The time has come to walk away from the Republican party

I will vote for the person who most shares my view of what the country should be and the direction it should go in while Romney was never my first choice for the Republican nomination his vision of America is far closer to mine than Obama's is.

Agreed. Although I am a consevative on most issues, I stay an independent so I don't get wrapped into the "party politics". People like Limbaugh don't do my thinking. I will always vote for the candidate which is more likely to keep the government out of my life as much as possible. Obama is the furthest think from that.

So when you turn 65, you don't want SS or Medicare?
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 11 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 28 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
i registered to vote when i was 18, it only took me a couple of years to realize the Republican party is a big fraud.
i don't know what the hell is taking you people so long.

i voted for Pat Buchanan , Ross Perot, and even Alan Keyes, and WITHOUT A DOUBT this country would be WAY better off if any of these people won. i have absolutely no regret voting for these people and time has shown i was right.

the Republican party is the Washington Generals to the Democrat's Harlem Globe Trotters.
while the Republicans wave their arms around the democrats are using trampolines and ladders to get their policy passed.

this is the first election of my lifetime where i could give a rat's ass who wins.
ever since Romney got the nomination i haven't watched anything politics related.

the Democrats passed the most anti-democratic and anti-American bill since Civil War era politics.
the Health Care Bill that forces Americans to contribute to health care profits.
it's not "ObamaCare" , they've been getting ready to pass this bill since the Carter era.
the "solution" is , what ever problems we have with health care, they are going to make every working American pick up the tab.
what did the Republicans do?
they put on a big act that they were against the bill, and at the same time they selected Republican candidates who would insure the bill doesn't get over-turned if the Republicans won office.
Mitt Romney, the guy who enacted forced health care on the state level, and Rick Perry , the guy who sent a bunch of teenage girls to their deaths by forcing them to have a health care procedure.

for the first time in a long time, we had great people running for office, people who would try to enact some reform...a return to sanity.
Paul , Bachmann, Cain, and even Palin.

what did the Republican voters do?
they ALLOWED the leadership to select , big business, pro-health care candidates for them.
all the accomplishments the Tea Party made ...gone in an instant.

Did PEOPLE vote in the republican primaries or was it the "evil" MEDIA that voted in the republican primaries? I think that it's a totally WEAK cop out to DISHONESTLY claim that "the media" chose your candidate.
I will vote for the person who most shares my view of what the country should be and the direction it should go in while Romney was never my first choice for the Republican nomination his vision of America is far closer to mine than Obama's is.

So your view of America is wealthy overlords who pay no taxes while the average citizen's job is shipped overseas?

Please don't bother me with your paint by the numbers talking points if you ever come up with something new or original to say get back to me then.
I have serious doubts if you ever were a Republican. But to use your premise then one would have to think it has been the Republicans in charge for the last disastrous 6 years. If you were out of high school in 2006 you would remember the disaster that befell the country. It only took two years for the Democrats to ruin the economy, TWO YEARS of control of both houses. No filibuster to worry about they were in complete control. Then we have the start of the Obama years in 2008 when the Democrats controlled Congress and the WH, with a filibuster majority for one year, and the real disaster started to happen. If anything we should thank our lucky stars that the Republicans were at least able to stop the Democrats in the Senate and House in 2011. If not we would have continued the same failed policies of the idiot democrats that brought down this great country. So keep on pretending and trying to make a case that what happened didn't happen or that the blame can't be placed right where in belongs, with the Democrats and Obama. I would perfer to not continue with what they were doing, that would be lunacy.
I will vote for the person who most shares my view of what the country should be and the direction it should go in while Romney was never my first choice for the Republican nomination his vision of America is far closer to mine than Obama's is.

Agreed. Although I am a consevative on most issues, I stay an independent so I don't get wrapped into the "party politics". People like Limbaugh don't do my thinking. I will always vote for the candidate which is more likely to keep the government out of my life as much as possible. Obama is the furthest think from that.

So when you turn 65, you don't want SS or Medicare?

Your overlords have taken that choice away.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 11 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 28 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

And in so doing he has divided the country as we have not seen since the civil war. I am not sure how you crow about the longest and weakest recovery in history. Oh right you pretend that what would have happen would be much worse. As for the deficit:


You do know when Obama became president and more pointedly when the democrats took control of congress and ignored Bush altogether.
SO, the Republican party is not far enough to the right for you?

no- it will never be far enough left for you....see how that works?

I am old enough to remember when the Republican party was much more centrist. But centrist is an evil word to today's GOP. It is the far right or banishment for any Republican that doesn't march in lock step.

Ask David Frum or Bruce Bartlett.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

I will have more to say on this topic later. But I wanted to say that this is a black day for what passes for a conservative movement, scholarship, and the once-respected AEI.

