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The Third World Has Arrived


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I think this has been the goal for some time now with these people in our government...who does all this BENIFIT the most? you the little person? ....but we sat back and let them beat US to death calling us racist, xenophobes, and every hostile ugly name they could come with, if we didn't accept it...just think they didn't even have to fire a shot to take us over...
links in this article at the site

By Chip McLean July 22, 2014 | Comments| Print friendly | Subscribe

Nearly eight years ago, I wrote The Third World Cometh…and Soon. The third world has now arrived, and America - as you and I know it - is all but gone.

The Obama-engineered “humanitarian” border crisis is the latest shameful example of just how far the government that is supposed to protect its own citizens will go, in order to further the total destruction of a once great nation. Once again the politically correct have pulled out a well-worn page from their playbook to implore that it is “for the children”- children who are “undocumented”. Many of these so-called “undocumented children” are disease ridden with scabies, lice and worse. In addition, it has been reported that a number of them are teenagers who are members of criminal gangs such as MS13 or members of jihadist terrorist groups.

In fact, former US Border Patrol Deputy Chief Ronald Coburn has stated that 1 in 5 illegal aliens crossing our border has a criminal record:

“One in ten of every adult male crosser in this day and age more than likely already has a violent criminal record here in the United States, has been removed, and is returning. Another one in ten, making it one in five, is bringing with him or her their violent criminal tendencies and records from their own countries of which we don’t know yet” Coburn said.

Obama created “crisis”

The Obama administration and their open borders sycophants in the mainstream press want us to believe that these Central American “children” are refugees, when in reality the majority are 14 to 17 years of age and were sent by their parents who paid coyotes to bring them. Despite this suddenly being “news”, the so-called “crisis” actually began at least a year ago when the influx at the border increased five-fold.

Obama created this “crisis” by signaling to those living in Central America that the US government would allow those who crossed the border to remain, when he unilaterally enacted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012—and remain they have. With the aid of the administration, illegal aliens are being dumped into facilities in towns across the country without notification to those towns’ respective state governments. To add insult to injury, the liar-in-chief wants to spend $3.7 billion in taxpayer money to fund this operation, of which less than ten percent would go to customs and border protection. Thus far at least, the measure has not passed congress.

While Obama has been instrumental with his endorsement of this de facto amnesty, along with his encouragement of illegal aliens to come en masse, he is by no means alone in this destruction of our nation’s very foundation. In addition to the Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis, there have been plenty of so-called “conservatives” who have aided and abetted this agenda. George W. Bush was very pro open borders as is his brother Jeb. Add to that the usual establishment RINOs such as John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others—not to mention the US Chamber of Commerce, who have furthered the cause of national self-annihilation, and you have a veritable smorgasbord of globalists who would like nothing better than to erase the last vestiges of national and state sovereignty, and the common culture that was once the glue that did make us one people.

Balkanization Beckons

An excellent recent column from Pat Buchanan, “Balkanization Beckons” speaks to the coming breakup of this nation if current trends continue:

We were not a nation of immigrants in 1789.

They came later. From 1845-1849, the Irish fleeing the famine. From 1890-1920, the Germans. Then the Italians, Poles, Jews and other Eastern Europeans. Then, immigration was suspended in 1924.

From 1925 to 1965, the children and grandchildren of those immigrants were assimilated, Americanized. In strong public schools, they were taught our language, literature and history, and celebrated our holidays and heroes.

We endured together through the Depression and sacrificed together in World War II and the Cold War.

By 1960, we had become truly one nation and one people…

...But we are no longer that “band of brethren.” We are no longer one unique people “descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion.”

We are from every continent and country. Nearly 4 in 10 Americans trace their ancestry to Asia, Africa and Latin America. We are a multiracial, multilingual, multicultural society in a world where countless countries are being torn apart over race, religion and roots.

We no longer speak the same language, worship the same God, honor the same heroes or share the same holidays. Christmas and Easter have been privatized. Columbus is reviled. Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee are out of the pantheon. Cesar Chavez is in.

Our politics have become poisonous. Our political parties are at each other’s throats.

ALL of it here:
The Third World Has Arrived
What is sad, is you bleeding hearts who are all in favor of this, are cutting your own throat and taking the rest of us down with you

Immigration ‘Reform’: Engineered Destruction of the Middle Class

July 22, 2014 by Michael Cutler 5 Comments

Michael Cutler is a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) whose career spanned some 30 years. He served as an Immigration Inspector, Immigration Adjudications Officer and spent 26 years as an agent who rotated through all of the squads within the Investigations Branch. For half of his career he was assigned to the Drug Task Force. He has testified before well over a dozen congressional hearings, provided testimony to the 9/11 Commission as well as state legislative hearings around the United States and at trials where immigration is at issue. He hosts his radio show, “The Michael Cutler Hour,” on Friday evenings on BlogTalk Radio. His personal website is Michael Cutler.

silicon-valley_0[1]Periodically so-called “buzz words” and “buzz phrases” become fashionable. Of late, the concept of “wage equality” has been bandied about by members of the administration, politicians and some media personalities.

