The Troops are concerned about gays serving openly.

Hey Yo news for you.............

We had a shortage of RM's onboard my ship. guess who came out to assist? It was a lesbian named Cindy who was the best on the East coast waterfront.

Wanna tell me again how much gays hurt the services?

She was sent, because she was the best.

BTW asshole..............wanna talk about the ID cards again?
so you broke the law and didn't report her? you are an admitted criminal. why should we listen to anythng you have to say?

What the fuck do you know about the military again?

Oh yeah......nothing.

From what I can see REMF, Spoonman, knows a hell of a lot more about the military then you do. He also doesn't resort to telling a bunch of questionable tall tales to prove his point. He is far more credible then you are. I don't have to tell you how much gays hurt the service. You only have to look back over your own service record to see that. :up:
so you broke the law and didn't report her? you are an admitted criminal. why should we listen to anythng you have to say?

What the fuck do you know about the military again?

Oh yeah......nothing.

You were the Ship's Clerk AKA the Captain's Asskisser. You probably didn't stand duty either. Fucking Admin Puke...

Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?
so you broke the law and didn't report her? you are an admitted criminal. why should we listen to anythng you have to say?

What the fuck do you know about the military again?

Oh yeah......nothing.

From what I can see REMF, Spoonman, knows a hell of a lot more about the military then you do. He also doesn't resort to telling a bunch of questionable tall tales to prove his point. He is far more credible then you are. I don't have to tell you how much gays hurt the service. You only have to look back over your own service record to see that. :up:

REMF? Ya may wish to read my reply to Slut Cowski there Yo Turd.
What the fuck do you know about the military again?

Oh yeah......nothing.

You were the Ship's Clerk AKA the Captain's Asskisser. You probably didn't stand duty either. Fucking Admin Puke...

Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

Lucky bastard, I was dying to get MEPS duty when I was in the Air Force but when I got my 15 everything got fucked up.:evil:
What the fuck do you know about the military again?

Oh yeah......nothing.

You were the Ship's Clerk AKA the Captain's Asskisser. You probably didn't stand duty either. Fucking Admin Puke...

Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

Good for you asshole.

Then in that case, you worked for me. I LED the fucking fire party - you Admin REMF puke.
What the fuck do you know about the military again?

Oh yeah......nothing.

You were the Ship's Clerk AKA the Captain's Asskisser. You probably didn't stand duty either. Fucking Admin Puke...

Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party? ok that sounds really gay. :lol:
You were the Ship's Clerk AKA the Captain's Asskisser. You probably didn't stand duty either. Fucking Admin Puke...

Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party? ok that sounds really gay. :lol:

He lacked the leadership to be the on-scene leader. So they put his gay ass in the second position on the fire hose.
You were the Ship's Clerk AKA the Captain's Asskisser. You probably didn't stand duty either. Fucking Admin Puke...

Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

Lucky bastard, I was dying to get MEPS duty when I was in the Air Force but when I got my 15 everything got fucked up.:evil:

Only reason I got it was because on the MSC vessel, I was known up and down the waterfront (recommended by MSC by the way) as the best PN around. Why? Because a pay error rate of 5 percent or LESS is considered outstanding. Me? I was sitting at 2 percent.

And lemmie tell ya........being at a MEPS isn't as easy as you may think. First, you don't have ANY military facilities around, everything has to go through civilian channels, or you travel 90-150 miles to the nearest base. Oh you look in public and your actions while in uniform are VERY carefully scrutinized by the community.

And then.........there's the loss of your military bearing that happens if you don't make sure that EVERYONE is 4.0, because there aren't any officers to bark at you, or if there is, many times they aren't of your service.

Finally, there are the cute chicks that come in and flirt with you. Temptation is everywhere, and if you fuck up, you're returned to the Fleet.

