The Threat Of Isis? Don't Let "facts" Get In The Way.

Obama just announced the day he will withdrawal from fighting ISIS, it is November 7th.
How many did it take to pull off 911? It also didn't help that most of the planning was done while the commander in chief was getting a blow job.

And the execution of the plan while the commander in chief was reading "My Pet Goat".
Lol, it has taken your commander in chief over three weeks to get a against isis.
What part of that you didn't understand?

Pretty much the entire sentence. What is it you are trying to say? Three weeks for what? Seems there are some words missing. Or do your delusions fill them in for you?
Three weeks to make up his mind on a strategy on what to do about isis. After two americans got beheaded.

Because everyone knows when your enemy goads you into something you are supposed to react immediately like a puppet on a string because figuring out a long term strategy is a stupid liberal thing.

Got it.

Long term strategy ? Obama has one ?

He has now. Something Bush never had. Right?
Long term do what?
Isis is made up of Saddam's old military.

Actually, no, it's not. Saddam's old political party (now banned under the current Iraqi regime) has taken up the fight against ISIS, and is being headed up by Saddam's former VP.

They're all evil terrorist Moonslims though, so it's not like either of them are "the good guys" in this fight anyway. I say we bomb all of them and give the land to Israel.
How many did it take to pull off 911? It also didn't help that most of the planning was done while the commander in chief was getting a blow job.

And the execution of the plan while the commander in chief was reading "My Pet Goat".

And once again.. the blown out of proportion hyperbolic,exaggeration prone BUSH BASHERS don't seem to understand AS THE KIDS DID what Bush was doing!

Principal Gwendolyn Tose-Rigell, who died in 2007, stated
"I don't think anyone could have handled it better.
What would it have served if [Bush] had jumped out of his chair and ran out of the room?"

Asked about the incident for Time shortly after bin Laden's death, the now teenage students in the classroom,
Lazaro Dubrocq and Mariah Williams, credited Bush with keeping the classroom calm by finishing the story. All sorts of similar kid fears started running through Mariah Williams' head. "I don't remember the story we were reading — was it about pigs?" says Williams, 16. "But I'll always remember watching his face turn red. He got really serious all of a sudden. But I was clueless. I was just seven. I'm just glad he didn't get up and leave because then I would have been more scared and confused."

Chantal Guerrero, 16, agrees: even today she's grateful that Bush regained his composure and stayed with the students until The Pet Goat was finished. "I think the President was trying to keep us from finding out," says Guerrero, "so we all wouldn't freak out."

The Pet Goat - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But go on you Bush BASHERS! Long after you are dead and totally forgotten Historians will
look at Bush's handling of the economy, the crises 9/11, worst hurricanes in history in ONE president's terms and will call him a GREAT President because of his steady hand. His protection of our country. But again... you idiot Bush bashers... will never ever understand!

I hate calling stupid people stupid. It seems mean.

So you are saying Bush had only two choices, sitting there and looking stupid and scared or running out the room wildly shaking his broken wrists and screaming like a little girl? That's it? That was his only two choices?

How about he says, "Excuse me children. Something just came up. Have a nice day" and then walk out of the room like a dignified adult?

Worse, in this day and age of nuclear weapons and the fact that a nuclear weapon can be delivered anywhere in the world in less than an hour, Bush sitting there after being told the nation is under attack, he should have been removed from office as a scared incompetent.

Read up on Katrina and see why Bush was blasted for that debacle.

Worse, how did he keep us safe when his stupidity led to 9/11. And it was Obama who took out Bin Laden after Bush let Bin Laden go.

How could you be so stupid. Seriously. This happened not all that long ago.
hate to break this to you Dean but 9/11 was planed long before Bush and would have in all probability still happened even if Gore would have won....yea i know im not blaming the Republicans ........
Isis is made up of Saddam's old military.

Actually, no, it's not. Saddam's old political party (now banned under the current Iraqi regime) has taken up the fight against ISIS, and is being headed up by Saddam's former VP.

