The Towel Head "OMAR" Fraud Is Just Beginning To Get Exposed.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The disgusting, incestuous, inbred, anti-American Europhobe "Omar" is about to hit the fan!

When Tom Fitton has you in his sights, pretty much game over.

The disgusting, incestuous, inbred, anti-American Europhobe "Omar" is about to hit the fan!

When Tom Fitton has you in his sights, pretty much game over.

At least she hates Jews ... you guys should be besties.
Unless She's Committed An Out-Right Felony
That She Can Be Forcibly Removed From Office And Jailed For
You'll Have To Convince Her Heavily Muslim Constituency
Oreo, I am 6% jew according to Ancestry, but that is an ad hominem comment. You can do better!

Carpenter, the Somalian savages she represents have nothing to do with law and order. The Somalian beast is facing Western law, not idiotic, Somalian savagery. The question is does the beast get deported or imprisoned for the crimes.
This is kind of funny for folks out there familiar with American history. Does General Douglas MacArthur ring a bell? One of the greatest American heroes of the 20th century. He would have eliminated this problem very quickly.

Get these savages the fuck out...

Omar is a typical muslim: a 60-generation 1st-cousin inbred proto-humanoid with ZERO gratitude for America giving her 1000000x the better life than she (check that, I mean IT) would have had in Somalia. And like all muslim non-humans, IT spews nothing but hatred against Americans, Jews, Westerners in general. And like all muslim pond-algae, it immediately goes into that crybaby, grievance-mongering victim mode when it gets called-out on its subhuman behavior.

As everyone who's read any of my posts know, I'm a bluntly honest dude with utterly no political correctness of any kind. After seven years of studying that Pisslam & the Quran holy-hate-toilet-paper, bully-ideology bloodbath, I have concluded that Islam such an odious, vile bag of garbage.......whenever I hear of muslims dying in large numbers, I get so filled with pleasure, I retire to my bedroom with a huge clump of paper towels and I do what comes naturally to us men.

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