All that aside, I'm glad that is what I got for my final tour, as it made the transition from military to civilian life a whole lot easier.
Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party? ok that sounds really gay. :lol:

He lacked the leadership to be the on-scene leader. So they put his gay ass in the second position on the fire hose.

hmmmmm and you would have thought all those years of pushing a pencil would have given him real hands on experience. I thought the pen was mightier than the sword :lol:
Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party? ok that sounds really gay. :lol:

He lacked the leadership to be the on-scene leader. So they put his gay ass in the second position on the fire hose.

Wrong Slut Cowski, if you really served, you would know that the on scene leader has to be at least an E-6, and preferrably someone from the HT shop. Since on my first command I started out as an E-1 and made E-4 in three years, and a tour is only 4, I was ineligible to be the on scene leader. However, the fact that I made it onto the at sea fire party (as opposed to the inport fire party), would beg to differ.
Actually, it was the YN's that took care of the officers. PN's were designated to take care of the enlisted crew.

Oh yeah Slut Cowski, I was also 2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party, was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, as well as did 2 independent duty stations (MSC vessel followed by running the Navy office for MEPS Amarillo). Both are NOT assignments that you get by the luck of the draw. In both instances you have to pass a command, as well as specific overseas screening criteria.

As far as duty? I stood more than my fair share. Why? Because I volunteered for so many different collateral duties. Unlike you, I actually wanted to learn as much as I could. Matter of fact, I'm pretty proud of my career and where I've been.......26 different countries and 49 different states.

What you got?

Lucky bastard, I was dying to get MEPS duty when I was in the Air Force but when I got my 15 everything got fucked up.:evil:

Only reason I got it was because on the MSC vessel, I was known up and down the waterfront (recommended by MSC by the way) as the best PN around. Why? Because a pay error rate of 5 percent or LESS is considered outstanding. Me? I was sitting at 2 percent.

And lemmie tell ya........being at a MEPS isn't as easy as you may think. First, you don't have ANY military facilities around, everything has to go through civilian channels, or you travel 90-150 miles to the nearest base. Oh you look in public and your actions while in uniform are VERY carefully scrutinized by the community.

And then.........there's the loss of your military bearing that happens if you don't make sure that EVERYONE is 4.0, because there aren't any officers to bark at you, or if there is, many times they aren't of your service.

Finally, there are the cute chicks that come in and flirt with you. Temptation is everywhere, and if you fuck up, you're returned to the Fleet.

All that aside, I'm glad that is what I got for my final tour, as it made the transition from military to civilian life a whole lot easier.

No doubt, after being stationed at shitty Vandenberg Air Force base I wanted MEP's duty to get away from the daily grind of being on a base, but its all good everything happens for a reason.
2nd nozzleman for the at sea fire party? ok that sounds really gay. :lol:

He lacked the leadership to be the on-scene leader. So they put his gay ass in the second position on the fire hose.

Wrong Slut Cowski, if you really served, you would know that the on scene leader has to be at least an E-6, and preferrably someone from the HT shop. Since on my first command I started out as an E-1 and made E-4 in three years, and a tour is only 4, I was ineligible to be the on scene leader. However, the fact that I made it onto the at sea fire party (as opposed to the inport fire party), would beg to differ.

Not aboard my ship(s) junior.
He lacked the leadership to be the on-scene leader. So they put his gay ass in the second position on the fire hose.

Wrong Slut Cowski, if you really served, you would know that the on scene leader has to be at least an E-6, and preferrably someone from the HT shop. Since on my first command I started out as an E-1 and made E-4 in three years, and a tour is only 4, I was ineligible to be the on scene leader. However, the fact that I made it onto the at sea fire party (as opposed to the inport fire party), would beg to differ.

Not aboard my ship(s) junior.

Really? You do realize that HT converted and became DC later, right? The requirements for experience don't change, unless of course, you think that an E-4 is qualified over an E-6?
Wrong Slut Cowski, if you really served, you would know that the on scene leader has to be at least an E-6, and preferrably someone from the HT shop. Since on my first command I started out as an E-1 and made E-4 in three years, and a tour is only 4, I was ineligible to be the on scene leader. However, the fact that I made it onto the at sea fire party (as opposed to the inport fire party), would beg to differ.

