The Third Gender

Ur dishonest because instead of grasping what I've said u keep twisting my words so u have an argument, u want to make urself look ignorant by all means. yes I believe homosexuality is immoral, but everyone has that God given right to choose. i dont believe in forcing anyone to do something aginst their will. Ur joking about Muslims not forcing their religion right?
to answer ur last question u would have to know for a fact that dahmner is heaven n Frank is n hell.

Guy, you'd be a lot easier to talk to if you mastered basic literacy.

I know for a fact there is no heaven or hell... but that wasn't my point. My point is that you have a formula of faith where Damhner can get into heaven (hopefully he won't run into any of the 17 guys he ate, because that would be awkward!) but Ann goes to Hell because she didn't think Jesus was God. That is fucked up.

So why is Homosexuality immoral? This should be amusing if you can construct an argument that doesn't involve religious mumbo-jumbo.
My mom has been dead for 16 years, asswipe......and I would wager that I make not only a better living than you but have 100 percent less go pound sand, fuckwad.

I'm sure that you have no debt living in a cardboard box with tinfoil on your head to keep the mind control waves out...

But you really are still a crazy person.[/QUOTE

Hmmmm? I have internet access and a spotless credit rating...not that I would use my signature to extend me a phony line of credit.....I know more than you, lil joe....and it eats you up inside.......and sincerely that is sad to me because I am trying to help you........smh,
Ur dishonest because instead of grasping what I've said u keep twisting my words so u have an argument, u want to make urself look ignorant by all means. yes I believe homosexuality is immoral, but everyone has that God given right to choose. i dont believe in forcing anyone to do something aginst their will. Ur joking about Muslims not forcing their religion right?
to answer ur last question u would have to know for a fact that dahmner is heaven n Frank is n hell.

Guy, you'd be a lot easier to talk to if you mastered basic literacy.

I know for a fact there is no heaven or hell... but that wasn't my point. My point is that you have a formula of faith where Damhner can get into heaven (hopefully he won't run into any of the 17 guys he ate, because that would be awkward!) but Ann goes to Hell because she didn't think Jesus was God. That is fucked up.

So why is Homosexuality immoral? This should be amusing if you can construct an argument that doesn't involve religious mumbo-jumbo.

"I know for a fact there is no heaven or hell"


Hmmmm? I have internet access and a spotless credit rating...not that I would use my signature to extend me a phony line of credit.....I know more than you, lil joe....and it eats you up inside.......and sincerely that is sad to me because I am trying to help you........smh,

No, guy, what upsets me is that you are an evil cocksucker who slanders the parents of murdered children. This makes you the most contemptible poster on this board. I am truly sorry that you cannot see what a horrible, sorry excuse for a human being you are.
Ur dishonest because instead of grasping what I've said u keep twisting my words so u have an argument, u want to make urself look ignorant by all means. yes I believe homosexuality is immoral, but everyone has that God given right to choose. i dont believe in forcing anyone to do something aginst their will. Ur joking about Muslims not forcing their religion right?
to answer ur last question u would have to know for a fact that dahmner is heaven n Frank is n hell.

Guy, you'd be a lot easier to talk to if you mastered basic literacy.

I know for a fact there is no heaven or hell... but that wasn't my point. My point is that you have a formula of faith where Damhner can get into heaven (hopefully he won't run into any of the 17 guys he ate, because that would be awkward!) but Ann goes to Hell because she didn't think Jesus was God. That is fucked up.

So why is Homosexuality immoral? This should be amusing if you can construct an argument that doesn't involve religious mumbo-jumbo.
U will have to excuse my grammar, I do apologize if it offends you. it's immoral because u say it's immoral, based on ur logic. lmao

Hmmmm? I have internet access and a spotless credit rating...not that I would use my signature to extend me a phony line of credit.....I know more than you, lil joe....and it eats you up inside.......and sincerely that is sad to me because I am trying to help you........smh,

No, guy, what upsets me is that you are an evil cocksucker who slanders the parents of murdered children. This makes you the most contemptible poster on this board. I am truly sorry that you cannot see what a horrible, sorry excuse for a human being you are.

Just so long as you are "upset" satisfies one of my goals....maybe one day you will wake up enough and be "upset" enough to do your own due diligence and come to the realization that you have been played for a fool. BTW, I find it hilarious that a good liberal like you would play the "queer card" when it is your faction that claims to be such a champion of the might want to do some soul searching.

No, I'm saying a fetus could change his mind. Would you want to be aborted?

I'm sure any fetus old enough to object to being aborted probably won't be aborted.

So, life is cheapened in your eyes because a fetus can't speak for his or herself......and it's not really "life"....but finding water on Mars proves that life exists thus nullifying the Bible..,...leftards are full of contradictions that they can never explain......
Just so long as you are "upset" satisfies one of my goals....maybe one day you will wake up enough and be "upset" enough to do your own due diligence and come to the realization that you have been played for a fool. BTW, I find it hilarious that a good liberal like you would play the "queer card" when it is your faction that claims to be such a champion of the might want to do some soul searching.

You have to be queer too suck a cock? Hey, I know you dodged a bullet at Pulse, guy, but ladies can suck cocks, too.

Of course, another way to be a cocksucker is to claim that the murder of innocent children was made up by the government. But that's being a metaphorical cocksucker, not a literal cocksucker.

