The Tolerant Left

I haven't done anything against a minority or a queer.

What does this have to do with you being a fucking imbecile? You could use some self-sufficiency. An efficient way to do that would be to shitcan your bullshit ideologies and get better ones.

But you on the other hand call me names like the little bitch, you are portraying, sorry dude, it's people like yourself that are the problem. In America, this is how stupid you people look.

You are a whiny little bitch. You don't even know what fucking words to use when you're trying to disparage people.
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Like I said you are the problem. Grow up, maybe you will become someone. Instead of sitting on here calling people names, when you get your ass smacked. Also smile, maybe it will help with your hate.

This isn't a matter of grammar. This is a matter of ignorance. You didn't know the phrase was self-sufficient. You thought the phrase was self-efficient. Those two things aren't even close to the same meaning, so it's not a hapless mistake. It's a mistake borne of ignorance.

Own that shit.
So what, that doesn't take from the fact that I want minorities to be educated and can make their own way. Although you want them uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. Looks like you are the racist asshole. I mean you people think minorities are to stupid to get an Id to vote. Sorry, but you are the intolerant, bigoted, asshole. Not me.
I’m enjoying you dim-witted morons posting your preposterous divination of the sexes.

Of course, no one is arguing that men and women are the same so in your rush to be a sophist you have to construct a straw man along the way. But like everything you do, it's rushed and sloppy and crumbles when subject to the slightest amount of scrutiny.

Do you wear dresses because of this non compos mentis?

No, but it seems like you do and are reluctant to tell everyone because you've spent all these posts disparaging that which you are, but won't admit.

You need to seek help from a mental health professional. Your profile is that of the LV shooter, and we know how that turned out for everyone...
The Weatherman is a millionaire/gambler? Cool.
Bob Segar and Kenny Rogers wrote songs about me.
Kenny wrote one for the Derp too
So what, that doesn't take from the fact that I want minorities to be educated and can make their own way.

Not what you said before, and the fact that you couldn't even disparage them correctly with your concern-trolling shows you're the one in need of education here.

Now, "hypocrite" would be the appropriate word to use to describe someone who lacks the education to know what to say when making an argument about education.

Are you a parody account operated by The Onion or Colbert?

Although you want them uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. Looks like you are the racist asshole. I mean you people think minorities are to stupid to get an Id to vote. Sorry, but you are the intolerant, bigoted, asshole. Not me.

No, what's stupid is you believing there's widespread voter fraud that only Voter IDs could fix.

What's obvious is that you just don't want people voting because the more people who vote; the less likely you are to win.
Challenging fascist decree with pointed responses rooted in the empirical and nature is not bigotry.

First of all, there is no fascist decree. So you're hyperbolic-ally calling Google's diversity initiative a "fascist decree" because there's no other way to represent what Damore wrote than despicable trash unless you characterize that against which he's raging as such. Make no mistake; Damore is the fascist here, not Google and not the people criticizing him for drawing false conclusions through a tenuous grasp of facts and biology. It wasn't that he pointed out the differences, it was that he used that shit to draw a false conclusion and create a hostile work environment.

Men and women are inherently different and not only pertaining to genetalia. If you object, then discuss it. Denying the discussion as a result of your misguided indoctrination is fascism.

It was a manifesto, not a discussion. And there was a discussion of it; Google determined that it created a hostile work environment so they terminated his employment. Good for them. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.

Your argument is hypocrisy.

You don't even know what that word means.
You can call it a manifesto, irrelevant. It was speech. Discuss it but don’t censor it.
Lefties the likes of which google has become are the antithesis of liberalism and freedom and tolerance. And you agree with censorship and intolerance. Your problem.
You can call it a manifesto, irrelevant. It was speech. Discuss it but don’t censor it..

It was discussed and talked about. At length internally at Google. He posted it in the employee forums where everyone could read it and respond. You just don't like the fact that the response to the trash was condemnation. Again, freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences.

He posted it. People discussed it. Google discussed it. Google determined it created a hostile work environment. Google fired Damore because of that.

So I don't know why you think he was shut down and there was no discussion. He got to post that trash, people got to respond to it, and Google made a decision about his employment because of the discussion that came from it.

So what the fuck are you complaining about? Nothing. You're complaining about literally nothing.

