The three main goals of libertarianism

1. Have sex with a Victoria's Secret supermodel
2. Throw the winning TD pass in the Super Bowl
3. Be The Most Interesting Man in the World
If they're really interested in "small government", then why are there so many restrictions (as well as people to check on them) about abortion, gay marriage, and the many (about 37) times they've tried to get rid of Obamacare?

Thought Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell were running on jobs for the American people, not what marriage means, or getting rid of an existing law (Obamacare), or even making it harder for Planned Parenthood and abortions? If you get rid of birth control and abortions, don't you make it harder for those who can't afford it, which results in more welfare?

If you can't support a family, and you know you can't (because of your earnings), does it make it really fair to be forced into it by some idiot in DC who knows nothing of your situation?

I think you are confusing your delusions with reality again.

Can you explain how getting rid of Obamacare puts restrictions on anything?
The OP totally does not understand libertarianism.
They are his enemy, not my enemy. He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)

Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?

That depends, do you believe in the real world, or do you live in a fantasy world where the reason corporations lobby government is because government leaves them alone?
Govt. is one the fostering corporatism by creating favoritism in sectors of the economy that gives certain players upperhands over others. So, if the corps have to stand on their own merit without governemnt involvement, they have to beat competition by providing a superior product or service without thrid party intervention.

I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

No they can't. The best proof of that is the fact that Standard Oil was loosing market share long before the government stepped in to fix the problem, and actually make things worse.
1. Have sex with a Victoria's Secret supermodel
2. Throw the winning TD pass in the Super Bowl
3. Be The Most Interesting Man in the World

Oh Snap. Mine:

1. Visit Mars (and return in my original condition)
2. Become the first human with properly functioning, retractable cyberwings
3. Find a cure for Type I Diabetes
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


The East India Company had the largest military force in the world at their peak. Government manipulation is just the convenient way for corporations to control our world. If it didn't exist, they'd create their own methods.

The East India company was handed a monopoly by the government.

Google's main revenue source is paid search. I didn't mention the other products they sell and license because they are not a significant source of money for them.
Whatever... there are literally thousands of applications that have a free, and a for fee version where the free is for non-corporate use. It is a very common sales model, made popular, in part, by Netscape. You know the company that invented web browsers for the internet.

:rofl: You are clueless about technology history it appears. Netscape didn't invent web browsers for the Internet, it was derived from Mosaic which was an NCSA project at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

While Mosaic is often thought to be the first browser, it wasn't. That distinction belongs to Nexus.
I did not say invented "all" or "the first" or "invented web browsing", I said invented web browsers for the internet, which they did. Further, to your reference to mosaic... from the link you provided:

Netscape Navigator was based on the Mosaic web browser, which was co-written by Marc Andreessen, a part-time employee of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and a student at the University of Illinois. After Andreessen graduated in 1993, he moved to California and there met Jim Clark, the recently departed founder of Silicon Graphics. Clark believed that the Mosaic browser had great commercial possibilities and provided the seed money. Soon Mosaic Communications Corporation was in business in Mountain View, California, with Andreessen as a vice-president. Since the University of Illinois was unhappy with the company's use of the Mosaic name, the company changed its name to Netscape Communications (thought up by Product Manager Greg Sands[citation needed]) and named its flagship web browser Netscape Navigator.

Still further, if you don't believe me take it up with the United States Patent office which gave Netscape many patents for web browsers for the internet.

FYI just to add markup browsers and editors existed way before web markup browsers and editors. HTML was just a rip off / subset of SGML, which was just a standardized / subset of IBM's GML that was the markup for IBM's document system that they created in the 60s.
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I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

Damn, you really don't understand economics, do you? Do you realize that the reason TV manufacturing left the US had nothing to do with prices? The same thing that happened here is now happening in Japan, for the same reasons.

Why to Be Glad America Isn't Making TVs Anymore - DailyFinance
Who said I support Obama? He was a better choice than Romney (an unmitigated disaster waiting to happen) but that doesn't mean I support him.

Who did you vote for in the 2008 and 2012 general elections?

I live in what used to be the reddest of the red states. Since most republicans make my skin crawl and I know that they'll win by an overwhelming majority here, I have the luxury of voting for the Green party candidate as a protest against the corporate ruled democrat/republican duopoly.

I see. So you aren't a Democrat because they are too moderate for you. Communism is what you support.
Who did you vote for in the 2008 and 2012 general elections?

I live in what used to be the reddest of the red states. Since most republicans make my skin crawl and I know that they'll win by an overwhelming majority here, I have the luxury of voting for the Green party candidate as a protest against the corporate ruled democrat/republican duopoly.

I see. So you aren't a Democrat because they are too moderate for you. Communism is what you support.

You never did answer, axe murderer or baby rapist, which do you support?
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!
As is apparent in your post you lack some basic knowledge.

Glad to clear that up.
Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)

Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?

That depends, do you believe in the real world, or do you live in a fantasy world where the reason corporations lobby government is because government leaves them alone?

Actually, the reasons corporations lobby government officials is because they are trying to buy enough influence to get the government to leave them alone, so that they can rape the environment and screw the workers.
Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?

That depends, do you believe in the real world, or do you live in a fantasy world where the reason corporations lobby government is because government leaves them alone?

Actually, the reasons corporations lobby government officials is because they are trying to buy enough influence to get the government to leave them alone, so that they can rape the environment and screw the workers.

This is a point that seems to be lost on most libertarians.
Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?

That depends, do you believe in the real world, or do you live in a fantasy world where the reason corporations lobby government is because government leaves them alone?

Actually, the reasons corporations lobby government officials is because they are trying to buy enough influence to get the government to leave them alone, so that they can rape the environment and screw the workers.

:cuckoo: are you a total moron? all corporations exist to rape the environment and screw the workers ?

Damn man, grow the fuck up.
That depends, do you believe in the real world, or do you live in a fantasy world where the reason corporations lobby government is because government leaves them alone?

Actually, the reasons corporations lobby government officials is because they are trying to buy enough influence to get the government to leave them alone, so that they can rape the environment and screw the workers.

This is a point that seems to be lost on most libertarians.

You are right, idiocies such as that are "lost" on most libertarians.
I live in what used to be the reddest of the red states. Since most republicans make my skin crawl and I know that they'll win by an overwhelming majority here, I have the luxury of voting for the Green party candidate as a protest against the corporate ruled democrat/republican duopoly.

I see. So you aren't a Democrat because they are too moderate for you. Communism is what you support.

You never did answer, axe murderer or baby rapist, which do you support?

I don't think you're either one of those. You're just a moron.
That depends, do you believe in the real world, or do you live in a fantasy world where the reason corporations lobby government is because government leaves them alone?

Actually, the reasons corporations lobby government officials is because they are trying to buy enough influence to get the government to leave them alone, so that they can rape the environment and screw the workers.

:cuckoo: are you a total moron? all corporations exist to rape the environment and screw the workers ?

Damn man, grow the fuck up.

No, not ALL corporations exist to rape the environment and screw the workers but a significant number of them do.

Ah, the wonders of the binary mind.
Actually, the reasons corporations lobby government officials is because they are trying to buy enough influence to get the government to leave them alone, so that they can rape the environment and screw the workers.

:cuckoo: are you a total moron? all corporations exist to rape the environment and screw the workers ?

Damn man, grow the fuck up.

No, not ALL corporations exist to rape the environment and screw the workers but a significant number of them do.

Ah, the wonders of the binary mind.

None of them do, moron. Do you know a single person who says he wants to rape the environment or screw anyone over?

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