Not aboard my ship(s) junior.

Really? You do realize that HT converted and became DC later, right? The requirements for experience don't change, unless of course, you think that an E-4 is qualified over an E-6?

Yeah bootcamp PN-suckass, I know all about the turd-chaser's rating merger. I got more time in the CPO Mess head taking shits than you had in the Navy. I also completed my last sea duty assignment in 1990 - and I don't have the desire, nor do I really give a shit - who's title is what on a fire party any longer.

Retired almost 15 years ago as a Senior Chief. And if you and I were serving together aboard ship - and if I caught you covering-up for carpet munchers and other criminals like you admitted to be doing earlier in this thread, I would have taken your punk ass to Mast and not only had you thrown off of my ship - but out of my Navy.

So STFU, you dishonorable boot camp douche.
Not aboard my ship(s) junior.

Really? You do realize that HT converted and became DC later, right? The requirements for experience don't change, unless of course, you think that an E-4 is qualified over an E-6?

Yeah bootcamp PN-suckass, I know all about the turd-chaser's rating merger. I got more time in the CPO Mess head taking shits than you had in the Navy. I also completed my last sea duty assignment in 1990 - and I don't have the desire, nor do I really give a shit - who's title is what on a fire party any longer.

Retired almost 15 years ago as a Senior Chief. And if you and I were serving together aboard ship - and if I caught you covering-up for carpet munchers and other criminals like you admitted to be doing earlier in this thread, I would have taken your punk ass to Mast and not only had you thrown off of my ship - but out of my Navy.

So STFU, you dishonorable boot camp douche.

You're just pissed that you got exposed for not knowing much about damage control requirements. Too bad you got your ass kicked by a "bootcamp PN-suckass".

Sucks to be you.......really. And, what's more, knowing that you retired prior to DADT being enacted tells me quite a bit about your mentality. The Navy is glad that dinosaurs like you are no longer there.

By the way cock smoker, got news for you..........the E-6 lesbian thing was in the late 90's, AFTER DADT had been enacted.

Try again loser.
Fishing? Hunting? I can't fault either pursuit. Tight lines and good hunting. :up:
Yeah, I am going fishing and hunting next week. Need to start getting my gear together.

Oops, sorry about this. I forgot to include this quote for my previous post. Tight lines, and good hunting once more. :up:
Really? You do realize that HT converted and became DC later, right? The requirements for experience don't change, unless of course, you think that an E-4 is qualified over an E-6?

Yeah bootcamp PN-suckass, I know all about the turd-chaser's rating merger. I got more time in the CPO Mess head taking shits than you had in the Navy. I also completed my last sea duty assignment in 1990 - and I don't have the desire, nor do I really give a shit - who's title is what on a fire party any longer.

Retired almost 15 years ago as a Senior Chief. And if you and I were serving together aboard ship - and if I caught you covering-up for carpet munchers and other criminals like you admitted to be doing earlier in this thread, I would have taken your punk ass to Mast and not only had you thrown off of my ship - but out of my Navy.

So STFU, you dishonorable boot camp douche.

You're just pissed that you got exposed for not knowing much about damage control requirements. Too bad you got your ass kicked by a "bootcamp PN-suckass".

Sucks to be you.......really. And, what's more, knowing that you retired prior to DADT being enacted tells me quite a bit about your mentality. The Navy is glad that dinosaurs like you are no longer there.

By the way cock smoker, got news for you..........the E-6 lesbian thing was in the late 90's, AFTER DADT had been enacted.

Try again loser.

I got my ESWS pin in 1984. Way before you were the #2 nozzle man. You were probably still experimenting with your own nozzle then, in a bathroom with a Playboy magazine.

Non-sea-going, non-duty standing Admin puke suck ass boot camp
i hear that now that the navy has done away with DADT they are replacing their fight song, anchors ahweigh with the village peoples "In the navy"

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