They're all evil terrorist Moonslims though, so it's not like either of them are "the good guys" in this fight anyway. I say we bomb all of them and give the land to Israel.
yea that will go over big....
How many did it take to pull off 911? It also didn't help that most of the planning was done while the commander in chief was getting a blow job.

And the execution of the plan while the commander in chief was reading "My Pet Goat".

And once again.. the blown out of proportion hyperbolic,exaggeration prone BUSH BASHERS don't seem to understand AS THE KIDS DID what Bush was doing!

Principal Gwendolyn Tose-Rigell, who died in 2007, stated
"I don't think anyone could have handled it better.
What would it have served if [Bush] had jumped out of his chair and ran out of the room?"

Asked about the incident for Time shortly after bin Laden's death, the now teenage students in the classroom,
Lazaro Dubrocq and Mariah Williams, credited Bush with keeping the classroom calm by finishing the story. All sorts of similar kid fears started running through Mariah Williams' head. "I don't remember the story we were reading — was it about pigs?" says Williams, 16. "But I'll always remember watching his face turn red. He got really serious all of a sudden. But I was clueless. I was just seven. I'm just glad he didn't get up and leave because then I would have been more scared and confused."

Chantal Guerrero, 16, agrees: even today she's grateful that Bush regained his composure and stayed with the students until The Pet Goat was finished. "I think the President was trying to keep us from finding out," says Guerrero, "so we all wouldn't freak out."

The Pet Goat - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But go on you Bush BASHERS! Long after you are dead and totally forgotten Historians will
look at Bush's handling of the economy, the crises 9/11, worst hurricanes in history in ONE president's terms and will call him a GREAT President because of his steady hand. His protection of our country. But again... you idiot Bush bashers... will never ever understand!

I hate calling stupid people stupid. It seems mean.

So you are saying Bush had only two choices, sitting there and looking stupid and scared or running out the room wildly shaking his broken wrists and screaming like a little girl? That's it? That was his only two choices?

How about he says, "Excuse me children. Something just came up. Have a nice day" and then walk out of the room like a dignified adult?

Worse, in this day and age of nuclear weapons and the fact that a nuclear weapon can be delivered anywhere in the world in less than an hour, Bush sitting there after being told the nation is under attack, he should have been removed from office as a scared incompetent.

Read up on Katrina and see why Bush was blasted for that debacle.

Worse, how did he keep us safe when his stupidity led to 9/11. And it was Obama who took out Bin Laden after Bush let Bin Laden go.

How could you be so stupid. Seriously. This happened not all that long ago.
hate to break this to you Dean but 9/11 was planed long before Bush and would have in all probability still happened even if Gore would have won....yea i know im not blaming the Republicans ........
Gore never would have invaded Iraq. It's likely, he would have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and al Qaeda and left.
Isis is made up of Saddam's old military.

Actually, no, it's not. Saddam's old political party (now banned under the current Iraqi regime) has taken up the fight against ISIS, and is being headed up by Saddam's former VP.

They're all evil terrorist Moonslims though, so it's not like either of them are "the good guys" in this fight anyway. I say we bomb all of them and give the land to Israel.
yea that will go over big....
Yea, because it's our land to give.
I'm so scared I can't stop from shitting myself. I can't help but wonder how the Muslim Horde is going to project that force on the USSA with NO FUCKING NAVY.

Since the invasion is eminent, I believe it's time to act like Switzerland and have a 50 cal machine gun in every house. We're gong to need it.
I'm so scared I can't stop from shitting myself. I can't help but wonder how the Muslim Horde is going to project that force on the USSA with NO FUCKING NAVY.

Since the invasion is eminent, I believe it's time to act like Switzerland and have a 50 cal machine gun in every house. We're gong to need it.

They won't need a Navy...
Just get to Mexico and then they can just walk right on in.
If we don't get bombed by isis fighters by november. Maybe isis isn't capable and isn't a threat to us?
Is ISIS a serious threat to U.S. national security? Honest question. Is there any serious threat that ISIS will come blow up the U.S.? I really don't think so. They don't have that capability. Furthermore, the regional powers are against ISIS, and would likely take care of the problem without U.S. interference.

