The train wreck that is s Dangerou Donnie approaches quickly

Hey Offensive, after this election, do us all a favor, and leave this nation. After all, it will have moved further to the left.
Nope, I'm going to be part of the RWDS that rounds you up and 'physically removes' you from American society, so to speak. Which failing socialist state do you wish to be dropped of at as your new home? I hear you leftist scumbags love Cuba?
The far right must want Hillary because running Trump gaurantees it.

Fascists like Mudwhistle think the ultimate fascist Trump will bring liberty.
The far right must want Hillary because running Trump gaurantees it.

Fascists like Mudwhistle think the ultimate fascist Trump will bring liberty.
Fascists like Fakey Jakey act like they're Republicans but really are lying progressives. Trump said this morning that his opinion doesn't matter when it comes to Brexit, that this is the will of the people, yet Obama tries to dictate to UK voters about how they should think.

What do you think a fascist is, dumbass? All indications are that Hillary and Obama are fascists but Trump is not.
Posting polls?

That is what fury did to demoralize Cruz and Rubio supporters.

Now there republicans on this board that refuse to support Trump.

Stop mimicking fury.

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