The total failure of the right wing middle east policies

Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims.

Who is "Raygun" and what crimes was he convicted of? Please point to the court that convicted him.

Cite your claim in this manner;

In the extended plea bargain between Bill Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray, the ultimate key turned out to be Clinton's Arkansas law license, but that would not have been obvious from the beginning.



Ray announced last summer that he was proceeding with the possible indictment of Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Eventually he entered discussions with David Kendall, Clinton's attorney, in an effort to "resolve the matter," which is what lawyers say when they want to cut a deal. While both sides had good reason to reach an agreement, acceptable terms must have been elusive.
It Takes A Plea Agreement - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban.

Who is "Raygun?"

If you are claiming Reagan, then you are lying. The Taliban didn't exist when Reagan was in office.

He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.

This too is a lie - you certainly lie a great deal.

You must be a democrat.

Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

So we have established that you are a liar, and completely ignorant of the events in the past.

You should join the Obama cabinet - he staffs it with scumbags like you...
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

Where are the indictments, dipshit?
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims.

Who is "Raygun" and what crimes was he convicted of? Please point to the court that convicted him.

Cite your claim in this manner;

In the extended plea bargain between Bill Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray, the ultimate key turned out to be Clinton's Arkansas law license, but that would not have been obvious from the beginning.



Ray announced last summer that he was proceeding with the possible indictment of Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Eventually he entered discussions with David Kendall, Clinton's attorney, in an effort to "resolve the matter," which is what lawyers say when they want to cut a deal. While both sides had good reason to reach an agreement, acceptable terms must have been elusive.
It Takes A Plea Agreement - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban.

Who is "Raygun?"

If you are claiming Reagan, then you are lying. The Taliban didn't exist when Reagan was in office.

He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.

This too is a lie - you certainly lie a great deal.

You must be a democrat.

Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

So we have established that you are a liar, and completely ignorant of the events in the past.

You should join the Obama cabinet - he staffs it with scumbags like you...
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

Where are the indictments, dipshit?

The Reagan Era Quotes

In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not—repeat, did not—trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we."
- Ronald Reagan, denying the Iran-Contra Affair, November 198654

"A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."
- Ronald Reagan, admitting the Iran-Contra Affair, March 1987
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims.

Who is "Raygun" and what crimes was he convicted of? Please point to the court that convicted him.

Cite your claim in this manner;

In the extended plea bargain between Bill Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray, the ultimate key turned out to be Clinton's Arkansas law license, but that would not have been obvious from the beginning.



Ray announced last summer that he was proceeding with the possible indictment of Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Eventually he entered discussions with David Kendall, Clinton's attorney, in an effort to "resolve the matter," which is what lawyers say when they want to cut a deal. While both sides had good reason to reach an agreement, acceptable terms must have been elusive.
It Takes A Plea Agreement - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban.

Who is "Raygun?"

If you are claiming Reagan, then you are lying. The Taliban didn't exist when Reagan was in office.

He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.

This too is a lie - you certainly lie a great deal.

You must be a democrat.

Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

So we have established that you are a liar, and completely ignorant of the events in the past.

You should join the Obama cabinet - he staffs it with scumbags like you...
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

Where are the indictments, dipshit?

The Reagan Era Quotes

In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not—repeat, did not—trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we."
- Ronald Reagan, denying the Iran-Contra Affair, November 198654

"A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."
- Ronald Reagan, admitting the Iran-Contra Affair, March 1987

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
We'll provide shovel ready jobs.

Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those. Reagan at least did that.
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

The Taliban didn't exist, you lying twat.

Let's review,
  • You're stupid
  • wildly partisan
  • you have zero integrity
Yep, you're an Obama voter.
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

The Taliban didn't exist, you lying twat.

Let's review,
  • You're stupid
  • wildly partisan
  • you have zero integrity
Yep, you're an Obama voter.
The video is right there for everyone to see, and you still deny it. Ignorance is not knowing, refusing to learn makes YOU stupid, partisan, and without integrity.

Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

The Taliban didn't exist, you lying twat.

Let's review,
  • You're stupid
  • wildly partisan
  • you have zero integrity
Yep, you're an Obama voter.
The video is right there for everyone to see, and you still deny it. Ignorance is not knowing, refusing to learn makes YOU stupid, partisan, and without integrity.