The U.S. has historically made things worse when interfering like this.
Yes, it is. The fact that is not crystal clear makes no sense whatsoever. They are a terrorist organization and they hate America. There really is no way around that. Would they attack us - that is a resounding yes. There certainly is a debate to be had as to the best way to deal with that threat and/or what military actions will help or exacerbate the problem but there is no question that they do pose a threat.
I'm so scared I can't stop from shitting myself. I can't help but wonder how the Muslim Horde is going to project that force on the USSA with NO FUCKING NAVY.

Since the invasion is eminent, I believe it's time to act like Switzerland and have a 50 cal machine gun in every house. We're gong to need it.
A force of 19 people took 4 airplanes and resulted in
A) 3,000+ direct deaths
B) $1 trillion in destroyed buildings, 18,000 businesses, 2.5 million jobs..
"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on Terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million
jobs in the 18 months following 9/11/2001 attacks,said John A. Challenger,CEO of Challenger,Gray & Christmas
Job losses since 9 11 attacks top 2.5 million Computerworld

No navy required. No mass armies. No massive air force...just 19 people, and less then $500,000 in costs.

Terrorism and the Electric Power Delivery System, completed in 2007 by experts at the National Research Council (NRC).
The NRC report is startling, especially in light of the California incident. It notes the nation's electrical delivery system “could be severely damaged by a small number of well-informed attackers.” And while such an attack wouldn't necessarily be as sensational or dramatic as the terror attacks in New York, London and Madrid in recent years, it could deny large parts of the U.S. “access to bulk system power for weeks or even months.”

More chilling, according to the report, is the human toll such an assault could have during times of extreme weather. Extended power outages during those conditions, it says, “could... result in hundreds or even thousands of deaths due to heat stress or extended exposure to extreme cold.”

And then there's the economic impact. In August of 2003, a power line in Ohio that brushed against some trees caused what's been called the biggest blackout in North American history. That power outage affected 50 million people in the Northeast for up to two days, at an estimated cost of $6 billion dollars. But “a systematically designed and executed terrorist attack,” according to the NRC report, could cause disruptions that would make the 2003 blackout pale in comparison.

“It is no stretch of the imagination to think that such attacks could entail costs of hundreds of billions of dollars,” the report continues.
How vulnerable is America s power grid to a planned assault - CBS News
BUT ONE good thing out of a small group attacking the grid...
IDIOTS like you won't be able to put stupid comments like you have done! NO POWER! NO INTERNET!
How many did it take to pull off 911? It also didn't help that most of the planning was done while the commander in chief was getting a blow job.

And the execution of the plan while the commander in chief was reading "My Pet Goat".
Lol, it has taken your commander in chief over three weeks to get a against isis.
What part of that you didn't understand?

Pretty much the entire sentence. What is it you are trying to say? Three weeks for what? Seems there are some words missing. Or do your delusions fill them in for you?
Three weeks to make up his mind on a strategy on what to do about isis. After two americans got beheaded.

Because everyone knows when your enemy goads you into something you are supposed to react immediately like a puppet on a string because figuring out a long term strategy is a stupid liberal thing.

Got it.

And idiots like YOU wanted BUSH to react 7 minutes FASTER after 9/11???
By the way BUSH was never "reading" The Pet Goat. The kids were. But just another "myth" perpetuated by the low information crowd!
How many did it take to pull off 911? It also didn't help that most of the planning was done while the commander in chief was getting a blow job.

And the execution of the plan while the commander in chief was reading "My Pet Goat".

And once again.. the blown out of proportion hyperbolic,exaggeration prone BUSH BASHERS don't seem to understand AS THE KIDS DID what Bush was doing!

Principal Gwendolyn Tose-Rigell, who died in 2007, stated
"I don't think anyone could have handled it better.
What would it have served if [Bush] had jumped out of his chair and ran out of the room?"

Asked about the incident for Time shortly after bin Laden's death, the now teenage students in the classroom,
Lazaro Dubrocq and Mariah Williams, credited Bush with keeping the classroom calm by finishing the story. All sorts of similar kid fears started running through Mariah Williams' head. "I don't remember the story we were reading — was it about pigs?" says Williams, 16. "But I'll always remember watching his face turn red. He got really serious all of a sudden. But I was clueless. I was just seven. I'm just glad he didn't get up and leave because then I would have been more scared and confused."

