The three main goals of libertarianism

Problem is, those Chinese Communists are headed in the right direction, though with obvious stumbles and detours, towards greater personal and economic freedoms. Meanwhile the west, with the US leading the way, is headed in the opposite direction.

China's one, single political is communist in title only.

Irrelevant. Their economy is a Technocracy.

So was Nazi Germany's. And the Soviet Union's. Problem with the Soviet Union was, they kept letting stupid political theories ruin everything for them.

We've never seen a Technocracy work for any length of time. Nazi Germany's was truly remarkable. Incredibly efficient, productive and innovative.

Of course, they had the benefit of tens of thousands of slave laborers but I'm not sure that attribute has ever been honestly examined.

I'm not sure anything about Nazi Germany has ever been honestly examined.

China will be. China's successes and failures will be examined and if their Technocracy works, expect it to take hold here.

Which is what dimocraps want, anyway. A top-down Technocracy. With them in charge, naturally.

But I predict China runs into problems. They've been an Export Economy for quite some time now. Their people have worked hard to build their economy and now, they'd like to start enjoying some of it.

In the future, China may become more like us in that their biggest Market will be themselves.

I think China becomes more like us then we become like them.

When it comes down to it, 'Technocracy' is just another word for Dictatorship under the guise of the kind Shepherd guiding the flock.

Which is what dimocraps are all about.

With them in charge, of course.

Do you have even a remote idea of how Hitler took a bankrupted nation and remilitarized it such that it became the master of Europe?

Remember now the previous government was FLAT BROKE, so where did the money come from to fund FASCIST GERMANY's revitalization?

When you understand how THAT happened?

You are going to learn something TRULY mindblowing, lad.

Look it up...Edge..educate yourself.

Understanding how Germany came back after WWI will change your world outlook entirely.

It will teach your something about ECONOMICS that nobody is teaching you or me in school.

I already know. I could probably lecture on the subject.

What the National Socialists did to correct Germany's economy is nothing short of mind-blowing.

In fact, some were calling it the model for the future. That ALL Governments should follow Hitler's lead. That National Socialism had finally put the Grave Marker on Capitalism and that Capitalism was finally put to rest forever.

It was a 'Third Way'. Not out and out 'socialism' like was practiced in the Soviet Union but a kind of government sponsored and led Capitalism with the benefits of both systems.

What outside observers failed to take note of was the downright thievery and thuggery going on. But they set that aside in favor of their pre-conceived, wishful notions on the demise of Capitalism.

American Progressives LOVED Hitler's National Socialism for several years.

They started to have some doubts around 1938 but fell back in love with him when he attacked France and Great Britain. Progressives hated Great Britain and their IMMENSE Empire.

But then, Hitler invaded the Soviets and all bets were off. The love affair was over.

BTW, people think FDR was in love with the Brits? Not at all.

FDR single-handedly dismantled the British Empire. It was either that or he would let the Germans have them.

Anyway, a Technocracy can be very effective. For a time.
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.

Nah, you're doing a lot of asskissing is what you're doing. What makes you think we advocate any of those things?

Do you see any of the things you contend we believe in our platform? I don't share them all but a great deal of them.

Platform | Libertarian Party

Actually, I have provided evidence on this forum several times that what Saigon said is entirely accurate. Looks to me like you don't even know what your own party stands for!

We support repeal of laws that impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws, so-called “protective” labor legislation for women and children, & governmental restrictions on the establishment of private day-care centers. We deplore government-fostered forced retirement, which robs the elderly of the right to work. We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and “aid to the poor” programs.

No labor laws, no Social Security, no Medicare, no food stamps, etc.

Source: Libertarian Party on Jobs

We should replace harmful government agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with more agile, free-market alternatives.

Source: Healthcare | Libertarian Party

If the US were to pursue a policy of defending its own borders while avoiding foreign intervention, we could realistically reduce our defense budget to as little as $125 billion over the next five years.

Source: Libertarian Party on Defense

Pollution of other people’s property is a violation of individual rights. Strict liability, not arbitrary government standards, should regulate pollution. We demand the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.

No environmental regulations. Source: Libertarian Party on Environment

We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This law denies the right to liberty and property to both employer and employee, and it interferes in their private contractual relations.
Source: National Platform of the Libertarian Party

We oppose all so-called "consumer protection" legislation which infringes upon voluntary trade, and call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Source: 1972 Libertarian Party Platform - LPedia

We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration, which has jeopardized safety by arrogating to itself a monopoly of safety regulation and enforcement. We call for privatizing the air traffic control system and transferring the FAA's other functions to private agencies.

Source: 1992 National Platform of the Libertarian Party - Critiques Of Libertarianism

We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration and particularly its policies of mandating specific nutritional requirements and denying the right of manufacturers to make non-fraudulent claims concerning their products.

Source: 1992 National Platform of the Libertarian Party - Critiques Of Libertarianism
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Actually, I have provided evidence on this forum several times that what Saigon said is entirely accurate. Looks to me like you don't even know what your own party stands for!

If you ever need a simple rule of thumb to determine if you are wrong about something, anytime you find yourself agreeing with Saigon about anything is a good indication.
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.
Try to chart than sentence and blood will shoot out your ears. :rofl:
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.
Try to chart than sentence and blood will shoot out your ears. :rofl:

What? It makes perfect sense.

It has never been tried, but when it was...

On the other hand, it does remind me of this.

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You really should stop lying.

Okay...............I'll stop lying. What point was I lying about?

And...................if I was lying about something, I expect you to provide a link to show that I'd lied.

Otherwise...........................fuck off................I'm gonna continue with the truth.

What were you lying about?

Those stupid pictures you think show what gets sent through pipelines is to damned thick to transport that way. Anyone who has enough brains to drink a milkshake knows that, which leads me to wonder how stupid you can possibly be.

What is wrong with fossil fuels? Without fossil fuels we wouldn't have civilization.

Hydroelectric is more destructive to the environment than any other form of energy. Every single dam that gets built destroys a local ecosystem, and the environmentalists are working to eliminate all the ones that currently exist.

The US is the only industriaalized country to exceed the Kyoto protocols, despite the fact that we didn't ratify the treaty, and the government did nowhere near enough to accomplish the goals. What happened was that the free market discovered that using natural gas was a lot less expensive, and even better for the environment, than all the wind and solar power stations you could possibly build.

Now that I explained what you were lying about I expect you to not keep your word. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Yes, it is thick stuff, which is why they dilute it with petroleum products while it's in the pipeline. If there is a spill, the stuff they used to get it to a state where it could flow evaporates, and the leftover sludge sinks in water.

Look up how they transport tar sand bitumen (what the XL pipeline is supposed to carry). Also, look at some of the problems with putting it into a pipe, because the additives used to make it flow are also very corrosive, meaning that with the oil flowing through the pipe, it's gonna eat away at the walls, making them thinner and prone to cracking.

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