The total failure of the right wing middle east policies


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.
Deflection is all you have.
There were no Taliban when reagan was president. They were mujahideen and they were fighting the Soviets, thus they were our allies.
Saddam started the first Iraq war by invading Kuwait. We responded and rolled him back. Bush was set to go to Baghdad but the painty wastes in the Democrat Party told him he didnt have authorization and being a good guy and wanting support across the aisle he stopped the war.
W. Bush inherited Clinton's failed policies towards terrorism, culminating in 9/11. He also inherited Clinton's failed policies towards Iraq, which let Saddam undermine sanctions and fire at our jets. Bush responded appropriately and waged a just war of liberation, which was a rousing success, despite the carping by the same people who had supported the war when it was popular.
Obama has failed in every policy he has pursued. He inherited a stable Iraq, an Egypt on the cusp of Democracy, a Libya ready for democratic government and he fucked it all up by supporting the wrong people and implementing the wrong policies.
Carter and Obama are right wingers?


The things I learn from USMB Sock accounts
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.

This current crop of Obamaroids and Fluffers is far and away the most brain-washed group ever. Nothing and I mean NOTHING is ever the fault of their Dear Leader; they're like North Koreans in their love of the Ossiah
Truly frightening how we already have a large percent of the population who devoutly worship their leader as a deity. That never ends well
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.
That's a lot of happy horse shit.
The "war on drugs"? It's not hard to understand the basis of the pot-head left's view on foreign policy. Everything is about drugs.

^ Where Obama's Middle East policy will end
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.

Its amazing 6.5 years in and nothing is Obama's fault. Didn't the left tell us this man was the smartest president ever elected and he was going to fix all this?
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.

Its amazing 6.5 years in and nothing is Obama's fault. Didn't the left tell us this man was the smartest president ever elected and he was going to fix all this?
Its like he just wandered into the WHite House by accident and discovered he's been president for 7 years.
Democracy doesn't work in the middle east. That is the flaw in it.

Ask a devout Muslim there what they think of democracy, and many (if not most) will tell you that democracy puts the laws of Man above the laws of God.

And that, in their eyes, ain't cool.

Then we wonder why we weren't/aren't greeted as liberators, why we piss them off so regularly.

Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.

Its amazing 6.5 years in and nothing is Obama's fault. Didn't the left tell us this man was the smartest president ever elected and he was going to fix all this?
Its like he just wandered into the WHite House by accident and discovered he's been president for 7 years.

Apparently Obama is powerless and Bush is in his 4th term as president. :laugh:
On what planet was the OP written? Who was president when we pulled out of Iraq without leaving a residual force? Who was president when Libya was overrun by Jihadists and four Americans were murdered? Who was president was when ISIS formed and quickly began to carry out mass executions and to gobble up chunks of territory? Who was president when most of Yemen fell under Jihadist rule?

But, oh, it's all Reagan and Bush's fault! Just unbelievable. Weakness and timidity invite aggression, as history has proven over and over and over again.

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