Chantal Guerrero, 16, agrees: even today she's grateful that Bush regained his composure and stayed with the students until The Pet Goat was finished. "I think the President was trying to keep us from finding out," says Guerrero, "so we all wouldn't freak out."

The Pet Goat - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But go on you Bush BASHERS! Long after you are dead and totally forgotten Historians will
look at Bush's handling of the economy, the crises 9/11, worst hurricanes in history in ONE president's terms and will call him a GREAT President because of his steady hand. His protection of our country. But again... you idiot Bush bashers... will never ever understand!

I hate calling stupid people stupid. It seems mean.

So you are saying Bush had only two choices, sitting there and looking stupid and scared or running out the room wildly shaking his broken wrists and screaming like a little girl? That's it? That was his only two choices?

How about he says, "Excuse me children. Something just came up. Have a nice day" and then walk out of the room like a dignified adult?

Worse, in this day and age of nuclear weapons and the fact that a nuclear weapon can be delivered anywhere in the world in less than an hour, Bush sitting there after being told the nation is under attack, he should have been removed from office as a scared incompetent.

Read up on Katrina and see why Bush was blasted for that debacle.

Worse, how did he keep us safe when his stupidity led to 9/11. And it was Obama who took out Bin Laden after Bush let Bin Laden go.

How could you be so stupid. Seriously. This happened not all that long ago.
hate to break this to you Dean but 9/11 was planed long before Bush and would have in all probability still happened even if Gore would have won....yea i know im not blaming the Republicans ........
Gore never would have invaded Iraq. It's likely, he would have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and al Qaeda and left.

"Even if we give first priority to the destruction of terrorist networks, and even if we succeed, there are still governments that could bring us great harm.
And there is a clear case that one of these governments in particular represents a virulent threat in a class by itself: Iraq. As far as I am concerned, a final reckoning with that government should be on the table.
The New York Times Gore, Championing Bush, Calls For a 'Final Reckoning' With Iraq February 13, 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

Here is a quote from a speech Senator Al Gore gave in 1992.
``He,'' meaning Saddam Hussein, ``had already launched poison gas attacks repeatedly, and Bush[George H..] looked the other way. He had already conducted extensive terrorism activities, and Bush looked the other way. He was already deeply involved in the efforts to obtain nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
Bush knew it, but he looked the other way.

So again tell me how would Gore destroy Saddam's WMDs without getting rid of Saddam?
Oh and here are 32 quotes from Democrats WANTING IRAQ to be liberated!

"deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs"Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.
Those of us NON-RACISTs tried to point out that Obama was NOT experienced in executive decision making nor had ANY foreign policy experience. Those of us NON-RACISTs firmly looked beyond skin color to see this guy could give good speeches and solicit funding... but those of us NON-RACISTs really had a problem with this guy's abhorrence of the military and his desire to put politics ahead of military safety and ultimately the USA safety when Obama told the world our military was methodically,systematically,ALL the TIME and I quote Obama exactly "air raiding villages, killing civilians"!
These words have meanings to many people .. our military.. (what kind of American let alone a Senator would every accuse our military of such terrorism?) ... the terrorists...they loved to read these words as it did several things for them:
1) It confirmed what they believed!
2) It was used to recruit more terrorists that strapped bombs on kids blowing up US troops handed out candy!

Finally I keep referring to "NON-RACISTs" such as me...because the ONLY reason people voted for Obama was to show that THEY were "NON-RACIST"..i.e. that was the ONLY reason they had to vote because
a) Obama had no executive experience..(Even Clinton was a governor!
b) Obama's foreign policy inexperience is NOW showing .
c) Obama's dislike of the military is going to be a major contributor to this country's future defense.
How many did it take to pull off 911? It also didn't help that most of the planning was done while the commander in chief was getting a blow job.

And the execution of the plan while the commander in chief was reading "My Pet Goat".

And once again.. the blown out of proportion hyperbolic,exaggeration prone BUSH BASHERS don't seem to understand AS THE KIDS DID what Bush was doing!

