The total failure of the right wing middle east policies

Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.
Nixon resigned, asshole.
You really are one stupid twit.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.
Nixon resigned, asshole.
You really are one stupid twit.
Yeah, that's how he got away from going to prison.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.
Nixon resigned, asshole.
You really are one stupid twit.
I'd like to thank uncensored, hunarcy, and rabbi for showing that they defend the crimes of cons the same way the nazis defend their crimes. Even when it's proven fact, they try to deny their leaders guilt.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob.

You must REALLY hate LBJ for getting the Gulf of Tomkin resolution passed so he could bomb the crap out of Vietnam while 58,303 American soldiers were killed.
Nixon not only bombed Vietnam, but also Laos and Burma. LBJ had the integrity to not run for reelection after finding he had been chumped by the war mongers that promoted the war. Nixon kept the war going for another seven years. More than half of the 58,000 was on him.

So, you want to defend LBJ for getting us into Vietnam based on a lie by deflecting to Nixon. How does that make you different from those who you were just condemning?
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob.

You must REALLY hate LBJ for getting the Gulf of Tomkin resolution passed so he could bomb the crap out of Vietnam while 58,303 American soldiers were killed.

A lot of young Democrats certainly did. The SDS gave birth to Bad Billy and the WU. Young Republicans like Mittens, were pro war.

And they were right to be upset.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.
Nixon resigned, asshole.
You really are one stupid twit.
I'd like to thank uncensored, hunarcy, and rabbi for showing that they defend the crimes of cons the same way the nazis defend their crimes. Even when it's proven fact, they try to deny their leaders guilt.

Repeating your false accusation does not make it true the second time. Honestly, I'm starting to pity you for being so blindly partisan.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.
Obama blamed "sub-standard policies" for their cancellations at first. But he didnt apologize for lying to people about it to begin with. So that's an equivalence fail.
Where was the impeachment of Reagan for violating the law?
The Iran/Contra hearings exposed Raygun's crimes, and you know it. Just like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes, and you know that too. Shrub daddy got away with it too. So did Caspar Weinberger, and Ollie North. Gingrich and Hastert impeached Clinton for a blow job while cheating on a cancer stricken wife and hiding sex with kids.

You cons sure a a scummy lot.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob.

You must REALLY hate LBJ for getting the Gulf of Tomkin resolution passed so he could bomb the crap out of Vietnam while 58,303 American soldiers were killed.
Nixon not only bombed Vietnam, but also Laos and Burma. LBJ had the integrity to not run for reelection after finding he had been chumped by the war mongers that promoted the war. Nixon kept the war going for another seven years. More than half of the 58,000 was on him.
Integrity? LBJ? Surely you're kidding.
LBJ declined to run because he knew he would lose. And LBJ had an enormous fear of losing.
Yeah, I dont see any apologies from Obozo for those.

Cause your as blind as my dog was and as faithful to "The Party" as she was to me. (She was a good dog)

President Barack Obama apologized Thursday to those Americans whose insurance plans are being canceled due to the federal health law he championed even though he said repeatedly they could keep their coverage if they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Selling military hardware to Iran was against the law and so was providing support to the Central American Terrorist fighting the democratically elected government in Nicaragua.

Then why was the witch hunt not able to sustain convictions on North, Poindexter, et al? Oh that's right, 5th columnist Boland put through a rider that what wholly unconstitutional - the legislative lacks the authority to deny the the right to conduct a foreign policy.

Oh, and the terrorists were your Soviet allies - not the people seeking to stop the Soviet invasion.
No seriously. If jimmy carter was a right winger all of this time, I am declaring myself a democrat today.

Wow, holy shit.
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.

This current crop of Obamaroids and Fluffers is far and away the most brain-washed group ever. Nothing and I mean NOTHING is ever the fault of their Dear Leader; they're like North Koreans in their love of the Ossiah

They are scared. The figure if they critique Obama that will make them a racist. After all that is what they have been preaching since he was elected. They have boxed themselves in, not that they would critique a democrat in general.
Out of the last 22 years about 14 have had a democrat as president. Yet you blame Republicans? Really?
Then why was the witch hunt not able to sustain convictions on North, Poindexter, et al? Oh that's right, 5th columnist Boland

Are you arguing with those voices in your head again? WTF does that have to do with President Obama's apology?

