The Tides Have Turned! Their Narrative Is Breaking It's Not Working Anymore!

Thread I started 4 years ago....videos " unavailable " of course.

Google censorship is a HUGE threat to the future of this country.
What compelled you to flaunt your ignorance on this discussion board?
The tides are turning.
"I would rather be grabbed by the pussy, than have a pussy for a President"
What do you think? Are the tides turning? It was a private conversation Trump had.
It wasn't like Slick Willy that got caught in the act.

Fuckup hilarious

Step outside the echo chamber
It's the disparity in power that creates doubt about consent in the Clinton case.
What doubt? Monica is a grown woman who can speak for herself. The reason why it's unprofessional is because of the very instances where one party claims coercion. That's not this case however.
What doubt? Monica is a grown woman who can speak for herself. The reason why it's unprofessional is because of the very instances where one party claims coercion. That's not this case however.
Don't be silly, what reasonable recourse did an intern at that time have? Plus, who in their right mind would say anything with that vindictive witch Hillary hovering about. Most folks don't want to be Arkancided.
Don't be silly, what reasonable recourse did an intern at that time have? Plus, who in their right mind would say anything with that vindictive witch Hillary hovering about. Most folks don't want to be Arkancided.
You can imagine a claim of force or coercion all you like but none actually exist.
Don't be silly, what reasonable recourse did an intern at that time have? Plus, who in their right mind would say anything with that vindictive witch Hillary hovering about. Most folks don't want to be Arkancided.
She did it willingly, according to her own account.

You don't revise history without getting kicked in the face.
You can imagine a claim of force or coercion all you like but none actually exist.
The fact he was the most powerful person on the planet at the time creates a factor of coercion. Either way, it shows how absolutely unfit Clinton was for the office. He was either a coercive scumbag or so pathetically weak willed he was easily seduced, given his history, coercion seems quite likely.
The fact he was the most powerful person on the planet at the time creates a factor of coercion.
It certainly creates the potential for coercion. So does any position of prestige or power.
Either way,
No.... not either way. There is either a claim of coercion or there isn't. You don't get to decide for this grown ass woman that she was coerced.
it shows how absolutely unfit Clinton was for the office.
Its unprofessional and unbecoming a married man but hey if you care more about who they're diddling than policy I won't argue with you there.
He was either a coercive scumbag or so pathetically weak willed he was easily seduced, given his history, coercion seems quite likely.
Again, I don't care what you imagine or make believe in your wildest of fantasies.

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