The Trump Coup Attempt is Still Raging

These people are at war. More than that, this is a jihad. They really do believe that this is good vs. evil.

We already know how dangerous jihadis are, because they feel no obligation to play by the rules.
Trumpers will not be satisfied until the Constitution is thrown in the trash. Lies upon lies from Trumpers about voter and election fraud. You are right. Trumpers seem to be waging Jihad against the Constitution of the United States.
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Trumpers will not be satisfied under the Constitution is thrown in the trash. Lies upon lies from Trumpers about voter and election fraud. You are right. Trumpers are waging Jihad against the Constitution of the United States.
The world has seen this before.

I never thought I would see this here. You?
Donald's Shadow Presidency

Why is it that he can't have a shred of decency and be classy like GWB and Obama? The answer is obvious. He hasn't a shred of decency or class. Plus, there is biglier grift continuing the Big Lie, playing the victim, whining, and pretending you are still the president.

One benefit of never admitting you lost a presidential election -- even though, of course, you did -- is that you can just keep on acting like the president.​
That's exactly what Donald Trump is trying to do these days, overseeing a sort of shadow presidency for the base of the Republican Party in which Covid-19 isn't that big of a problem, the 2020 election was stolen and he was right about, well, everything else too.​
The latest example of Trump's shadow presidency came Wednesday, when The Washington Post reported that Trump had spoken with several of the family members of those killed by a suicide bomber in the final days of American military involvement in Afghanistan.​


Trumpers have given up on this country. Period.
It shouldn't be this traumatizing to see that the world is changing, and that we won't be able to remain on an island.

So it seems that they've decided to either go to war to somehow turn back the clock, or just destroy the whole thing.

Like the child who destroys the sandbox when they don't get their way. They don't want to know about another way.
Nope, sorry. Jihad is "holy war". I explained it, and it triggered you.

So, as usual, I nailed it, and you guys just have to jump and in attack.

Tough shit.
I explained to you Biden is inviting real jihad with his unvetted Afghans. Your ignorance is not my problem. Proclaim your victory after Biden's jihadis have their say.
I explained to you Biden is inviting real jihad with his unvetted Afghans. Your ignorance is not my problem. Proclaim your victory after Biden's jihadis have their say.
What evidence do you have that any of these Afghan refugees are "unvetted"? You have as much evidence of this as you do of election fraud. It's just another Trumpian fantasy.
August came and went and Rump is still picking his nose in Florida. When is the next resurrection?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Dotard did a cruise by and even another Big Lie speech at the Justice for J6 rally next week. That or he'll send Rudy, Lin Wood and the rest of his flying monkeys to rile people up.

The Democratic Party's Lying, Cheating, Hate, Violence, Racism, Radicalism, Greed, Crime, Corruption, Extremism, Crazy Propaganda, Covid Tyranny, Mask Mandates, Bad Schools, High Taxes, Inflation, Appeasement Foreign Policy, Climate Change Crackpot Science, Open Borders, Relentless Racist Demagoguery, Gender Pronoun Insanity, Gas Prices, Political Cult Purges, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, $$Infrastructure Looting Spree Bill$$ me, what am I leaving out? ..............................Has alienated the vital educated mainstream middle class Voters know, those eeeeviiillll folks who make America a functional country to live in.
In what world do you think that rant of yours makes you sound intelligent, smart or sane? If you're trying to be a clown that is one thing but if you are serious then you are in serious need of help
It has shifted it's focus from the federal level to the state level, where the next election can be overturned in states that have key Republican legislators ready to negate a free and fair election. The enemies of democracy are busy plotting their next moves.

What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was not a coup attempt. It was half of a coup attempt — the less important half.

The more important part of the coup attempt — like legal wrangling in states and the attempts to sabotage the House commission’s investigation of Jan. 6 — is still going strong. These are not separate and discrete episodes but parts of a unitary phenomenon that, in just about any other country, would be characterized as a failed coup d’état.

As the Republican Party tries to make up its mind between wishing away the events of Jan. 6 or celebrating them, one thing should be clear to conservatives estranged from the party: We can’t go home again.

The attempted coup’s foot soldiers have dug themselves in at state legislatures. For example, last week in Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini introduced a draft of legislation that would require an audit of the 2020 general election in the state’s largest (typically Democratic-heavy) counties, suggesting without basis that it may show that these areas cheated to inflate Joe Biden’s vote count.

