The Three Days of Darkness - November 24-26, 2016 A.D.

This could be a figurative description of social upheaval and change when all those who occupy lofty places in heaven disappear like stars falling from the sky while mountains are crumbling and valleys being lifted up, as fire from God either consumes and destroys or purifies and refines.

......or it is a description of the earth being vaporized after being struck by a celestial body.

Either way, if the world came to an abrupt 'end' tomorrow all I can say is so what. All prophecies regarding the end are about the end of the age of darkness and the beginning of a new age of peace and enlightenment.

Why aren't you religious people looking forward to the end, the destruction of evil, world peace, etc,?

The only people who would fear "the end" are those who have already died the first death. Why? Because death of the physical body, whether though conflict or disaster, for them, would truly be the end.

The new age, like the kingdom of heaven and life itself, is only for the living..

What then would be the wise thing to do, knowing the end of all things? Those who aspire to life and rise from the dead now before the end comes, would have nothing to fear whatever happens whenever it happens..

Remember the revelation.

During the countdown to Armageddon, the marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.
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I'm not asking much...
That's an assumption.
No, it is an opinion. If you do not share that opinion, please explain why you think my requests are excessive.

What specifically are you saying will happen?

How will we know that it did happen?
I am not aware that these were answered. Perhaps I misunderstood your response. Without quotations, and in simple English, please state again what precisely is meant by 3 days of darkness....actual lack of light (all light, sunlight only ????) or metaphorical. If symbolic then what specifically differentiates those three days?

What would have to happen (or not happen) for you to say you were wrong about the date?
It won't. (It will.)
Ezekiel 13:1-7
13 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the Lord;

3 Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!

4 O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts.

5 Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.

6 They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The Lord saith: and the Lord hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.

7 Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say, The Lord saith it; albeit I have not spoken?
If I did . .
Interrogative insinuation (assumption)

. . prophesy . .
"Prophesy" is the verb form, you meant "prophecy"; also you've misspelled another word in that sentence, can you see which one it is?

The blessing of the 1,335th day foretold in the Book of Daniel in chapter 12, verse 12 has come upon us, as has all else foretold in that amazing book.
All that is, is 'opinion' hailing from the futility of terrestrials trying to package , define , and convince things celestial to the rest of us Ed.

So i gotta ask, how do you know the rapture hasn't already happened, and we're simply the refusnicks left behind Ed?

As it's my contention we live under an illusion of choice
You still have free will, but the dynamics of the Three Days of Darkness are such that now they can be moved. (cf. Luke 21:26 - "the powers of heaven shall be moved")

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