedo a forum to air his struggles and the politically correct term isn't "pedophile"'s "MAP" as in Minor Attracted Person"....once again I kick your ass.......(snicker)
And we know this how exactly????? Oh! That's right, the lamestream media said so and your beloved federal "gubermint" said so........move along , folks.....redacted information and all footage of the 400 plus children that were allegedly there no longer exists via the FOIA...what we do have is dash-cam videos of a porker Connecticut state trooper laying out picnic fixings on the hood of his cruiser with no time stamps.....can't investigate the alleged shooting of 27 people on an empty stomach, ya know........and THANK GOD for the porta-potties because after a hearty lunch of cold cuts nature will have to take it's course...right?

Uh, wow, this is your argument? That you can't see the bloody crime scene footage? THe rest of your post is the boring shit Alex Jones made up that you are passing off as original thought.

Liberals that are in GLSEN, NAMBLA and the LGBTQ are totally on board with lowering the age of consent...their reasoning is that once a child reaches puberty and start to expolore themselves sexually that they are better off having an experienced mentor to guide them....and the leftard queer faction wants to be that "mentor"., has even given a pedo a forum to air his struggles and the politically correct term isn't "pedophile"'s "MAP" as in Minor Attracted Person"....once again I kick your ass.......(snicker)

Guy, you obviously don't know any gay people. If you did, every last one of them would tell you that they knew they were gay long before the first time they had sex.

Just like most of us knew we were straight long before we had sex the first time.
And we know this how exactly????? Oh! That's right, the lamestream media said so and your beloved federal "gubermint" said so........move along , folks.....redacted information and all footage of the 400 plus children that were allegedly there no longer exists via the FOIA...what we do have is dash-cam videos of a porker Connecticut state trooper laying out picnic fixings on the hood of his cruiser with no time stamps.....can't investigate the alleged shooting of 27 people on an empty stomach, ya know........and THANK GOD for the porta-potties because after a hearty lunch of cold cuts nature will have to take it's course...right?

Uh, wow, this is your argument? That you can't see the bloody crime scene footage? THe rest of your post is the boring shit Alex Jones made up that you are passing off as original thought.

Liberals that are in GLSEN, NAMBLA and the LGBTQ are totally on board with lowering the age of consent...their reasoning is that once a child reaches puberty and start to expolore themselves sexually that they are better off having an experienced mentor to guide them....and the leftard queer faction wants to be that "mentor"., has even given a pedo a forum to air his struggles and the politically correct term isn't "pedophile"'s "MAP" as in Minor Attracted Person"....once again I kick your ass.......(snicker)

Guy, you obviously don't know any gay people. If you did, every last one of them would tell you that they knew they were gay long before the first time they had sex.

Just like most of us knew we were straight long before we had sex the first time.

There was no "bloody crime scene" and had this been a real time event, the liberal, Fabian socialist left would have shown each and every child being rushed away in an ambulance or care-flite copter covered in blood for affect....but the fact is, this never one died. It was a psy-op with actors that were connected to the DNC like David Wheeler that played two roles that day....grieving daddy and "sloppy sniper" that didn't even know how to hold on to an's pretty hysterical....need some help on this one? As far as the transgendered confused queer? Your understanding of it's plight is touching.........seriously.

'eh - who cares? this individual isn't harming anybody, nor will my life be affected at all.
This man has chosen to identify himself as none of the above. Is he harming anybody? Look into his eyes. Does he appear to have won a victory for himself or guys like him? His eyes are dead. Now that he is legally a non binary being, nothing has changed except he is officially none of the above.

who forced him to do any of that? nobody. it was something he wanted to do. individual freedom still exists. for now.
Who said he was forced? I'm simply saying what he has done is pathetic. A third official gender is not something to celebrate.

Of course individual freedom still exists. What does that have to do with Jamie the non binary Man?

' Does he appear to have won a victory for himself '...

apparently he has & that is all that matters. sure - have an opinion; but it's not up to you or me or the inevitable jack-offs with childish closed minds who responded to this thread as predicted that matters in the end.
There was no "bloody crime scene" and had this been a real time event, the liberal, Fabian socialist left would have shown each and every child being rushed away in an ambulance or care-flite copter covered in blood for affect.

why would they have shown that? And if it was a staged event, why couldn't they have staged that?