Everyone knows why Raygun was never charged. It would have been like charging a beloved but addle minded old grandfather of a crime he couldn't remember and was probably manipulated into agreeing to in the first place.
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

And what? 7 years of Obama's ME policies have yielded us what? Turned us into a laughing stock. Nice try lefty. Move on to another topic, you have failed at this one.
Then why was the witch hunt not able to sustain convictions on North, Poindexter, et al? Oh that's right, 5th columnist Boland

Are you arguing with those voices in your head again? WTF does that have to do with President Obama's apology?

Everyone knows why Raygun was never charged. It would have been like charging a beloved but addle minded old grandfather of a crime he couldn't remember and was probably manipulated into agreeing to in the first place.
Yeah "everyone" knows that.
No, actually there was no evidence he had committed a crime. And in any case it would bring up the question of what "crime" exactly he had committed. In fact he had committed no crime at all.
Are you arguing with those voices in your head again? WTF does that have to do with President Obama's apology?

You were making absurd claims based on falsehoods again - so I called you on them again.

Everyone knows why Raygun was never charged.

Who is Raygun? Second cousin to Obummer?

It would have been like charging a beloved but addle minded old grandfather of a crime he couldn't remember and was probably manipulated into agreeing to in the first place.

That and the lack of criminal wrong doing.The Soviet Agents in Congress, Wright and Boland, passed unconstitutional measures that attempted to circumvent the ability of the administration to conduct a foreign policy. They had no authority to do such a thing. Remember, the Walsh witch hunt actually got a conviction against John Poindexter and Oliver North, only to have them thrown out on the basis that the charges had no merit since the foundation was unconstitutional.

You lost - period. You made a bold play to bring the USSR to the Southern Border of the USA, the 5th Column worked on behalf of the Soviets in Congress, but in the end you simply lost. Reagan out witted and out maneuvered you. You tried to claim that the Administration could not support opponents to the Soviet Junta in Nicaragua that Wright and Boland were promoting - but the courts found your reasoning absurd. Of course the loss of the North American beach head for the Soviets brought the whole house of cards crashing down.

You'll never forgive Reagan for ending your beloved USSR.

I'll never stop praising him for it.

Reagan ended the specter of nuclear death for Americans.

But fear not, Obama has brought it back.

Then why was the witch hunt not able to sustain convictions on North, Poindexter, et al? Oh that's right, 5th columnist Boland

Are you arguing with those voices in your head again? WTF does that have to do with President Obama's apology?

Everyone knows why Raygun was never charged. It would have been like charging a beloved but addle minded old grandfather of a crime he couldn't remember and was probably manipulated into agreeing to in the first place.
Yeah "everyone" knows that.
No, actually there was no evidence he had committed a crime. And in any case it would bring up the question of what "crime" exactly he had committed. In fact he had committed no crime at all.

The signs were there, and everybody just felt sorry for him, his Teflon coating having been burned off on top of losing his mind and all.....
a conviction against John Poindexter and Oliver North, only to have them thrown out on the basis that the charges had no merit since the foundation was unconstitutional.

You just can't help yourself. History in fact says that North had been granted limited immunity for his congressional testimony and got his convictions overturned on that technicality. What was in all those documents he and Fawn Hall destroyed?
Then why was the witch hunt not able to sustain convictions on North, Poindexter, et al? Oh that's right, 5th columnist Boland

Are you arguing with those voices in your head again? WTF does that have to do with President Obama's apology?

Everyone knows why Raygun was never charged. It would have been like charging a beloved but addle minded old grandfather of a crime he couldn't remember and was probably manipulated into agreeing to in the first place.
Yeah "everyone" knows that.
No, actually there was no evidence he had committed a crime. And in any case it would bring up the question of what "crime" exactly he had committed. In fact he had committed no crime at all.

The signs were there, and everybody just felt sorry for him, his Teflon coating having been burned off on top of losing his mind and all.....
Yeah sure. Whatever lets you sleep.
The truth is he had committed no crime. Nor was anyone ever convicted of committing a crime connected to the original allegation.

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