Of course, you don't need to do due diligence. You just have to practice simple logic.

1) A crazy person got a gun and shot up a bunch of kids.

2) The mean old government staged an elaborate production to make you think that happened, involving hundreds of people, and the silence of thousands, for a political objective they didn't even try to actually achieve because even the most modest legislation was defeated. And those who opposed the legislation have never, ever, not once said, "Hey that was a staged event!"

so if Sandy Hook was staged, why hasn't the NRA exposed it yet?

Even the most crazed gun nuts on here don't try to make that claim.

Are they all in on the conspiracy, too?
So, life is cheapened in your eyes because a fetus can't speak for his or herself......and it's not really "life"....but finding water on Mars proves that life exists thus nullifying the Bible..,...leftards are full of contradictions that they can never explain......

I think you are a little confused, Cocksucker.

No one has denied that a fetus is alive. We just don't think it gets more rights than the woman it happens to be inside. I'm sure that if a woman caught a Martian Virus, she'd be at a hospital demanding that shit get killed, too.

Now, I'm not sure anyone has said that water on mars contradicts the bible. (unlike the fact that the earth goes around the sun, which clearly does contradict the bible, and the Catholic Church didn't admit was true for 400 years.)

When we discover life in other parts of the universe, that might make for an interesting conversation.
U will have to excuse my grammar, I do apologize if it offends you. it's immoral because u say it's immoral, based on ur logic. lmao

I think your grammar is the least of your problems...
Lol, autotype got me again. it was ssupposed to say it's immoral because i say its immoral based on ur logic. Talking on this forum n working may be to much for me,lol. there are many of u here more educated than myself, n I respect that. I just dont understand how we can't reach some level of respect for each other even though we have different views. do u believe we all have an innate ability to determine what's right and what's wrong?
Lol, autotype got me again. it was ssupposed to say it's immoral because i say its immoral based on ur logic. Talking on this forum n working may be to much for me,lol. there are many of u here more educated than myself, n I respect that. I just dont understand how we can't reach some level of respect for each other even though we have different views. do u believe we all have an innate ability to determine what's right and what's wrong?

I think we do.

I think that saying homosexuality is wrong needs a higher threshold than "I think it's icky" and "God said it was bad".

Which you have yet to provide.
Just so long as you are "upset" satisfies one of my goals....maybe one day you will wake up enough and be "upset" enough to do your own due diligence and come to the realization that you have been played for a fool. BTW, I find it hilarious that a good liberal like you would play the "queer card" when it is your faction that claims to be such a champion of the might want to do some soul searching.

You have to be queer too suck a cock? Hey, I know you dodged a bullet at Pulse, guy, but ladies can suck cocks, too.

Of course, another way to be a cocksucker is to claim that the murder of innocent children was made up by the government. But that's being a metaphorical cocksucker, not a literal cocksucker.

Of course, you don't need to do due diligence. You just have to practice simple logic.

1) A crazy person got a gun and shot up a bunch of kids.

2) The mean old government staged an elaborate production to make you think that happened, involving hundreds of people, and the silence of thousands, for a political objective they didn't even try to actually achieve because even the most modest legislation was defeated. And those who opposed the legislation have never, ever, not once said, "Hey that was a staged event!"

so if Sandy Hook was staged, why hasn't the NRA exposed it yet?

Even the most crazed gun nuts on here don't try to make that claim.

Are they all in on the conspiracy, too?

Do you have to be a queer to be a cocksucker? I know of no straight men that would perform fellatio on another male because if they did? That would make them a queer......looks like you lose yet another argument...seems like you are not even trying.

No one died at Sandy Hook/ was a manufactured news event at a school that wasn't even in working order. It was a toxic waste dump with mold and water damage and a roof that was in need of being replaced. Why would they need to bring in porta-potties and why can't Newtown produce the receipt of the rental? That's easily answered....the water was cut off to the school because it had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008.

A 20 year old that allegedly suffered from Asperger's Syndrome that hated the touch of metal killed his mother and then bypassed 6 other schools to one that had been shut down since 2008 and fired off 150 shots in less than ten minutes where the first responders on the scene with no EMT experience declares all 20 children dead within ten minutes of entering the school where Adam Lanza kills himself and none of the bodies are removed until 2:00 AM Saturday morning under the cover of really buy that sack of bullshit? If so, I have some land here in Florida on the edge of a sinkhole that would be an incredible investment that I will let go on the cheap just because I like ya......
Lol, autotype got me again. it was ssupposed to say it's immoral because i say its immoral based on ur logic. Talking on this forum n working may be to much for me,lol. there are many of u here more educated than myself, n I respect that. I just dont understand how we can't reach some level of respect for each other even though we have different views. do u believe we all have an innate ability to determine what's right and what's wrong?

I think we do.

I think that saying homosexuality is wrong needs a higher threshold than "I think it's icky" and "God said it was bad".

Which you have yet to provide.
I'll agree with that. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 explains how we are supposed to love one another. Even if you have no beleif in God those words are a token we should all live by. Many Christians have failed to love but have been quick to pass judgment. I care about all people, real Christians are needed now more than ever because only love will stop the staggering suicide rate amongst the transgender and lgbt community.

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