The trouble with Trump’s jurors shows the results of a post-truth society

What's going on here in America with the constant persecution of Trump is a travesty to our system of law...

I never thought I'd say this, but I believe that our system is perilously corrupted, and thereby, we no longer have the America that was founded on the principles of fairness, and freedom...It's only a matter of time before we see average people hauled in front of our courts for refusing to embrace things like gender, open borders, and simply disagreeing with a liberal progressive, woke agenda....Get ready, we're screwed.
Do you think Trump is above the law?
What law? They still haven’t told anyone what the supposed felony is.
Pay closer attention there is about to be a trial where all the details get spelled out and scrutinized for you to see
IOW, don’t listen to ANYTHING the defendant has to say.
Listen to everything the defendant has to say. Just don’t be so gullible to believe his lies. He’s pretty infamous for his manipulations and distortions of the truth. He’s a con man
Are they even going to allow the defense to speak? Or just read the charges, and off to deliberations? Hell, they could wrap him up by Wednesday….Ok, Thursday, and take the rest of the week off.
Law and order, the full process will play out. Trump will lie about what we all see with our own eyes. Some from his cult will believe it. Most will not. Think for yourself
Why spend the money on a show trial? Just declare him guilty right now, and march him off….Thats what you want. Pig.
That’s not how it works. Law and order. Follow the system that we’ve had since our countries inception
What's going on here in America with the constant persecution of Trump is a travesty to our system of law...

I never thought I'd say this, but I believe that our system is perilously corrupted, and thereby, we no longer have the America that was founded on the principles of fairness, and freedom...It's only a matter of time before we see average people hauled in front of our courts for refusing to embrace things like gender, open borders, and simply disagreeing with a liberal progressive, woke agenda....Get ready, we're screwed.
If we live in a “Post Truth” world, Trump should bear his share of the blame.
Like no one else in history….This is a former President of the United States. You people are communist trash.
We all know Trump is an anomaly, a Thug conman pretending to be a businessman playing President.:.. so why are you comparing him to past presidents?
This is all a sham to keep Trump from campaigning.

While a defendant always has the right to face his accuser, the option should be his: he should be able to allow his defense team to handle the non-identified “felony” for which he is being charged, and spend every day on the campaign trail. (One day off for his son’s graduation.)
All these “should be” rules you’re tossing out there are projections. We have a system that has been in place for a long time. It wasn’t changed to target Trump. He is being treated like every other criminal defendant who has to go to court and stand trial.
I think he’s above this fabricated bullshit…
Nothing is fabricated. Trumps attorney Cohen went to prison for his part. This happened while Trump was in office. Now it’s his turn to face the music
Listen to everything the defendant has to say. Just don’t be so gullible to believe his lies. He’s pretty infamous for his manipulations and distortions of the truth. He’s a con man
So, why have a trial then? Just throw him in prison…That’s what you want…
I’m pretty sure the actual felony should be spelled out BEFORE the trial…
I’m pretty sure it’s but you’ve got propaganda media blinders on. So how about you just tune into the trial and listen real hard to see it all first hand. Think for yourself.
So, why have a trial then? Just throw him in prison…That’s what you want…
Because that’s what we do in this country. Prove with out a doubt that the crimes one is accused of happened. That’s what’s happening here. Trump doesn’t need to say a word

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