Zone1 The three Abrahamic religions on forgiveness...

The idea that grudges poison your soul is near universal.
Every time I tell my friend that I forgive some of the worst grievsnces against me he cringes. He is a pruod Atheist and doesn't understand. There are many suspicious people of Faith too, no question. What is important to me about forgiveness is that the cullprit doesn't continue their abuses, which is why some agencies in Canada will not be forgiven by me and why I reach out the U.S in particular to let them know...maybe Canada and their abusive organitarions should not be treated so kindly either...
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We can note forgiveness isn't the same as letting the nutjob go free. We can also note the Reformed Rabbi is not in the majority.

And not the comparison with Israeli demographics.

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We can note forgiveness isn't the same as letting the nutjob go free.
Does that mean their life should be ruined forever? If this was the standard, it's applied quite subjectively and selectively. The worst abusers are sophisticated authorities who laugh at the plight of others as they get away with spitting on the graves of dead soldiers...
Every time I tell my friend that I forgive some of the worst grievsnces against me he cringes. He is a pruod Atheist and doesn't understand. there are many suspicious people of Faith too, no question.
Forgiveness is tough but it's not a quality confined to religious people. I forgive people because I don't want those negative feelings robbing me of my joy.
Forgiveness is tough but it's not a quality confined to religious people. I forgive people because I don't want those negative feelings robbing me of my joy.
Another, more expansive list of religions. I once had an interest in Buddhism, what a great wuote they provide: Forgiveness in Different Religions.
You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.” — The Buddha

“It is natural for the immature to harm others. Getting angry with them is like resenting a fire for burning.” — Shantideva
Does that mean their life should be ruined forever? I

It means it would be stupid to let murderers run loose in society after they have murdered people like that guy did. this shouldn't be debatable. they are a menace to everybody around them if nothing else. They denied others of their right to life, so why should they be allowed to roam free?
It means it would be stupid to let murderers run loose in society after they have murdered people like that guy did. this shouldn't be debatable. they are a menace to everybody around them if nothing else. They denied others of their right to life, so why should they be allowed to roam free?
What about other less egregious crimes? Should the be denied access to society forever?
So you want to compare serial killing with jay walking?
No, I want to compare serial killing to almost any other domestic crime. If you wanr to become a police state like Canada that is your choice, but doin't expect your nation to maintain its position.
No, I want to compare serial killing to almost any other domestic crime. If you wanr to become a police state like Canada that is your choice, but doin't expect your nation to maintain its position.

What does keeping a homicidal sociopath locked up have to do with being a 'police state'? It's common sense.
We are actually called to judge but to judge righteously. We're also called to be forgiving and merciful.

Proverbs 31:9 ESV​

Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Matthew 7:2 esv
For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.
We are actually called to judge but to judge righteously. We're also called to be forgiving and merciful.

Proverbs 31:9 ESV​

Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Matthew 7:2 esv
For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.
Don't forget Matthew 6:14-15 this is critical to Jesus
Christians, Jews and Muslims forgive. Those who claim to be religious but do NOT forgive, well, why clam to be religious then? 3 religions, 3 approaches to forgiveness in the aftermath of evil.

too bad recorded history says otherwise, so the decievers ...


resurface when they think the coast is clear -


so forgiving.


them too.

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