You see how your logic falls down under the least bit of scrutiny, Cocksucker Dale?

It was a psy-op with actors that were connected to the DNC like David Wheeler that played two roles that day....grieving daddy and "sloppy sniper" that didn't even know how to hold on to an's pretty hysterical...

Right. Because again, you saw it on Alex Jones' website, so it must be true.

So why hasn't the NRA exposed the whole reeking business if there is so much evidence? I mean, if they could prove that Sandy Hook was a fraud orchestrated by the DNC, that would probably be enough to impeach Obama, right? I mean, shit, you clowns impeached Clinton over a blow job, this is a lot more serious.

Again, Cocksucker Dale, your conspiracy theory falls apart until the least bit of scrutiny.

.it's pretty hysterical....need some help on this one? As far as the transgendered confused queer? Your understanding of it's plight is touching.........seriously.

Naw, I just don't get worked about it when we have real problems like kids going to bed hungry at night.
There was no "bloody crime scene" and had this been a real time event, the liberal, Fabian socialist left would have shown each and every child being rushed away in an ambulance or care-flite copter covered in blood for affect.

why would they have shown that? And if it was a staged event, why couldn't they have staged that?

You see how your logic falls down under the least bit of scrutiny, Cocksucker Dale?

It was a psy-op with actors that were connected to the DNC like David Wheeler that played two roles that day....grieving daddy and "sloppy sniper" that didn't even know how to hold on to an's pretty hysterical...

Right. Because again, you saw it on Alex Jones' website, so it must be true.

So why hasn't the NRA exposed the whole reeking business if there is so much evidence? I mean, if they could prove that Sandy Hook was a fraud orchestrated by the DNC, that would probably be enough to impeach Obama, right? I mean, shit, you clowns impeached Clinton over a blow job, this is a lot more serious.

Again, Cocksucker Dale, your conspiracy theory falls apart until the least bit of scrutiny.

.it's pretty hysterical....need some help on this one? As far as the transgendered confused queer? Your understanding of it's plight is touching.........seriously.

Naw, I just don't get worked about it when we have real problems like kids going to bed hungry at night.

Hell, they couldn't even correctly stage a believable crime scene as it poorly done and poorly executed that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, lil joe. I didn't find the evidence to deem this little false flag from Alex Jones so once again you lose, little;s what you do bet. Getting under your extremely thin skin is extremely easy.

As far as the NRA goes? They shouldn't touch this with a twenty foot pole because the lamestream media and it's little minions like you would be all over them claiming that they were insensitive and heartless even when the facts of the staged event would bear them out......get it now??

happy holidays, lil joe.

Lol, autotype got me again. it was ssupposed to say it's immoral because i say its immoral based on ur logic. Talking on this forum n working may be to much for me,lol. there are many of u here more educated than myself, n I respect that. I just dont understand how we can't reach some level of respect for each other even though we have different views. do u believe we all have an innate ability to determine what's right and what's wrong?

I think we do.

I think that saying homosexuality is wrong needs a higher threshold than "I think it's icky" and "God said it was bad".

Which you have yet to provide.
I'll agree with that. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 explains how we are supposed to love one another. Even if you have no beleif in God those words are a token we should all live by. Many Christians have failed to love but have been quick to pass judgment. I care about all people, real Christians are needed now more than ever because only love will stop the staggering suicide rate amongst the transgender and lgbt community.
I just love it when a liberal finds Jesus only when they want to push their immorality upon the rest of US, otherwise they completely want to remove God from the constitution and the country. Fucking hypocrites.
There was no "bloody crime scene" and had this been a real time event, the liberal, Fabian socialist left would have shown each and every child being rushed away in an ambulance or care-flite copter covered in blood for affect.

why would they have shown that? And if it was a staged event, why couldn't they have staged that?

You see how your logic falls down under the least bit of scrutiny, Cocksucker Dale?

It was a psy-op with actors that were connected to the DNC like David Wheeler that played two roles that day....grieving daddy and "sloppy sniper" that didn't even know how to hold on to an's pretty hysterical...