In point of fact, on July 15, 2014, the publication “Mail Online” published a report with a self- explanatory title: “America’s 1 percenters are even richer than we thought: Richest actually control 37 percent of U.S. Wealth”

It has been said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Similarly, the term wage “equality” is an emotionally evocative term that is viewed as something good and worthwhile to achieve. Generally this is the proper perspective, but of course it is important to pose some significant questions. For example, “How will equality be attained?” It is also critical to understand what baseline will be established for achieving equality. (Will wages be increased or will some wages be decreased to bring about this change? If, in fact, some wages will be lowered, whose wages will be lowered?)

Finally, as we will see, sometimes inequality in wages may not be a bad thing, after all.

Before we consider the words many politicians use, we would be wise to consider two important quotes from George Orwell, the author of “1984” and other significant literary works.

“Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Having been forewarned let us now consider the definition of “equality.”

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines equality this way:


noun \i-ˈkwä-lə-tē\

: the quality or state of being equal : the quality or state of having the same rights, social status, etc.

The term equality is often equated with fairness and an entire government agency, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) was established to combat discrimination against protected groups of workers who are treated disparately (unequally) because of factors such as race, religion, gender, disabilities or age.

Even young children inherently understand the concept of fairness — think of how many times a frustrated child is likely to complain bitterly that something or someone is “not fair!”

Recently various talk shows have discussed how the top one percent of Americans control a huge amount of wealth. Last week, the Los Angeles Times posted a video, “John Oliver tackles income inequality on ‘Last Week Tonight’“ in which Oliver spent considerable time on this issue.

America has made great strides to create a level playing field to provide all people with equal protection under our laws — indeed, the goal of the civil rights movement and the laws it inspired was to provide equal protection under our laws for all people, especially black Americans, going back to the issue of slavery, with equal treatment in the criminal justice system, where employment opportunities and where housing issues are concerned.

In short, equality has taken on the cloak of being, as the saying goes, “As American as apple pie.” Simply uttering the word “equality” evokes the emotional image of an American flag billowing in a gentle breeze with a clear blue sky serving as a backdrop.

Obviously if “equality” is good, “inequality” is bad. In most situations this is certainly true.

However, when Obama and other politicians, as well as talk show hosts, bring up wage inequality, they don’t ever discuss whose salaries will be used as the baseline against which paychecks should be compared as efforts are made to eliminate or reduce wage inequality. People tend to see and hear what they want to see and hear. It is akin to a Rorschach or inkblot test where the test subject is supposed to describe what they see in a blotch of ink.

The question that is never asked (or answered) is, “What groups are to be made more equal?” Today the average CEO of major corporations often earn salaries that are hundreds of times greater than the wages paid to the workers earning the least money in those corporations where, just a few decades ago, this disparity in wages was far smaller. It is naïve and, indeed, wishful thinking to believe that the push for “wage equality” is about narrowing the gap between the CEOs of most companies and the other employees of those companies, thereby expanding the middle class and increasing the standard of living for American middle class workers and their families.

In point of fact, the goal of the majority of advocates for the reduction of “wage inequality” is exactly the opposite: to lower the wages of American middle class workers and greatly reduce the gap between the middle class Americans and Americans living below the poverty line.

You will find proof of this in the prepared testimony provided by Alan Greenspan, when he testified before the Senate Immigration Subcommittee five years ago. We will get to his testimony shortly. His statements unequivocally dispel any doubt about the true goal of reducing wage inequality, the engineered destruction of America’s middle class.

The American Dream is inextricably linked to a vibrant and upwardly mobile middle class. The incentives for the creation of the middle class are created by an element of wage inequality. If this is confusing, consider that it is expected that generally, more highly skilled or educated workers should expect to earn more money than their lesser educated or skilled counterparts in the workforce.

This makes perfect sense and has, for generations, provided a strong incentive for American students, spurring them on to remain in school to obtain college degrees and even graduate degrees. This is why most people think of the money, time and effort expended in pursuit of advanced degrees or enhanced skills as an important investment in their futures. You could say that this is a case of “learn more to earn more.”

Where prospects for Americans, even those with the advanced degrees, achieving the “American Dream” in this economic era are concerned, a four-word phrase sums it up concisely:

Don’t count on it!