Principal Gwendolyn Tose-Rigell, who died in 2007, stated
"I don't think anyone could have handled it better.
What would it have served if [Bush] had jumped out of his chair and ran out of the room?"

Asked about the incident for Time shortly after bin Laden's death, the now teenage students in the classroom,
Lazaro Dubrocq and Mariah Williams, credited Bush with keeping the classroom calm by finishing the story. All sorts of similar kid fears started running through Mariah Williams' head. "I don't remember the story we were reading — was it about pigs?" says Williams, 16. "But I'll always remember watching his face turn red. He got really serious all of a sudden. But I was clueless. I was just seven. I'm just glad he didn't get up and leave because then I would have been more scared and confused."

Chantal Guerrero, 16, agrees: even today she's grateful that Bush regained his composure and stayed with the students until The Pet Goat was finished. "I think the President was trying to keep us from finding out," says Guerrero, "so we all wouldn't freak out."

The Pet Goat - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But go on you Bush BASHERS! Long after you are dead and totally forgotten Historians will
look at Bush's handling of the economy, the crises 9/11, worst hurricanes in history in ONE president's terms and will call him a GREAT President because of his steady hand. His protection of our country. But again... you idiot Bush bashers... will never ever understand!

I hate calling stupid people stupid. It seems mean.

So you are saying Bush had only two choices, sitting there and looking stupid and scared or running out the room wildly shaking his broken wrists and screaming like a little girl? That's it? That was his only two choices?

How about he says, "Excuse me children. Something just came up. Have a nice day" and then walk out of the room like a dignified adult?

Worse, in this day and age of nuclear weapons and the fact that a nuclear weapon can be delivered anywhere in the world in less than an hour, Bush sitting there after being told the nation is under attack, he should have been removed from office as a scared incompetent.

Read up on Katrina and see why Bush was blasted for that debacle.

Worse, how did he keep us safe when his stupidity led to 9/11. And it was Obama who took out Bin Laden after Bush let Bin Laden go.

How could you be so stupid. Seriously. This happened not all that long ago.
hate to break this to you Dean but 9/11 was planed long before Bush and would have in all probability still happened even if Gore would have won....yea i know im not blaming the Republicans ........
Gore never would have invaded Iraq. It's likely, he would have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and al Qaeda and left.
i know that and apparently so do you.....but my post was about you saying...." how did he (Bush) keep us safe when his stupidity led to 9/11." you are saying if Gore would have got in,9/11 still would have happened,so it would have been his stupidity then....right?...because after all Gore was the VP during the 90's while Bush was a Governor....
Isis is made up of Saddam's old military.

Actually, no, it's not. Saddam's old political party (now banned under the current Iraqi regime) has taken up the fight against ISIS, and is being headed up by Saddam's former VP.

They're all evil terrorist Moonslims though, so it's not like either of them are "the good guys" in this fight anyway. I say we bomb all of them and give the land to Israel.
yea that will go over big....
Yea, because it's our land to give.
like i said....that will go over big......
Is ISIS a serious threat to U.S. national security? Honest question. Is there any serious threat that ISIS will come blow up the U.S.? I really don't think so. They don't have that capability. Furthermore, the regional powers are against ISIS, and would likely take care of the problem without U.S. interference.

The U.S. has historically made things worse when interfering like this.
Yes, it is. The fact that is not crystal clear makes no sense whatsoever. They are a terrorist organization and they hate America. There really is no way around that. Would they attack us - that is a resounding yes. There certainly is a debate to be had as to the best way to deal with that threat and/or what military actions will help or exacerbate the problem but there is no question that they do pose a threat.
The existence of a terrorist organization that hates America does not automatically make that organization a threat to national security.

You are asking the wrong question. The question is not would they attack us, it is can they attack us. Do they have the capabilities? Is there a reasonable chance that this will happen? The answer to that is a resounding no.

The fact that nearly every country in the region is against them - countries with military capabilities of taking them out without U.S. help, by the way - makes the threat even less serious. Is Isis a horrible group? Yes. But a horrible group does not a national security threat make.

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