Right. Because again, you saw it on Alex Jones' website, so it must be true.

So why hasn't the NRA exposed the whole reeking business if there is so much evidence? I mean, if they could prove that Sandy Hook was a fraud orchestrated by the DNC, that would probably be enough to impeach Obama, right? I mean, shit, you clowns impeached Clinton over a blow job, this is a lot more serious.

Again, Cocksucker Dale, your conspiracy theory falls apart until the least bit of scrutiny.

.it's pretty hysterical....need some help on this one? As far as the transgendered confused queer? Your understanding of it's plight is touching.........seriously.

Naw, I just don't get worked about it when we have real problems like kids going to bed hungry at night.
It is just a shame that you Joe weren't aborted by your mother when you were just a kidney bean sized fetus,. removing your Carbon Footprint from the Man Made Climate Change. You and your 2 houses are just a hypocritical mess.
Hell, they couldn't even correctly stage a believable crime scene as it poorly done and poorly executed that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, lil joe. I didn't find the evidence to deem this little false flag from Alex Jones so once again you lose, little;s what you do bet. Getting under your extremely thin skin is extremely easy.

Yes, being a soulless cocksucker does get under my skin and I supposed it takes little effort, but I'm not sure why you do it. I mean, seriously, dude, what is so wrong in your life that you need to beleive the most insane conspiracy theories to justify your misery?

All your evidence is crap, BTW. Most places have "Visitors must sign in" logs. My company has one of those.

As far as the NRA goes? They shouldn't touch this with a twenty foot pole because the lamestream media and it's little minions like you would be all over them claiming that they were insensitive and heartless even when the facts of the staged event would bear them out......get it now??

So let me get this straight. They shouldn't present CLEAR EVIDENCE of multiple false flag operations (because you think all mass shootings are false flags, right? ) because no one would believe them when the evidence is so clear?

Come on, guy. your logic is straining.
I just love it when a liberal finds Jesus only when they want to push their immorality upon the rest of US, otherwise they completely want to remove God from the constitution and the country. Fucking hypocrites.

I think you are a little bit confused, guy.

There's a difference between saying, "Hey, that's a good idea" and "That's now mandatory, whether you believe in it or not."

The problem with you Christians is you use Jesus to justify things he never talked about. Jesus never talked about abortion or gays... but to hear you guys tell it, those were the biggest issues for Christians.

Meanwhile, things Jesus did talk about, you know, taking care of the poor and living in peace with others... you guys pretend those things aren't in there.

It is just a shame that you Joe weren't aborted by your mother when you were just a kidney bean sized fetus,. removing your Carbon Footprint from the Man Made Climate Change. You and your 2 houses are just a hypocritical mess.

No hypocrisy at all... I wouldn't force a woman to have an abortion, and I wouldn't force a woman to have a baby. That's HER choice because it's HER body.

besides someone has to do the work to keep white trash like you collecting welfare.
Ground breaker Jamie Shup of Portland, Oregon has legally changed his gender to non binary.
The option to choose male female or non is easier than you think!

Progress or lunacy?


Movement for third gender option 'exploding' in U.S.

:lol: You have to wonder if they actually think they look good. Do they not realize that they look like clowns, I wonder? :eusa_think:
Hell, they couldn't even correctly stage a believable crime scene as it poorly done and poorly executed that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, lil joe. I didn't find the evidence to deem this little false flag from Alex Jones so once again you lose, little;s what you do bet. Getting under your extremely thin skin is extremely easy.

Yes, being a soulless cocksucker does get under my skin and I supposed it takes little effort, but I'm not sure why you do it. I mean, seriously, dude, what is so wrong in your life that you need to beleive the most insane conspiracy theories to justify your misery?

All your evidence is crap, BTW. Most places have "Visitors must sign in" logs. My company has one of those.

As far as the NRA goes? They shouldn't touch this with a twenty foot pole because the lamestream media and it's little minions like you would be all over them claiming that they were insensitive and heartless even when the facts of the staged event would bear them out......get it now??

So let me get this straight. They shouldn't present CLEAR EVIDENCE of multiple false flag operations (because you think all mass shootings are false flags, right? ) because no one would believe them when the evidence is so clear?

Come on, guy. your logic is straining.

