The Third Gender

I'll say it slow this time, only God knows who enters heaven and hell. if we truly repent we can have hope to spend eternity n heaven. I've given u the truth do what u will.

I'll say it even slower. THERE IS NO GOD!!!

That wasn't my point. My point is if you believe the bible is the guide of how to get into Heaven of Hell, then the bible is pretty clear.

Jeff Damhner is up in heaven and Ann Frank is burning in hell- by YOUR rules.

Of neither of them is anything. When you are dead, you are dead.

I don't think you should simply get a pass for eternity if you "repented". Nor do I think you should get eternal damnation because you worshipped the wrong Sky Pixie.

Because that's kind of fucked up.
I'll say it slow this time, only God knows who enters heaven and hell. if we truly repent we can have hope to spend eternity n heaven. I've given u the truth do what u will.

I'll say it even slower. THERE IS NO GOD!!!

That wasn't my point. My point is if you believe the bible is the guide of how to get into Heaven of Hell, then the bible is pretty clear.

Jeff Damhner is up in heaven and Ann Frank is burning in hell- by YOUR rules.

Of neither of them is anything. When you are dead, you are dead.

I don't think you should simply get a pass for eternity if you "repented". Nor do I think you should get eternal damnation because you worshipped the wrong Sky Pixie.

Because that's kind of fucked up.
If there is no God then why would u even care if "my rules," lol, are messed up. Ur fight isn't with Christians, it's with those who claim to be Christians. U need to be a more honest person whether u believe in God or not. Liars have no creditability.
You have "da gubermint" you see and then you have the deep state and they totally pulled off 9/ still believe that 19 box cutting arabs showed up the entire defense department and buttfucked them in front of the entire world? HOLY fuck but are you ever an idiot.....

they didn't beat the Defense Deparment. They beat Minimum wage rent-a-cops at the airports.
But just for the record, is there any crazy you haven't signed on to?

Were the rent-a-cops also running NORAD that prevented them from sending up fighter jets to "escort" these hijacked planes? Was it "rent-a-cops" that prevented the Pentagon from using the defense mechanisms at their disposal to prevent a direct hit? Do tell????
If there is no God then why would u even care if "my rules," lol, are messed up. Ur fight isn't with Christians, it's with those who claim to be Christians. U need to be a more honest person whether u believe in God or not. Liars have no creditability.

Oh, I absolutely agree with you. My fight is not with an imaginary sky fairy. My fight is with the people who think there is a fairy in the sky and want to impose that on the rest of us.

You see, I'd have no problem with you fucked in the head idiots and your backward-ass bronze age superstitions if you kept them in the Churches that no longer got tax subsidies from the rest of us.

The problem is, of course, is you don't do that. You keep trying to sneak your bronze age superstitions into the public square, into the doctors offices, into the commerce the rest of us have to do every day...

And then you support complete fucking idiots like Trump and Bush because they said "Jesus" sincerely, and they proceed to fuck it up for the rest of us.

But as long as you are spreading your nonsense, I'm going to be the one calling bullshit on it, and pointing out how silly it is.
Were the rent-a-cops also running NORAD that prevented them from sending up fighter jets to "escort" these hijacked planes? Was it "rent-a-cops" that prevented the Pentagon from using the defense mechanisms at their disposal to prevent a direct hit? Do tell????

So how were they supposed to pick out the four airliners with terrorists on them from the thousands of airliners that were in the air that day? Keep in mind, the whole attack was less than an hour between when the first tower was hit at 8:46 and the last plane hit the Pentagon at 9:37. (I leave Flight 93 out because that didn't hit its target)

So they had 49 minutes to figure out that this was a coordianted attack, mobilize and then get thousands of planes out of the air.

But for you nuts, clearly, the simplest explanation never works. there has to be a conspiracy, because that is the only thing that explains your failed and petty lives.