I believe that the video is of Reagan hosting the mujaheddin leaders, not the Taliban leaders. The fact that he pointed that out and you still falsely claim it to be the Taliban, which wasn't formed until 1992, makes YOU the one that is stupid, partisan, and without integrity
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
The video is right there for everyone to see, and you still deny it. Ignorance is not knowing, refusing to learn makes YOU stupid, partisan, and without integrity.

Everyone here already knows you're a lying twat - no need for videos regarding the Mujahadeen - retard.

^^^^Moron doesn't know that the Mujaheddin IS the Taliban.^^^^

Not true. It includes people who formed the Mujaheddin but is an entirely different group with entirely different aims. Shame on you for lying.
^^^^Moron doesn't know that the Mujaheddin IS the Taliban.^^^^

No retard, they aren't .

You're just a lying fuck who thinks you can trash those you hate by lying,

What you are is a fucking idiot. Even BlindFool - who HATES Reagan for destroying his beloved USSR, has to back away from your complete retardation.


What a fool.
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

The Taliban didn't exist, you lying twat.

Let's review,
  • You're stupid
  • wildly partisan
  • you have zero integrity
Yep, you're an Obama voter.
The video is right there for everyone to see, and you still deny it. Ignorance is not knowing, refusing to learn makes YOU stupid, partisan, and without integrity.

I believe that the video is of Reagan hosting the mujaheddin leaders, not the Taliban leaders. The fact that he pointed that out and you still falsely claim it to be the Taliban, which wasn't formed until 1992, makes YOU the one that is stupid, partisan, and without integrity
It's the same fucking leaders of the Taliban. Mujahideen (an Arabic word) refers to any person performing Jihad. .... This movement became known as the Taliban
Mujahideen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

The Taliban didn't exist, you lying twat.

Let's review,
  • You're stupid
  • wildly partisan
  • you have zero integrity
Yep, you're an Obama voter.
The video is right there for everyone to see, and you still deny it. Ignorance is not knowing, refusing to learn makes YOU stupid, partisan, and without integrity.

I believe that the video is of Reagan hosting the mujaheddin leaders, not the Taliban leaders. The fact that he pointed that out and you still falsely claim it to be the Taliban, which wasn't formed until 1992, makes YOU the one that is stupid, partisan, and without integrity
It's the same fucking leaders of the Taliban. Mujahideen (an Arabic word) refers to any person performing Jihad. .... This movement became known as the Taliban
Mujahideen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You make lots of claims and post irrelevant links which are not relevant to those claims. Why is that?

By the way, including profanity doesn't hide the fact that you're not proving your case. The Taliban wasn't formed until 1992 and not all the Mujaheddin leaders from the Afghan struggle against the Soviets joined the Taliban. You're drawing a false conclusion because you have nothing but partisan hate.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob.

You must REALLY hate LBJ for getting the Gulf of Tomkin resolution passed so he could bomb the crap out of Vietnam while 58,303 American soldiers were killed.
I'd like to thank uncensored, hunarcy, and rabbi for showing that they defend the crimes of cons the same way the nazis defend their crimes. Even when it's proven fact, they try to deny their leaders guilt.
I'd like to thank uncensored, hunacy, and rabbi for showing that they defend the crimes of cons the same way the nazis defend their crimes. Even when it's proven fact, they try to deny their leaders guilt.

And what crimes have I defended? I have pointed out that you aren't being honest for obviously partisan purposes and commented that you must have hated LBJ, though you haven't commented on him.

So, your "thanks" really was just more dishonesty from you.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob.

You must REALLY hate LBJ for getting the Gulf of Tomkin resolution passed so he could bomb the crap out of Vietnam while 58,303 American soldiers were killed.
Nixon not only bombed Vietnam, but also Laos and Burma. LBJ had the integrity to not run for reelection after finding he had been chumped by the war mongers that promoted the war. Nixon kept the war going for another seven years. More than half of the 58,000 was on him.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob.

You must REALLY hate LBJ for getting the Gulf of Tomkin resolution passed so he could bomb the crap out of Vietnam while 58,303 American soldiers were killed.

A lot of young Democrats certainly did. The SDS gave birth to Bad Billy and the WU. Young Republicans like Mittens, were pro war.

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