Lefties the likes of which google has become are the antithesis of liberalism and freedom and tolerance. And you agree with censorship and intolerance. Your problem.

Fuck you and abusers like you. Nazis don't have or deserve a place in society, let alone in public debate. So take your Confederate Flag, your swastika, and your MAGA hat, and drop fuckin' dead.
So what, that doesn't take from the fact that I want minorities to be educated and can make their own way.

Not what you said before, and the fact that you couldn't even disparage them correctly with your concern-trolling shows you're the one in need of education here.

Now, "hypocrite" would be the appropriate word to use to describe someone who lacks the education to know what to say when making an argument about education.

Are you a parody account operated by The Onion or Colbert?

Although you want them uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. Looks like you are the racist asshole. I mean you people think minorities are to stupid to get an Id to vote. Sorry, but you are the intolerant, bigoted, asshole. Not me.

No, what's stupid is you believing there's widespread voter fraud that only Voter IDs could fix.

What's obvious is that you just don't want people voting because the more people who vote; the less likely you are to win.
You're an idiot, liberals are against charter schools. Because it would give public schools competition. Which will help our education system. I think voter I'd would stop some fraud, which is better than nothing. What's your idea?
You're an idiot, liberals are against charter schools. Because it would give public schools competition

No, because it siphons funding away from public schools and goes into the pocket of the people who run the Charter school. Secondly, there's no evidence that Charter school outcomes are any better than Public school, and plenty of evidence that Charter School outcomes are the same or worse.

Which will help our education system. I think voter I'd would stop some fraud, which is better than nothing. What's your idea?

Charter schools don't help anyone or anything. All they do is take taxpayer money and put it into the pocket of corporations. I thought you hated the government picking winners and losers. Oh well, just another "hard principle" you're willing to compromise.
You're an idiot, liberals are against charter schools. Because it would give public schools competition

No, because it siphons funding away from public schools and goes into the pocket of the people who run the Charter school. Secondly, there's no evidence that Charter school outcomes are any better than Public school, and plenty of evidence that Charter School outcomes are the same or worse.

Which will help our education system. I think voter I'd would stop some fraud, which is better than nothing. What's your idea?

Charter schools don't help anyone or anything. All they do is take taxpayer money and put it into the pocket of corporations. I thought you hated the government picking winners and losers. Oh well, just another "hard principle" you're willing to compromise.
You’re ignorant on all topics.

D.C. Charter Schools Outperform District's Public Schools

Florida Charter Schools Outperform Public Schools, Data Shows

The Unappreciated Success Of Charter Schools

Dallas area charter school students outperform students in traditional public schools
You're an idiot, liberals are against charter schools. Because it would give public schools competition

No, because it siphons funding away from public schools and goes into the pocket of the people who run the Charter school. Secondly, there's no evidence that Charter school outcomes are any better than Public school, and plenty of evidence that Charter School outcomes are the same or worse.

Which will help our education system. I think voter I'd would stop some fraud, which is better than nothing. What's your idea?

Charter schools don't help anyone or anything. All they do is take taxpayer money and put it into the pocket of corporations. I thought you hated the government picking winners and losers. Oh well, just another "hard principle" you're willing to compromise.
Is that why Obama had to reinstate a charter school in Washington, after he tried to close it down? Parents raised hell about it. Every parent here that I talk to praises the charter school their child attends. While public schools are graduating children that cannot read. So they can get the funding for not educating that child. Liberals want indoctrination, not education.
So what, that doesn't take from the fact that I want minorities to be educated and can make their own way.

Not what you said before, and the fact that you couldn't even disparage them correctly with your concern-trolling shows you're the one in need of education here.

Now, "hypocrite" would be the appropriate word to use to describe someone who lacks the education to know what to say when making an argument about education.

Are you a parody account operated by The Onion or Colbert?

Although you want them uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. Looks like you are the racist asshole. I mean you people think minorities are to stupid to get an Id to vote. Sorry, but you are the intolerant, bigoted, asshole. Not me.

No, what's stupid is you believing there's widespread voter fraud that only Voter IDs could fix.

What's obvious is that you just don't want people voting because the more people who vote; the less likely you are to win.
Women Report More Rudeness at Work From Other Women. “Across the three studies, we found consistent evidence that women reported higher levels of incivility from other women than their male counterparts. . . . In other words, women are ruder to each other than they are to men, or than men are to women.”