Again, it would have been nice if Bush did more than "nothing" when he was told this might happen a month before.
Were the rent-a-cops also running NORAD that prevented them from sending up fighter jets to "escort" these hijacked planes? Was it "rent-a-cops" that prevented the Pentagon from using the defense mechanisms at their disposal to prevent a direct hit? Do tell????

So how were they supposed to pick out the four airliners with terrorists on them from the thousands of airliners that were in the air that day? Keep in mind, the whole attack was less than an hour between when the first tower was hit at 8:46 and the last plane hit the Pentagon at 9:37. (I leave Flight 93 out because that didn't hit its target)

So they had 49 minutes to figure out that this was a coordianted attack, mobilize and then get thousands of planes out of the air.

But for you nuts, clearly, the simplest explanation never works. there has to be a conspiracy, because that is the only thing that explains your failed and petty lives.

Again, it would have been nice if Bush did more than "nothing" when he was told this might happen a month before.

Remember the golfer Payne Stewart???? Summer of 1999??? His private plane lost cabinet pressure and when they lost contact and drifted off course, it was less than 15 minutes before two F-15 fighter jets were escorting that jet to make sure that it didn't crash into a populated area....and spare me the bullshit about the Bushpuppet....if you think that I am going to defend that POS, you have another thing coming and since you know that Bushpuppet and his neocon pals not only ignored the warnings from "Able Danger" but then acted like they had no clue that this could happen???? Then that alone tells me that you know that it was an inside which is it????? The media was complicit in it....the military industrial complex covered his sorry ass and the establishment on the left and right did so as well and immediately looked towards the Middle East per the PNAC document of "A New America Century"....debate me, lil Joe.......let's have a "face off"......I have yet to find a leftard or neocon that wants to challenge me....will you be the first????
If there is no God then why would u even care if "my rules," lol, are messed up. Ur fight isn't with Christians, it's with those who claim to be Christians. U need to be a more honest person whether u believe in God or not. Liars have no creditability.

Oh, I absolutely agree with you. My fight is not with an imaginary sky fairy. My fight is with the people who think there is a fairy in the sky and want to impose that on the rest of us.

You see, I'd have no problem with you fucked in the head idiots and your backward-ass bronze age superstitions if you kept them in the Churches that no longer got tax subsidies from the rest of us.

The problem is, of course, is you don't do that. You keep trying to sneak your bronze age superstitions into the public square, into the doctors offices, into the commerce the rest of us have to do every day...

And then you support complete fucking idiots like Trump and Bush because they said "Jesus" sincerely, and they proceed to fuck it up for the rest of us.

But as long as you are spreading your nonsense, I'm going to be the one calling bullshit on it, and pointing out how silly it is.
God nor I push my beliefs on anyone, that isnt love, that's control. control is something u love dearly, u worship it, it's ur God. U want to control and get rid of real Christians because of what some fake idiots did in the name of Christianity. Do u feel the same about Muslims? u want what u call "moral" to be accepted but if anyone has their own set of morals n beliefs they are foolish. Don't be a hypocrite. I try to respect everyone even u, live n let live. All I try n do is give help if needed, if the person dosent want it I feel no different about them because my job is done. u want to call out fake Christians, I'm all for it, it needs to be done. All though I didn't vote, Trump is president I can only hope he makes the right decisions. Either way everything happens for a reason. Try not to lie in your future posts, I know ur a better person than that.
Remember the golfer Payne Stewart???? Summer of 1999??? His private plane lost cabinet pressure and when they lost contact and drifted off course, it was less than 15 minutes before two F-15 fighter jets were escorting that jet to make sure that it didn't crash into a populated area

No, I don't remember that... where did it happen. Did someone on the plane alert authorities. Was it close to a base? Were there already F-15's in the air. You see, there are so many parts of that story that you leave out, I have to wonder about the veracity.

and spare me the bullshit about the Bushpuppet....if you think that I am going to defend that POS, you have another thing coming and since you know that Bushpuppet and his neocon pals not only ignored the warnings from "Able Danger" but then acted like they had no clue that this could happen???? Then that alone tells me that you know that it was an inside which is it?????