In December 2011 “Dan Rather Reports” aired a disconcerting hour-long report, “No Thanks for Everything” which reported on how highly educated and experienced American computer programmers are being replaced by programmers from India.

On May 15, 2007 a four-minute infuriating video was aired on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on CNN. It features an immigration lawyer’s conference in which lawyers were being coached to “not find qualified U.S. workers!” The lecturer is identified in the video as being Lawrence M. Lebowitz, the Vice President of Marketing for the firm of Cohen & Grigsby.

The Winter 2014 edition of the quarterly journal, “The Social Contract” published my extensive article on the devastating impact that Comprehensive Immigration Reform would have on the middle class and on the economy of the United States. My article was entitled: “American Dream Being Sold at Auction – America’s Middle Class to Be Put on Endangered Species List”

Middle class workers and the working poor are clearly getting hammered by the current importation of foreign workers. In life there are winners and there are losers. If American workers — especially middle class workers — are losing, and losing big, someone must be winning. The question is simple, “Who benefits from open borders and failures to enforce the immigration laws?

all of it here:
Immigration ?Reform?: Engineered Destruction of the Middle Class | FrontPage Magazine
Cloward Piven is right.

They were Barry's heros growing up and he did tell everyone he was going to "Fundamentaly change Amerida." He's well on his way.

After all they never met a crisis they didn't like.
Would this be classified as a "rant"?

no, I think your dumb post would be classified that

way to start out newbie

The very things that define a nation as Dr Savage put it Language Borders and Culture are being deliberately eroded to "remake" AmeriKa. (deliberately misspelled)

A rant would be considered something like a passionately held belief you thought might need looking into. The truth here is that The left is trying to remake AmeriKa with as little attention as possible
This is the insidious nature of our enemy.

Then you have Obama pledging to remake America. There is that word again.
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Cloward Piven is right.

They were Barry's heros growing up and he did tell everyone he was going to "Fundamentaly change Amerida." He's well on his way.

After all they never met a crisis they didn't like.

yep, they are charging at us full force now
you see some Hispanic Representatives calling on Obama to stop deporting, (HIS people).
another came out and said when they get Amnesty they need to vote against Republicans for "opposing" this invasion going on

I don't know how it's going end, but right now it's not looking good at all
Bigoted, ignorant terradactyl??

WOW Gues that makes you a fucking idiot then doesn't it.

Yep. It sure does.
While we're deporting Latinos, why don't we toss in some black gang bangers and see how they like having illegals who can't read or write?
Would this be classified as a "rant"?

Worse. If it were put to sound it would be the screeching of a bigoted, ignorant terradactyl.

There is a tree near you working tirelessly to produce the oxygen you're stealing.

Stop wasting it's time.

Would this be classified as a "rant"?

Typical Libero-Progressive-Socialist response.

Two interesting articles on how our American Way is being undermined...in the name of votes for the Democratic Party...and having nothing to refute them, you take a wimpy potshotat the poster...as if that is a legitimate convincing response. Some of you loons and fools would do better to NOT respond and pretend you didn't read the message.
Would this be classified as a "rant"?

Worse. If it were put to sound it would be the screeching of a bigoted, ignorant terradactyl.

wait till some of these 'poor' children get ino your stupid face....your tune will change...


No it won't...

He'll still be whining.

He'll just be whining about the excessive bleeding from multiple stab wounds.


There might be an upside to this after all.

So it turns out all the talk about income inequality isn't about the gap between the 1% and the poorest Americans. Income inequality is apparently about the gap between the middle class and the poorest Americans:

An accelerated influx of highly skilled immigrants would... address the increasing concentration of income in this country. Greatly expanding our quotas for the highly skilled would lower wage premiums of skilled over lesser skilled. Skill shortages in America exist because we are shielding our skilled labor force from world competition. Quotas have been substituted for the wage pricing mechanism. In the process, we have created a privileged elite whose incomes are being supported at noncompetitively high levels by immigration quotas on skilled professionals. Eliminating such restrictions would reduce at least some of our income inequality.
Alan Greenspan's Testimony Before the Senate

Skilled professionals (AKA middle class Americans) apparently make too much. I thought the supposed goal of reducing income inequality was to raise the lowest earners towards middle class. It turns out the goal is actually just to lower the middle class towards the level of the lower class. I thought that would just be an unintended consequence. Instead it is the actual goal.

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I think this has been the goal for some time now with these people in our government...who does all this BENIFIT the most? you the little person? ....but we sat back and let them beat US to death calling us racist, xenophobes, and every hostile ugly name they could come with, if we didn't accept it...just think they didn't even have to fire a shot to take us over...
links in this article at the site

ALL of it here:
The Third World Has Arrived

LMAO...canadian propaganda from canada Free Press. How fucking pathetic.

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