The true nature of USMB :)

Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Ya. The world is rarely saved sitting on your ass. On rare occasions I have seen two sides have meeting of the minds on here,realy rare.
It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
You just described perfectly what goes on in most online political chatrooms. If you're not familiar (i.e. too smart to go there) with political chat land, I'm convinced it reduces the number of homicides daily with all of the hostile venom spewed by a few...but that's a good thing! Here- I can't say it compares though I haven't gone into those sections for the one-on-one combats, I'll get around to it just out of curiosity. If foaming at the mouth helps the world, than so be it! lol
Its called dialectic.
The Greek way to find truth is to have opposition, who will look for weaknesses, and not make the same false assumptions.
But it does not work when people lie, distort, or resort to personal attacks instead.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Trying to "debate" on an online forum like this is pointless for the most part. You can definitely stumble into some interesting conversations now and then, but you're right -- otherwise it's not worth the effort.

I do think, though, that it's a great place to observe behaviors and tactics, and to try to draw some conclusions about motivations. You're not going to change a mind, but you may be able to understand why people say and think what they say and think. That can be damn interesting. It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
I agree with this. I also post on these boards to sharpen my own arguments. That way, when I converse with mature adults I'm better informed, better prepared, more focused, more succinct.
Definitely, and come to think of it, one's own opinions can be confirmed here, pretty much daily.
It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
You just described perfectly what goes on in most online political chatrooms. If you're not familiar (i.e. too smart to go there) with political chat land, I'm convinced it reduces the number of homicides daily with all of the hostile venom spewed by a few...but that's a good thing! Here- I can't say it compares though I haven't gone into those sections for the one-on-one combats, I'll get around to it just out of curiosity. If foaming at the mouth helps the world, than so be it! lol
That may actually be true! There's clearly a ton of really angry, frustrated people who may be using this place as a catharsis. It gives them a handy place to release their impotent rage.

Hell, if that's the case, this place is valuable has hell!
1. Yes, Internet forums give people a chance to blow off steam. No one changes his/her mind.

2. Before the Internet, we little people had to write letters to print newspapers, which usually never printed the letters because of space limitations or political reasons.

3. As Facebook and Twitter have shown recently, starting in 2021, there is going to be more censorship online, so posters will have to be more careful about what they post. Some topics will be off limits.

4. I actually keep up with the news by reading the headlines on Drudge, Google News, the Daily Mail, & the thread titles on Internet forums.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
I think you’re right. I do like a good insult.

I come here when I am feeling low and I need to watch the plebes who think they know. . . insult each other for the amusement of their puppet masters. . .

They will never understand they are all on the same side I think.

Its called dialectic.
The Greek way to find truth is to have opposition, who will look for weaknesses, and not make the same false assumptions.
But it does not work when people lie, distort, or resort to personal attacks instead.

It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
You just described perfectly what goes on in most online political chatrooms. If you're not familiar (i.e. too smart to go there) with political chat land, I'm convinced it reduces the number of homicides daily with all of the hostile venom spewed by a few...but that's a good thing! Here- I can't say it compares though I haven't gone into those sections for the one-on-one combats, I'll get around to it just out of curiosity. If foaming at the mouth helps the world, than so be it! lol
That may actually be true! There's clearly a ton of really angry, frustrated people who may be using this place as a catharsis. It gives them a handy place to release their impotent rage.

Hell, if that's the case, this place is valuable has hell!
Yes. If Oddball posts a rant here on US Messageboard rather than shooting up an elementary school then this place serves an important use.
It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
You just described perfectly what goes on in most online political chatrooms. If you're not familiar (i.e. too smart to go there) with political chat land, I'm convinced it reduces the number of homicides daily with all of the hostile venom spewed by a few...but that's a good thing! Here- I can't say it compares though I haven't gone into those sections for the one-on-one combats, I'll get around to it just out of curiosity. If foaming at the mouth helps the world, than so be it! lol
That may actually be true! There's clearly a ton of really angry, frustrated people who may be using this place as a catharsis. It gives them a handy place to release their impotent rage.

Hell, if that's the case, this place is valuable has hell!
Yes. If Oddball posts a rant here on US Messageboard rather than shooting up an elementary school then this place serves an important use.

But even more important is that oddballs can also be right or have some correct insight sometimes.
Nothing is ever lost by discussion, and almost always something is gained.
That is, if people are being honest?
It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
You just described perfectly what goes on in most online political chatrooms. If you're not familiar (i.e. too smart to go there) with political chat land, I'm convinced it reduces the number of homicides daily with all of the hostile venom spewed by a few...but that's a good thing! Here- I can't say it compares though I haven't gone into those sections for the one-on-one combats, I'll get around to it just out of curiosity. If foaming at the mouth helps the world, than so be it! lol
That may actually be true! There's clearly a ton of really angry, frustrated people who may be using this place as a catharsis. It gives them a handy place to release their impotent rage.

Hell, if that's the case, this place is valuable has hell!
Yes. If Oddball posts a rant here on US Messageboard rather than shooting up an elementary school then this place serves an important use.

But even more important is that oddballs can also be right or have some correct insight sometimes.
Nothing is ever lost by discussion, and almost always something is gained.
That is, if people are being honest?
Actually though, even transparent dishonesty can provide markers.
Rigby- Nothing is ever lost by discussion, and almost always something is gained.
[/QUOTE] Great outlook. This relates well to the idea that good things can come out of discourse as history reveals. Thanks for the reminder about looking for the diamonds in the rough:)

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