You see, guy, this is the difference between being a critic and a nut.

Sensible position- "Bush should have done more after he was told that Al Qaeda might be looking to hijack planes."

Crazy position- "It was an inside job! An inside job, I tell you, to acheive some goal that...well, I'm not sure what, but it was an inside job I tell you. Whose fucking with my medicines!"

Sadly, the internet is too effective at spreading the crazy, because unlike conventional journalism, there's no adult supervision. So I could say that 'DaleSmith is Really a Lizard Person from Zeta Reticuli!" and frankly, there's no one there to contradict that.
Ground breaker Jamie Shup of Portland, Oregon has legally changed his gender to non binary.
The option to choose male female or non is easier than you think!

Progress or lunacy?

Why do you care?

I mean, we have much bigger problems in this world than how one guy who otherwise isn't bothering anyone identifies himself sexually.
Yes, it was said before, now we have men in girls locker rooms.
God nor I push my beliefs on anyone, that isnt love, that's control. control is something u love dearly, u worship it, it's ur God. U want to control and get rid of real Christians because of what some fake idiots did in the name of Christianity.

But that's the point. You are all "Fake Christians". none of you do what Jesus said to do. Not a fucking one of you.

Lest we forget the theme of this thread was that this guy thinks he's a chick and you guys all think this is the worst, most immoral thing ever.

Do u feel the same about Muslims?

Our problem with Muslims is not htat they are trying to impose their religion on us. Our problem is that we keep invading their countries and wondering why they fight back.

u want what u call "moral" to be accepted but if anyone has their own set of morals n beliefs they are foolish.

Well, no, what I call "moral" I can back up with logic and reason.

For instance, I think murder is immoral. you take someone else's life.

YOu guys (maybe not you personally) think it's immoral to be gay. Why? Because God Said so. The gays aren't hurting anyone. They aren't bothering you. But you all want to oppress them anyway, because God says so.

Don't be a hypocrite. I try to respect everyone even u, live n let live. All I try n do is give help if needed, if the person dosent want it I feel no different about them because my job is done. u want to call out fake Christians, I'm all for it, it needs to be done.

Well, let me know when you get on that. My point is more than that, though. It's to point out the fallacies in their beliefs.

All though I didn't vote, Trump is president I can only hope he makes the right decisions. Either way everything happens for a reason. Try not to lie in your future posts, I know ur a better person than that.

Just because you don't understand an argument doesn't mean it wasn't honestly made.

How do you justify Ann Frank Burning in Hell while Jeff Dahmner goes to heaven. It was a simple question you have yet to answer.
Remember the golfer Payne Stewart???? Summer of 1999??? His private plane lost cabinet pressure and when they lost contact and drifted off course, it was less than 15 minutes before two F-15 fighter jets were escorting that jet to make sure that it didn't crash into a populated area

No, I don't remember that... where did it happen. Did someone on the plane alert authorities. Was it close to a base? Were there already F-15's in the air. You see, there are so many parts of that story that you leave out, I have to wonder about the veracity.

and spare me the bullshit about the Bushpuppet....if you think that I am going to defend that POS, you have another thing coming and since you know that Bushpuppet and his neocon pals not only ignored the warnings from "Able Danger" but then acted like they had no clue that this could happen???? Then that alone tells me that you know that it was an inside which is it?????

You see, guy, this is the difference between being a critic and a nut.

Sensible position- "Bush should have done more after he was told that Al Qaeda might be looking to hijack planes."

Crazy position- "It was an inside job! An inside job, I tell you, to acheive some goal that...well, I'm not sure what, but it was an inside job I tell you. Whose fucking with my medicines!"

Sadly, the internet is too effective at spreading the crazy, because unlike conventional journalism, there's no adult supervision. So I could say that 'DaleSmith is Really a Lizard Person from Zeta Reticuli!" and frankly, there's no one there to contradict that.