I tell the truth, lil joe....if it's not the kind of truth you want to hear and then get butthurt over it? That simply isn't my problem and none of your whining and "guilt shaming" attempts are going to affect as to how I post here. It was false flag event and a poorly executed one at that. No one died at Sandy Hoax and no one was wounded. It was a DHS/FEMA capstone drill that was presented as a real time event. You know nothing about Newtown or it's history and it's dynamic. This was all theater to push several narratives like mental health and guns. Have you ever thought that it was rather peculiar that they got the porta-potties there and an electronic sign there so quickly while the alleged dead are still in the school house per one of their reports with heavily redacted information? Of course we have one crisis actor that claimed policemen were bringing out one child after another on CBS right as she claimed she got there to pick up her alleged child of course we all know that it didn't happen.

As far as the NRA is concerned? I more than made my point....if you are too fucking dense to digest it, that isn't my problem either.

Are we clear on this or do you need for me to sit you down like a small child AGAIN and explain? Let me know as I am here to help.....
I tell the truth, lil joe....if it's not the kind of truth you want to hear and then get butthurt over it? That simply isn't my problem and none of your whining and "guilt shaming" attempts are going to affect as to how I post here. It was false flag event and a poorly executed one at that. No one died at Sandy Hoax and no one was wounded. It was a DHS/FEMA capstone drill that was presented as a real time event. You know nothing about Newtown or it's history and it's dynamic. This was all theater to push several narratives like mental health and guns.

Wait a minute, was it a "Dril" or was it a "Staged event"? Please keep your story straight, Cocksucker Dale.

Have you ever thought that it was rather peculiar that they got the porta-potties there and an electronic sign there so quickly while the alleged dead are still in the school house per one of their reports with heavily redacted information? Of course we have one crisis actor that claimed policemen were bringing out one child after another on CBS right as she claimed she got there to pick up her alleged child of course we all know that it didn't happen.

Nope, because all those claims are bullshit. Can you please cite a credible website to support any of that?

As far as the NRA is concerned? I more than made my point....if you are too fucking dense to digest it, that isn't my problem either.

So the NRA would have the goods to TOTALLY IMPEACH OBAMA, and they wouldn't use it? Really? Come on, the right wing impeached Clinton for getting a blow job... this would be a lot more serious.

Are we clear on this or do you need for me to sit you down like a small child AGAIN and explain? Let me know as I am here to help.....

Actualy,the only thing that is clear is that you are a horrible human being. Even other Right Wingers avoid you.
I tell the truth, lil joe....if it's not the kind of truth you want to hear and then get butthurt over it? That simply isn't my problem and none of your whining and "guilt shaming" attempts are going to affect as to how I post here. It was false flag event and a poorly executed one at that. No one died at Sandy Hoax and no one was wounded. It was a DHS/FEMA capstone drill that was presented as a real time event. You know nothing about Newtown or it's history and it's dynamic. This was all theater to push several narratives like mental health and guns.

Wait a minute, was it a "Dril" or was it a "Staged event"? Please keep your story straight, Cocksucker Dale.

Have you ever thought that it was rather peculiar that they got the porta-potties there and an electronic sign there so quickly while the alleged dead are still in the school house per one of their reports with heavily redacted information? Of course we have one crisis actor that claimed policemen were bringing out one child after another on CBS right as she claimed she got there to pick up her alleged child of course we all know that it didn't happen.

Nope, because all those claims are bullshit. Can you please cite a credible website to support any of that?

As far as the NRA is concerned? I more than made my point....if you are too fucking dense to digest it, that isn't my problem either.

So the NRA would have the goods to TOTALLY IMPEACH OBAMA, and they wouldn't use it? Really? Come on, the right wing impeached Clinton for getting a blow job... this would be a lot more serious.

Are we clear on this or do you need for me to sit you down like a small child AGAIN and explain? Let me know as I am here to help.....

Actualy,the only thing that is clear is that you are a horrible human being. Even other Right Wingers avoid you.

Are you saying that drills aren't staged??? That they are not planned? Does someone just at the drop of a hat declare "Well, it's DRILL TIME!!!"????