I thought the URL of the article was appropriate: "groupthink-right-would-make-stalin-proud" ;) Here's another good piece on what they're purposely suffering from:
It is hard to believe that a phrase as dry as “epistemic closure” could get anyone excited, but the term has sparked a heated argument among conservatives in recent weeks about their movement’s intellectual health.
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no- it will never be far enough left for you....see how that works?

I am old enough to remember when the Republican party was much more centrist. But centrist is an evil word to today's GOP. It is the far right or banishment for any Republican that doesn't march in lock step.

Ask David Frum or Bruce Bartlett.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

I will have more to say on this topic later. But I wanted to say that this is a black day for what passes for a conservative movement, scholarship, and the once-respected AEI.

I thought the URL of the article was appropriate: "groupthink-right-would-make-stalin-proud" ;) Here's another good piece on what they're purposely suffering from:

As opposed to the group think left who would make Stalin what sad?
I will vote for the person who most shares my view of what the country should be and the direction it should go in while Romney was never my first choice for the Republican nomination his vision of America is far closer to mine than Obama's is.

Agreed. Although I am a consevative on most issues, I stay an independent so I don't get wrapped into the "party politics". People like Limbaugh don't do my thinking. I will always vote for the candidate which is more likely to keep the government out of my life as much as possible. Obama is the furthest think from that.

So when you turn 65, you don't want SS or Medicare?

I didn't say that, but I am not depending on either. And I certanly don't want Obamacare
Anything other than a vote for Romney is essentially a vote for Obama.

That is exactly the type of mentality that prevents a third party candidate from having a shot at the White House. Vote for Gary Johnson. He is the man.

Come on man, Gary Johnson is a joke. And 3rd parties can happen, but it usually has to be a catastrophic event like the Civil War and such. The problem is we need to keep the pressure on the RINOS and keep knocking them out. I've never seen so many incumbants lose in primaries as in the past couple of years, they're getting the shit kicked out of them and that's a good thing.
I will vote for the person who most shares my view of what the country should be and the direction it should go in while Romney was never my first choice for the Republican nomination his vision of America is far closer to mine than Obama's is.

So your view of America is wealthy overlords who pay no taxes while the average citizen's job is shipped overseas?

Aren't you voting for Obama, Chris? Sounds like you hold the same view.
So when you turn 65, you don't want SS or Medicare?

Social Security isn't going to exist when I'm 65 because your selfish, parasitic generation is going to drain all of it before mine is old enough to cash in. It's the biggest pyramid scheme in American history. Social Security plays no role in my retirement plans.
The other evening reading Fairy Tales to our grandkids I came to the perfect reply to this OP, Henny Penny. It must be that the sky is always falling for some people. Poor Henny mistook an acorn for the end, I have to wonder how often humankind predicts the end is near, and the harder question is why? I've heard the world ends soon, is it October or thereabouts? Seems looking into the future scares the heck out of some people. Anyway read a bit of history, it's a great antidote to acorns.

As far as republicans I agree with the writer but for different reasons.

"During a summer in the late 1960s I discovered an easy and certain method of predicting the future. Not my own future, the next turn of the card, or market conditions next month or next year, but the future of the world lying far ahead. It was quite simple. All that was needed was to take the reigning assumptions about what the future was likely to hold, and reverse them. Not modify, negate, or question, but reverse. It was self-evident that this was the right method, because so many of the guesses that the past had made about its then future—that is, my own present—had turned out to be not only wrong but the opposite of what came to be instead, the more so the further ahead they had been projected." John Crowley, 'The Next Future'
The Next Future - Lapham’s Quarterly

Yea, well I'm thinking of the Little Red much better than Henny Penny.

Not I," barked the lazy dog .
"Not I," purred the sleepy cat .
"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck .

The Little Red Hen Story -
I will vote for the person who most shares my view of what the country should be and the direction it should go in while Romney was never my first choice for the Republican nomination his vision of America is far closer to mine than Obama's is.

So your view of America is wealthy overlords who pay no taxes while the average citizen's job is shipped overseas?

Aren't you voting for Obama, Chris? Sounds like you hold the same view.

Don't point out the obvious you'll confuse him.
So when you turn 65, you don't want SS or Medicare?

Social Security isn't going to exist when I'm 65 because your selfish, parasitic generation is going to drain all of it before mine is old enough to cash in. It's the biggest pyramid scheme in American history. Social Security plays no role in my retirement plans.

It isn't that this generation is parasitic it is as you say a pyramid or ponzi scheme that was doomed to go broke. It isn't so much because of people who paid into the system using the system it is that it was extended to so many who paid little or nothing. What one does with those people is a hard question to answer.

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