The Three Days of Darkness - November 24-26, 2016 A.D.

This could be a figurative description of social upheaval and change when all those who occupy lofty places in heaven disappear like stars falling from the sky while mountains are crumbling and valleys being lifted up, as fire from God either consumes and destroys or purifies and refines.

......or it is a description of the earth being vaporized after being struck by a celestial body.
The bulk of the first English translations provide us with the passing away with "a great noise" or "great violence"; there is a specific prophecy in the Book of Daniel regarding the laying low of the mighty. (cf. Daniel 8:24)

Our Lord Jesus referenced Daniel 12:11 directly in Matthew 24:15, the 1,290th day of Daniel 12:11 having been (is and forever more shall be) Great and Holy Thursday, March 24, 2016 A.D.

Because the Church prays for "world without end", the passing away of the old heavens and earth unto the new will be an obvious event to all, even to those who had fallen asleep as the resurrection is foretold earlier in the twelfth chapter. (cf. Daniel 12:1 & 2)

There is nothing figurative about what is happening in Syria, the place of origin of the heresy of the filioque; it is evidence of the glorious return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with great power and glory.
There is nothing figurative about what is happening in Syria, the place of origin of the heresy of the filioque; it is evidence of the glorious return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with great power and glory.

No there is nothing figurative about the conflict in Syria but the prophecies of celestial bodies being shaken, stars falling from the sky, valleys being lifted up and mountains crumbling into the sea were figurative depictions of future events which has nothing whatever to do with the stars in the sky or the landscape of the earth.

A new heaven and a new earth is not about a new planet and a new sky, it is about a new order of things where religious deceivers are condemned as low life's, (on earth as it is in heaven), not holy men and those who have resisted and opposed their lies will no longer be considered to be the scum of the earth.
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I am not aware that these were answered.

Ezekiel 13:1-7
13 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
I have about 200 cookies to sites directly related to this topic which were acquired via search engine; an avenue of further study which is still available to you.

The ascertainment of the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 was as available to everyone as humanly possible; the prosecution at that time, and continuing, was so rebellious and perjurious that two counts of obstruction of justice had to be lodged against it.

But I can understand your ignorance; so here's a more recent update :

The Unsealing of Some Ancient Food
Pardon my ignorance but what calendar did they use 2,500 years ago and how many days were in a year?
I am not under your command nor is your ignorance forgiven.
I give you plenty of opportunities to show how knowledgeable you are on the OP and yet you prefer to comment on my spelling and grammar?
When proof was furnished to the court linking Century IV:#95 to my dying brother and then to the 1st day of the counting of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:12, the presiding judge remarked, "That's amazing!"

The mirroring prophecy, which is also a key to open that which was sealed (cf. Daniel 12:4 & 9), is a span of 3 years, 7 months according to the Roman calendar which leads into (directly abuts) the 3 years, 7 months according to the Hebrew lunar calendar, which is the same calendar in use today as it was when the prophecy was given to prophet Daniel.

To make that lunar calendar malleable to/for the solar year, intercalations of additional months are interposed; but it all jives around the fixed Feast of the Passover as does the movable celebration of Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday).
So i gotta ask, how do you know the rapture hasn't already happened, and we're simply the refusnicks left behind Ed?

I hold that it is happening more so now than ever due to the arrival in the course of time of the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12.

As for "refusnicks", that is what one finds in the many forebodings online, but also one finds the inclusion of a light at the end of the tunnel.

But to think that we are already at that light at the end of the tunnel but that the Three Days of Darkness have been moved in accordance with Luke 21:26 : "the powers of Heaven shall be moved" . . .
Very impressive considering no has ever interpreted correctly before. When do you start giving away all your stuff?
When do you stop attacking it?
Your link didn't work for me so I have no idea what "it" you think I'm attacking. I merely pointed out that the Bible says no one will know when the end times comes yet you claim to know. Blasphemy?

Those passages, Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, are consistently the most quoted Scripture with which I have met in promulgating both the message of Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D. being the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 and the Three Days of Darkness.

I have a separate section devoted to Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 here :

The intellect and the return of the Son of Man :

The perspective of being the king of Daniel 7:24-25, Daniel 8:23-25, Daniel 9:26, Daniel 11:3-4, and Daniel 11:21 has provided a vantage point of plain view that behooves me to study the particulars.

If you think that such perspective is all fun and games, when I awoke on November 8, 2012 A.D., even though I had been 'forewarned' (it actually is called a terroristic threat), I was attacked at my home. This was not the first attack, and more would follow. I haven't been home since that day and this quatrain has largely been fulfilled :

Century X : #20

I have been in pieces on more than one occasion, the most severe of these was when I was in six parts : trunk, four limbs, and severed head.

From my perspective, knowing every king in Daniel 11 personally, and given what the Lord has shown me, it is not a claim to me; for me to think it otherwise would be insanity; which is why when Daniel 11:21 'kicks-in' with fellow Wikipedia editors being nothing but hateful vandals, the saying "getting no where fast" takes on a whole new meaning.

At least one site moderator tries to use 'blasphemy' as a cover for his/her outright hatred; but it "all comes out in the wash".

It makes a lot of sense to me that the most dreadful things associated with the Three Days of Darkness should occur at certain appointed times as foretold in Daniel 9:26.

One thing I have come to observe is how many route numbers for roads are actually based upon certain chapter and verse numbers of the Holy Bible.
with an early warning sign possibly on November 16, 2016 A.D.

During the countdown to the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., I began to include the convergent 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 with the same date.

But the 2,300 day count actually began on August 11, 2010 A.D.

It has been through the falling asleep of two souls that this matter has come to a point of pristine clarity.

Discussion and questions welcome.

okay, i want to change the world today, so i will tell you this is a theory. well, i don't know enough about the bible codes to be absolutely certain, which is reasonable to me. however, the indian mound is a numeral pi, and it's facing the astronomy of the solar system, and there are 22 letters of the alphabet in the books old testament wise, where it begins at the 7 days genesis. therefore, it's a talking snake.

suppose the nibiru star is symbolic of any star which crosses the horizon at a point designated by a letter of the alphabet, which is a dot, or point in the sky along the arc from one direction to the other. how many skips of letters in the bible code to determine the word, how much time in days? find out with this thing:

Serpent Mound - Wikipedia

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