Since al qaeda/ISIS/ISIL is and has always been a CIA asset? Yeah, I can say without any reservations whatsoever that 9/11 was a false flag and shills from both bought and paid for political parties not only know it, but keep their mouths shut because defense contracts pads their pockets...throw in the fact that they are compromised??? Well, you know the drill......

You can either refute this or you can regale us with some tales of how you saved this country 25 years ago per your military service (slinging hash in the chow line during Desert Storm would be my guess) and how your opinion carries any weight.......I'm all ears.....(snicker)
Since al qaeda/ISIS/ISIL is and has always been a CIA asset? Yeah, I can say without any reservations whatsoever that 9/11 was a false flag and shills from both bought and paid for political parties not only know it, but keep their mouths shut because defense contracts pads their pockets...throw in the fact that they are compromised??? Well, you know the drill......

You can either refute this or you can regale us with some tales of how you saved this country 25 years ago per your military service (slinging hash in the chow line during Desert Storm would be my guess) and how your opinion carries any weight.......I'm all ears.....(snicker)

I think you are a little confused here.

Yes, we backed people who were killing Russians in Afghanistan, but that hardly means we 'controlled' them. Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were doing their own thing after 1990.

The reality is, America's policy has always been "Let's you and him fight". In WWII, we backed the Russians and Chinese against the Germans and Japanese,and then backed the Germans and Japanese when the Russians and Chinese turned on us.

There are no permanent alliances, just permanent interests.

But clearly, in your deluded state- it must be a conspiracy. Because everything is a conspiracy.

Not the obvious point that we backed someone we shouldn't have backed for political expediency, and it bit us.
Since al qaeda/ISIS/ISIL is and has always been a CIA asset? Yeah, I can say without any reservations whatsoever that 9/11 was a false flag and shills from both bought and paid for political parties not only know it, but keep their mouths shut because defense contracts pads their pockets...throw in the fact that they are compromised??? Well, you know the drill......

You can either refute this or you can regale us with some tales of how you saved this country 25 years ago per your military service (slinging hash in the chow line during Desert Storm would be my guess) and how your opinion carries any weight.......I'm all ears.....(snicker)

I think you are a little confused here.

Yes, we backed people who were killing Russians in Afghanistan, but that hardly means we 'controlled' them. Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were doing their own thing after 1990.

The reality is, America's policy has always been "Let's you and him fight". In WWII, we backed the Russians and Chinese against the Germans and Japanese,and then backed the Germans and Japanese when the Russians and Chinese turned on us.

There are no permanent alliances, just permanent interests.

But clearly, in your deluded state- it must be a conspiracy. Because everything is a conspiracy.

Not the obvious point that we backed someone we shouldn't have backed for political expediency, and it bit us.

The USSR was goaded into Afghanistan per Zbigniew Brzezenski...the mujahadeen became al qaeda (i.e "the base") Osama bin laden always was a CIA asset whose CIA name was Tim Osman. They were nothing but mercenaries to cause de-stabilization in the Middle East because they were not under the thumb of the international bankers. Why does USA.INC have such an erection against Syria? It certainly has nothing to do with human rights because USA.INC has put in oppressive leaders like the on Bahrain that makes Assad seem like "Uncle Joe" from the show Petticoat spare me your bullshit because you haven't the slightest clue. Stop watchingfthe lamestream media, moron......
Ur dishonest because instead of grasping what I've said u keep twisting my words so u have an argument, u want to make urself look ignorant by all means. yes I believe homosexuality is immoral, but everyone has that God given right to choose. i dont believe in forcing anyone to do something aginst their will. Ur joking about Muslims not forcing their religion right?
to answer ur last question u would have to know for a fact that dahmner is heaven n Frank is n hell.
T... CIA asset .... international bankers. ...Stop watchingfthe lamestream media, moron......

Right, because some crazy person in his mother's basement is the only true source of truth in this world.

My mom has been dead for 16 years, asswipe......and I would wager that I make not only a better living than you but have 100 percent less go pound sand, fuckwad.


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