Where’s the campaign to do something about that? We need quotas for more males to be rude to women!
No you call everything an ist/ic when you disagree with it.

Oh please come down off that cross already. If you're making bigoted, racist, and misogynist remarks, that makes you a bigot, racist, and misogynist. This is where personal responsibility comes in. You seem to be under the impression that you are absolved from disparagement or condemnation simply because you have an opinion about something. That's entitlement. And you've done nothing to earn that entitlement. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. So if you don't like being called a racist, bigot, or misogynist, then stop acting like it!

You do the same tired schitck all the time, expand on sentences, go in circles, and all layers of fluff.

LOL! I'm asking too much of right-wingers now. They can't be bothered to read more than one sentence. Why? The brain damage, probably.

What bigoted misogynistic or racist remarks was the guy making? Be specific please.

You are the perfect example of a quantity over quality poster. You just meander on and on.
What exactly were the consequential, bigoted words? And what standard was applied?

1. "Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don't have 50 percent representation of women in tech and leadership. Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business." - That's misogyny

2. "On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren't just socially constructed because: They're universal across human cultures, they often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone, biological males that were castrated at birth and raised as females often still identify and act like males." - That's more misogyny

3. "I'm simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don't see equal representation of women in tech and leadership."- That's more misogyny

4. "Women, on average, have more: Neuroticism (higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance). This may contribute to the higher levels of anxiety women report on Googlegeist and to the lower number of women in high stress jobs." - That's more misogyny

5. "Women on average show a higher interest in people and men in things." - That's more misogyny

6. "Women on average look for more work-life balance while men have a higher drive for status on average. Unfortunately, as long as tech and leadership remain high status, lucrative careers, men may disproportionately want to be in them. Allowing and truly endorsing (as part of our culture) part time work though can keep more women in tech." - That's more misogyny

7. "Programs, mentoring, and classes only for people with a certain gender or race, a high priority queue and special treatment for 'diversity' candidates, hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for 'diversity' candidates by decreasing the false negative rate." - so here's some racism mixed into the misogyny.

8. "We're told by senior leadership that what we're doing is both the morally and economically correct thing to do, but without evidence this is just veiled left ideology that can irreparably harm Google." - here's bigotry.

And here's what the Google HR rep said: "You have just created a textbook hostile workplace environment."
None of that is bigoted. Differing traits between men and women are a result of nature. Denying that in the name of gender neutrality is rooted in real bigotry.
Race quotas undermine credentials and is also bigotry.
So you have the bigotry accusation squarely on the wrong foot.
What’s more, a refusal to discuss these realities and observations is bigotry and fascism.
Denying the opportunity to discuss is more fascism.

None of that is even close to any form of hatred or bigotry. It is opinion, some of it backed up by studies, the rest backed up by reality.
A non-student protester then yanked the cables from the sound system and shoved the equipment to the ground, breaking an antenna. She was promptly detained by police. "[Damore's] a piece of shit!" she screamed as she was issued a citation for criminal mischief in the second degree. "Even the women in there have been brainwashed!" Another protester stated: "Nazis are not welcome in civil society."

These truly are the crazy years.

So why do you think all Liberals are supposed to be more tolerant than the right?

It's kind of like, rightist ideology doesn't like tolerance, so they don't need to be tolerant, but the left does.
A non-student protester then yanked the cables from the sound system and shoved the equipment to the ground, breaking an antenna. She was promptly detained by police. "[Damore's] a piece of shit!" she screamed as she was issued a citation for criminal mischief in the second degree. "Even the women in there have been brainwashed!" Another protester stated: "Nazis are not welcome in civil society."

These truly are the crazy years.

So why do you think all Liberals are supposed to be more tolerant than the right?

It's kind of like, rightist ideology doesn't like tolerance, so they don't need to be tolerant, but the left does.
Please point out all of the riots and violence over lefty speakers.

This is your big chance you've waited for all your life.

Fuck you and abusers like you. Nazis don't have or deserve a place in society, let alone in public debate. So take your Confederate Flag, your swastika, and your MAGA hat, and drop fuckin' dead.
Confederate flags, MAGA hats and swastikas are all very different things and all are afforded the opportunity to debate, like it or not.
Unless you're a Nazi.

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