The total failure of the right wing middle east policies

On what planet was the OP written? Who was president when we pulled out of Iraq without leaving a residual force? Who was president when Libya was overrun by Jihadists and four Americans were murdered? Who was president was when ISIS formed and quickly began to carry out mass executions and to gobble up chunks of territory? Who was president when most of Yemen fell under Jihadist rule?

But, oh, it's all Reagan and Bush's fault! Just unbelievable. Weakness and timidity invite aggression, as history has proven over and over and over again.
Bush fucked things up sooo badly there is no way Obama could get it all done!
lol. They really believe this.
Carter started the ME rolling by fucking over the Shah and turning Iran over to the Jihadists, Obama did the same in Iraq, Syria and Libya
Personally I blame Winston Churchill.

I love the threads that showup every day here: Things in the ____________(fill in area of the world) are really fucked up not because Obama's policies have failed over the last 7 years but because of ________(insert name of Republican president).
Like every president doesnt inherit a situation that he can either improve or make worse.
Most world problems can be attributed to lines drawn by long dead Brits.
On what planet was the OP written? Who was president when we pulled out of Iraq without leaving a residual force? Who was president when Libya was overrun by Jihadists and four Americans were murdered? Who was president was when ISIS formed and quickly began to carry out mass executions and to gobble up chunks of territory? Who was president when most of Yemen fell under Jihadist rule?

But, oh, it's all Reagan and Bush's fault! Just unbelievable. Weakness and timidity invite aggression, as history has proven over and over and over again.
Another con that thinks America is the world's police force. Uncle Sugar can fix everything.
On what planet was the OP written? Who was president when we pulled out of Iraq without leaving a residual force? Who was president when Libya was overrun by Jihadists and four Americans were murdered? Who was president was when ISIS formed and quickly began to carry out mass executions and to gobble up chunks of territory? Who was president when most of Yemen fell under Jihadist rule?

But, oh, it's all Reagan and Bush's fault! Just unbelievable. Weakness and timidity invite aggression, as history has proven over and over and over again.
Another con that thinks America is the world's police force. Uncle Sugar can fix everything.
Another idiot who doesnt know what he believes.
On what planet was the OP written? Who was president when we pulled out of Iraq without leaving a residual force? Who was president when Libya was overrun by Jihadists and four Americans were murdered? Who was president was when ISIS formed and quickly began to carry out mass executions and to gobble up chunks of territory? Who was president when most of Yemen fell under Jihadist rule?

But, oh, it's all Reagan and Bush's fault! Just unbelievable. Weakness and timidity invite aggression, as history has proven over and over and over again.
Another con that thinks America is the world's police force. Uncle Sugar can fix everything.
Another idiot who doesnt know what he believes.
That's the real problem with cons, they go by what they "believe" instead of dealing with reality.
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

It goes much farther back than Reagan. The western world has been fucking up the Middle East since around the mid 20th century and both Republicans and Democrats are responsible as well as the Europeans.
Ask a devout Muslim there what they think of democracy, and many (if not most) will tell you that democracy puts the laws of Man above the laws of God.

I've heard a few devout Christians say the same thing.
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

It goes much farther back than Reagan. The western world has been fucking up the Middle East since around the mid 20th century and both Republicans and Democrats are responsible as well as the Europeans.
You mean since the Ottomans invaded Europe?
Yeah, you're an ignoramus.
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims.

Who is "Raygun" and what crimes was he convicted of? Please point to the court that convicted him.

Cite your claim in this manner;

In the extended plea bargain between Bill Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray, the ultimate key turned out to be Clinton's Arkansas law license, but that would not have been obvious from the beginning.



Ray announced last summer that he was proceeding with the possible indictment of Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Eventually he entered discussions with David Kendall, Clinton's attorney, in an effort to "resolve the matter," which is what lawyers say when they want to cut a deal. While both sides had good reason to reach an agreement, acceptable terms must have been elusive.
It Takes A Plea Agreement - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban.

Who is "Raygun?"

If you are claiming Reagan, then you are lying. The Taliban didn't exist when Reagan was in office.

He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.

This too is a lie - you certainly lie a great deal.

You must be a democrat.

Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

So we have established that you are a liar, and completely ignorant of the events in the past.

You should join the Obama cabinet - he staffs it with scumbags like you...
I'm pretty sure our policy of intervention has been bipartisan.

"After 70 years of broken Western promises regarding Arab independence, it should not be surprising that the West is viewed with suspicion and hostility by the populations (as opposed to some of the political regimes) of the Middle East.[3] The United States, as the heir to British imperialism in the region, has been a frequent object of suspicion. Since the end of World War II, the United States, like the European colonial powers before it, has been unable to resist becoming entangled in the region’s political conflicts. Driven by a desire to keep the vast oil reserves in hands friendly to the United States, a wish to keep out potential rivals (such as the Soviet Union), opposition to neutrality in the cold war, and domestic political considerations, the United States has compiled a record of tragedy in the Middle East. "

Ancient History U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention Cato Institute
Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.
Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

It goes much farther back than Reagan. The western world has been fucking up the Middle East since around the mid 20th century and both Republicans and Democrats are responsible as well as the Europeans.
You mean since the Ottomans invaded Europe?
Yeah, you're an ignoramus.
The Catholics invaded before that with numerous Crusades. They burned Muslims at the stake, beheaded them and put their heads on a pike. The Catholics did that to the Jews also. What ISIS is doing is nothing new.
Funny thing, the "I'm with stupid" democrat candidate was Secretary of State for a democrat president and implemented HIS foreign policy blunders in the ME.

Ever since Ronnie Raygun's Iran/Contra crimes, the war monger cons have been wasting America's wealth on killing Muslims.

Who is "Raygun" and what crimes was he convicted of? Please point to the court that convicted him.

Cite your claim in this manner;

In the extended plea bargain between Bill Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray, the ultimate key turned out to be Clinton's Arkansas law license, but that would not have been obvious from the beginning.



Ray announced last summer that he was proceeding with the possible indictment of Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Eventually he entered discussions with David Kendall, Clinton's attorney, in an effort to "resolve the matter," which is what lawyers say when they want to cut a deal. While both sides had good reason to reach an agreement, acceptable terms must have been elusive.
It Takes A Plea Agreement - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of missiles to the Taliban.

Who is "Raygun?"

If you are claiming Reagan, then you are lying. The Taliban didn't exist when Reagan was in office.

He sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran to promote the Iran/Iraq war.

This too is a lie - you certainly lie a great deal.

You must be a democrat.

Then Shrub daddy started the Iraq war with DESERT STORM.
Then Shrub Jr. escalated Iraq with lies about yellow cake, and wasted $6 trillion on the war that has lasted twelve years. And all the cons can do is blame Obama, and call for more to be spent on another invasion.

The cons war on drugs is the same failure. After 45 years, America has wasted at least $45 trillion on the drug war, and all we have to show for it is a thousand times more drugs.

The GOP is the failure of this country.

So we have established that you are a liar, and completely ignorant of the events in the past.

You should join the Obama cabinet - he staffs it with scumbags like you...
Like Nixon, Raygun got away with his crimes in the IRAN/CONTRA hearings.
Cons always play ignorant when it comes to them getting caught, like Nixon, Raygun and you.
I'm sure you've seen this clip of Raygun hosting the Taliban in the White House, but I'm glad to show it to your again.

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