The trouble with Trump’s jurors shows the results of a post-truth society

You say you love this country and want to save it in one breath while you rip it apart and undermine the institutions that it has operated under for centuries. Yall are full of it
Nah, giving in to tantrums doesn’t work for two year olds, nor leftists like you.

You want us to cave to all your wild notions, and beliefs, while denying our own, and let you run amok…I say no.

it’s about time for a time out for you destroyers.
Nah, giving in to tantrums doesn’t work for two year olds, nor leftists like you.

You want us to cave to all your wild notions, and beliefs, while denying our own, and let you run amok…I say no.

it’s about time for a time out for you destroyers.
A time-out that will last 12 years: 4 to complete Trump’s remaining term, and then 8 for his VP.
I never thought I'd say this, but I believe that our system is perilously corrupted
I never thought I'd say this, but a former POTUS is doing all he can to perilously corrupt the system.

Before court ended for the day, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche asked if the defense could find out the names of the first three witnesses prosecutors plan to call to the stand. Joshua Steinglass, a prosecutor in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office, replied that doing so is a courtesy they normally extend, but refused in this case.

"Mr. Trump has been tweeting about the witnesses. We're not telling them who the witnesses are," Steinglass said.

Merchan said he "can't blame them." Blanche seemed mystified, and asked if the defense is not going to find out who the witnesses are until they walk in the door. He offered to "commit to the court and the [prosecution] that President Trump will not [post] about any witness" on Truth Social, Trump's social media platform.

"I don't think you can make that representation," Merchan said.

Blanche offered another solution: giving the witness names only to the lawyers, who wouldn't share them with Trump.

"I'm not going to order them to do it, no," said Merchan. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Merchan correctly ruled in the prosecutor's favor because of Trump and his mob's documented record of corrupt witness intimidation.

BTW, the article linked to above is one given as part of your ridiculously dishonest diatribe in the OP. Placed at a point to suggest it supports your claim that 96 potential jurors were released because of "bias against Trump." But that's not what the article says. It says they were released because they said they could not judge the case impartially. Leaving open the possibility they were pro-Trump cultists like yourself.........liar. Making you an example of the post truth world right wingers exist in.
I never thought I'd say this, but a former POTUS is doing all he can to perilously corrupt the system.

Before court ended for the day, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche asked if the defense could find out the names of the first three witnesses prosecutors plan to call to the stand. Joshua Steinglass, a prosecutor in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office, replied that doing so is a courtesy they normally extend, but refused in this case.

"Mr. Trump has been tweeting about the witnesses. We're not telling them who the witnesses are," Steinglass said.

Merchan said he "can't blame them." Blanche seemed mystified, and asked if the defense is not going to find out who the witnesses are until they walk in the door. He offered to "commit to the court and the [prosecution] that President Trump will not [post] about any witness" on Truth Social, Trump's social media platform.

"I don't think you can make that representation," Merchan said.

Blanche offered another solution: giving the witness names only to the lawyers, who wouldn't share them with Trump.

"I'm not going to order them to do it, no," said Merchan. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Merchan correctly ruled in the prosecutor's favor because of Trump and his mob's documented record of corrupt witness intimidation.

BTW, the article linked to above is one given as part of your ridiculously dishonest diatribe in the OP. Placed at a point to suggest it supports your claim that 96 potential jurors were released because of "bias against Trump." But that's not what the article says. It says they were released because they said they could not judge the case impartially. Leaving open the possibility they were pro-Trump cultists like yourself.........liar. Making you an example of the post truth world right wingers exist in.
Nice story, tell it to readers digest….

Hey, I know, why not bar Trump from the courtroom, I mean, he doesn’t have the right to face his accusers, right?

Nice story, tell it to readers digest….

Hey, I know, why not bar Trump from the courtroom, I mean, he doesn’t have the right to face his accusers, right?

I have a better idea. Let’s take a nothing misdemeanor from eight years ago and elevate it to a felony against the Democrats’ #1 political rival, wait until campaign season is well underway, and then force him to sit in a courtroom, day after day, week after week, month after month so he can’t go out and campaign?
I have a better idea. Let’s take a nothing misdemeanor from eight years ago and elevate it to a felony against the Democrats’ #1 political rival, wait until campaign season is well underway, and then force him to sit in a courtroom, day after day, week after week, month after month so he can’t go out and campaign?
What Berg, and those like him don't see that they are throwing defendant rights out the window with Trump, because of their intense hatred of the man....Not the job he did as POTUS, not the business practices of his global corporation, nothing but hatred, and an intense fear that he will once again be POTUS...

What Berg doesn't understand is that he all but admitted it, in his reply to me...

When he said: " It says they were released because they said they could not judge the case impartially. Leaving open the possibility they were pro-Trump cultists like yourself." He really believes that over half of the potential jurors, summoned in a district that voted over 87% against Trump were somehow Trump supporters? Laughable...

Then he reveals exactly what he want's to see going forward: "Making you an example of the post truth world right wingers exist in. "

So, he wants to see anyone who supports Trump "made an example of..." These people dream of an authoritarian existence, a world where their political opponents are jailed, or worse for the crime of dissent...And, they'll cheer the destruction of rights to do it...
Nice story, tell it to readers digest….

Hey, I know, why not bar Trump from the courtroom, I mean, he doesn’t have the right to face his accusers, right?