And there is nothing "bullshit" about what I have posted and if you did any digging or researching yourself,. you would see that every statement I have made here is correct. Your opinion of me as a human being doesn't mean diddly squat to me. Former intel agents like Dr Steve Pieczenik claim it was as well. There is nothing about this event that passes the sniff test of those with the ability to think. I think what pisses you off is that you can't believe that you were chumped......tough shit.
Are you saying that drills aren't staged??? That they are not planned? Does someone just at the drop of a hat declare "Well, it's DRILL TIME!!!"????

Sure they are. And when they are, they are announced so everyone in the region knows, "Hey, we are having a drill, don't flood the 9'11 lines with calls."

And there is nothing "bullshit" about what I have posted and if you did any digging or researching yourself,. you would see that every statement I have made here is correct.

No, guy, it is bullshit, and all the people who source this stuff are evil cocksuckers who need to be locked up in mental institutions.

Your opinion of me as a human being doesn't mean diddly squat to me. Former intel agents like Dr Steve Pieczenik claim it was as well.

And he's an evil cocksucker, too. Oh, yeah, and he got disbarred from the APA for unethical conduct.

There is nothing about this event that passes the sniff test of those with the ability to think. I think what pisses you off is that you can't believe that you were chumped......tough shit.

No, what pisses me off is that there are evil cocksuckers who can spread malicious lies like this, and suffer no consequences. In any European country, they bring you up on charges for this sort of shit and you go to jail.
Are you saying that drills aren't staged??? That they are not planned? Does someone just at the drop of a hat declare "Well, it's DRILL TIME!!!"????

Sure they are. And when they are, they are announced so everyone in the region knows, "Hey, we are having a drill, don't flood the 9'11 lines with calls."

And there is nothing "bullshit" about what I have posted and if you did any digging or researching yourself,. you would see that every statement I have made here is correct.

No, guy, it is bullshit, and all the people who source this stuff are evil cocksuckers who need to be locked up in mental institutions.

Your opinion of me as a human being doesn't mean diddly squat to me. Former intel agents like Dr Steve Pieczenik claim it was as well.

And he's an evil cocksucker, too. Oh, yeah, and he got disbarred from the APA for unethical conduct.

There is nothing about this event that passes the sniff test of those with the ability to think. I think what pisses you off is that you can't believe that you were chumped......tough shit.

No, what pisses me off is that there are evil cocksuckers who can spread malicious lies like this, and suffer no consequences. In any European country, they bring you up on charges for this sort of shit and you go to jail.

Translating lil joeb131: "No, guy, it is bullshit, and all the people who source this stuff are evil cocksuckers who need to be locked up in mental institutions"

Translation: "I have done no research and if it was on CNN with CIA agent Anderson Cooper declaring this a real time event? That's all I need to see and anyone that says otherwise perform fellatio because that is my way of lamely lashing out at those that attempt to ruin my world view of the corporate controlled media!!!"

Liljoeb131 sez????? "And he's an evil cocksucker, too. Oh, yeah, and he got disbarred from the APA for unethical conduct"
Translation: "I am talking out of my ass again because I haven't done my due diligence"

Little joe, Dr Steve Pieczenik was given a reprimand by the APA for publicly claiming that George H Bush was clinically depressed...and G H Bush, the pedophile and KM-Ultra handler had a lot to be depressed about given the crimes he has committed.....btw, the good doctor resigned from the once again I "punk" you......

lioljoeb131 sez?????? "No, what pisses me off is that there are evil cocksuckers who can spread malicious lies like this, and suffer no consequences. In any European country, they bring you up on charges for this sort of shit and you go to jail"

Translation: How DARE you defy the official narrative and cloud the issue with facts and should be incarcerated because free thinking and free thought are not in the best interest of my beloved "gubermint!!!!"

Get bent, tiny Joe....I know more than you....infinitely more and the anomalies about the events from that day stick out like a cockroach on a wedding cake. Fortunately the ability to speak one's mind hasn't been suppressed to the point that America is like the old USSR where questioning the status quo meant a trip to the gulag.....though I am sure that you want to see that come to fruition may happen yet but you won't be around to see it.
Anything else I can help you with????? Need a tissue to dry your eyes???? Have you tried this shampoo????

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