The Tides Have Turned! Their Narrative Is Breaking It's Not Working Anymore!

It certainly creates the potential for coercion. So does any position of prestige or power.

No.... not either way. There is either a claim of coercion or there isn't. You don't get to decide for this grown ass woman that she was coerced.

Its unprofessional and unbecoming a married man but hey if you care more about who they're diddling than policy I won't argue with you there.

Again, I don't care what you imagine or make believe in your wildest of fantasies.
Hardly my fantasies, merely the culmination of accusations of rape and misconduct against Bill Clinton.
Monica was a political groupie, who told her friends at college that she was "putting on her kneepads and going to Washington". She was 22, not 20, and she was a college graduate. She revelled in the role of "The President's Mistress". She bagged the Big Guy!!!! It was like a music groupie sleeping with Mick Jagger. At 22, I was married and expecting my first child.

I don't have to explain anything to Hillary. That's Bill's job. Just as it's Trump's job to explain to Melania why he's having "bareback sex" with a porn star in the age of STI's and AIDS. But these women know who they're married to, and they're still with them.

Some women are prepared to accept infidelity as part of the package. Not a choice I would make, but it's their lives. And that's a private matter entirely.
Private matter???? Yet you have no problem dragging Trump through the mud every chance you get...go figure.
The Trumps should aspire to be as wholesome and "christian" as the Briben Crime Family...

decency 99w.jpg

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