If that was supposed to be a rebuttal of anything I wrote you failed miserably.
What Berg, and those like him don't see that they are throwing defendant rights out the window with Trump
The opposite is true. Any other defendant would be sitting in a jail cell for contempt of court. What you have to learn to do is analyze what Trump says critically instead of taking his accusations as gospel. All his bloviating about bias is meant to convince weak minded simps he is getting unfair treatment when in truth there is absolutely no evidence of it.
The opposite is true. Any other defendant would be sitting in a jail cell for contempt of court. What you have to learn to do is analyze what Trump says critically instead of taking his accusations as gospel. All his bloviating about bias is meant to convince weak minded simps he is getting unfair treatment when in truth there is absolutely no evidence of it.
Yeah right....We don't care what you fantasize about....
I have a better idea. Let’s take a nothing misdemeanor from eight years ago
Some people do not look at defrauding the voting public by trying to conceal an adulterous sexual affair with a porn star from them just weeks before a presidential election as nothing. Something Trump orchestrated in the wake of Repubs calling for him to drop out of the race following the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

Growing List Of Republicans Call For Trump To Drop Out​

Some people do not look at defrauding the voting public by trying to conceal an adulterous sexual affair with a porn star from them just weeks before a presidential election as nothing. Something Trump orchestrated in the wake of Repubs calling for him to drop out of the race following the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

Growing List Of Republicans Call For Trump To Drop Out​

Sure they do, and it’s no big deal in the scheme of things. It’s more important that we get a president who isn’t working AGAINST Americans by letting millions of illegal lowlifes swarm in and take up finite resources.

Trump and his mob would make sure that juror’s life would never be the same. They’d be doxed, harassed, stalked and threatened, including their kids and families. They’ve seen this play out multiple times and they’ve seen ordinary people, like themselves having to go into hiding as a result. These aren’t people with the resources, the platform or power to fight back against someone like Trump. These are people like Ruby Bridges who’s life he ruined. Ordinary people.

I don’t know what it is with people like you, who seem to think this destruction of civil society is to be commended, who think it is ok to go after people for performing their civic duty, whether it is serving in a jury or working elections. Trump is nothing more than a mafia boss with a powerful platform, a loyal mob and a complete lack of ethics or responsibility. Your fantasies of riots influencing juries is nothing more than a refusal to accept the results of the judicial process if he were to be convicted. You’re building up your excuses in preparation aren’t you?

I used to think there were two valid sides here, but that is naive. There is reality and facts on one side, and on the other side chaos, lies and conspiracy theories that form your alternate reality…what you call your “intellect”.

The likelihood of all jurors but one ruling to acquit in NYC is about .0001%. The much more likely scenario is 1-2 jurors ruling to acquit. Those are the ones who will be targets of the left and we all know how they act when they don’t get their way. Justice Kavanaugh can vouch for that.

Your scenario is pure fantasy.
The likelihood of all jurors but one ruling to acquit in NYC is about .0001%. The much more likely scenario is 1-2 jurors ruling to acquit. Those are the ones who will be targets of the left and we all know how they act when they don’t get their way. Justice Kavanaugh can vouch for that.

Your scenario is pure fantasy.
Good thing Coyote isn’t on the jury, along with some of the other anti-Trumpers on this forum.
So, he wants to see anyone who supports Trump "made an example of..."
Ridiculous. I was simply making the point that people who voluntarily recused themselves were not necessarily biased against Trump. Which is the lie you asserted in your OP.
Ridiculous. I was simply making the point that people who voluntarily recused themselves were not necessarily biased against Trump. Which is the lie you asserted in your OP.
lol, so you think that half the prospective jurors that recused, in a 87% anti trump district were trump supporters? What would that be? All of them?
The likelihood of all jurors but one ruling to acquit in NYC is about .0001%. The much more likely scenario is 1-2 jurors ruling to acquit. Those are the ones who will be targets of the left and we all know how they act when they don’t get their way. Justice Kavanaugh can vouch for that.

Your scenario is pure fantasy.
The documentary evidence alone is overwhelming proof of his guilt. Add to that the first hand witness testimony making acquittal unlikely unless a Trump cultist made it past the screening process.
lol, so you think that half the prospective jurors that recused, in a 87% anti trump district were trump supporters? What would that be? All of them?
Jesus effing christ. read what I wrote. "I was simply making the point that people who voluntarily recused themselves were not necessarily biased against Trump. Which is the lie you asserted in your OP."
Sure they do, and it’s no big deal in the scheme of things. It’s more important that we get a president who isn’t working AGAINST Americans by letting millions of illegal lowlifes swarm in and take up finite resources.
you can achieve your border security goals without requiring a criminal in the white house.
The first step of this border goal is getting a bill passed thru congress, and this has already been attempted.

duriing Biden , government statistics show that in the initial processing of millions of encounters, 2.5 million people have been released into the U.S. and 2.8 million have been removed or expelled. But some republicans have given false higher numbers that mislead people. Reducing the releasing requires funding from congress and policy approval from them as well.
Jesus effing christ. read what I wrote. "I was simply making the point that people who voluntarily recused themselves were not necessarily biased against Trump. Which is the lie you asserted in your OP."
Come on, you’re smart enough to know that’s laughable….some have admitted as much…

do better…

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