Florida’s secretary of state, a Republican, knows that an audit is nonsense and has said so. But the point of an audit would not be to change the outcome (Mr. Trump won the state). The point is not even really to conduct an audit.

The obviously political object is to legitimize the 2020 coup attempt in order to soften the ground for the next one — and there will be a next one.

In the broad strategy, the frenzied mobs were meant to inspire terror — and obedience among Republicans — while Rudy Giuliani and his co-conspirators tried to get the election nullified on some risible legal pretext or another. Republicans needed both pieces — neither the mob violence nor an inconclusive legal ruling would have been sufficient on its own to keep Mr. Trump in power.

True to form, Mr. Trump was able to supply the mob but not the procedural victory. His coup attempt was frustrated in no small part by a thin gray line of bureaucratic fortitude — Republican officials at the state and local levels who had the grit to resist intense pressure from the president and do their jobs.

Great find. Well worth the read... here is a great paragraph that sums the movement up well:

"The Trump administration was grotesque in its cruelty and incompetence. But without the coup attempt, it might have been possible to work out a modus vivendi between anti-Trump conservatives and Mr. Trump’s right-wing nationalist-populists. Conservatives were not happy with Mr. Trump’s histrionics, but many were reasonably satisfied with all those Federalist Society judges and his signature on Paul Ryan’s tax bill. Trump supporters, who were interested almost exclusively in theater, enjoyed four years of Twitter-enabled catharsis even as the administration did very little on key issues like trade and immigration."
I wouldn't be surprised if the Dotard did a cruise by and even another Big Lie speech at the Justice for J6 rally next week. That or he'll send Rudy, Lin Wood and the rest of his flying monkeys to rile people up.

Agree. But I don't think Rudy is willing to do any more dirty work. He still hasn't been paid for the last one by the orange grifter.
Trumpers will not be satisfied under the Constitution is thrown in the trash. Lies upon lies from Trumpers about voter and election fraud. You are right. Trumpers seem to be waging Jihad against the Constitution of the United States.

Since when could state judges usurp state legislatures and make/change voting laws? Oh yeah, since this last election by Democrats. Those changes just happened to be the key to supposed victory in the last Presidential election. And speaking of the US Constitution, how about that new vaccine mandate by ole' Biden? Democrats have no room for lectures.
The world has seen this before.

I never thought I would see this here. You?

Oh, the world has seen what you liberals are doing many times before. Brainwashing gullible and ignorant people to serve the almighty government and giving up their freedoms is hardly a new strategy.

You are correct though, I never thought I would see it in the good ole' USA.
It has shifted it's focus from the federal level to the state level, where the next election can be overturned in states that have key Republican legislators ready to negate a free and fair election. The enemies of democracy are busy plotting their next moves.

What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was not a coup attempt. It was half of a coup attempt — the less important half.

The more important part of the coup attempt — like legal wrangling in states and the attempts to sabotage the House commission’s investigation of Jan. 6 — is still going strong. These are not separate and discrete episodes but parts of a unitary phenomenon that, in just about any other country, would be characterized as a failed coup d’état.

As the Republican Party tries to make up its mind between wishing away the events of Jan. 6 or celebrating them, one thing should be clear to conservatives estranged from the party: We can’t go home again.

The attempted coup’s foot soldiers have dug themselves in at state legislatures. For example, last week in Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini introduced a draft of legislation that would require an audit of the 2020 general election in the state’s largest (typically Democratic-heavy) counties, suggesting without basis that it may show that these areas cheated to inflate Joe Biden’s vote count.

Florida’s secretary of state, a Republican, knows that an audit is nonsense and has said so. But the point of an audit would not be to change the outcome (Mr. Trump won the state). The point is not even really to conduct an audit.

The obviously political object is to legitimize the 2020 coup attempt in order to soften the ground for the next one — and there will be a next one.

In the broad strategy, the frenzied mobs were meant to inspire terror — and obedience among Republicans — while Rudy Giuliani and his co-conspirators tried to get the election nullified on some risible legal pretext or another. Republicans needed both pieces — neither the mob violence nor an inconclusive legal ruling would have been sufficient on its own to keep Mr. Trump in power.

True to form, Mr. Trump was able to supply the mob but not the procedural victory. His coup attempt was frustrated in no small part by a thin gray line of bureaucratic fortitude — Republican officials at the state and local levels who had the grit to resist intense pressure from the president and do their jobs.

A New York Times 'guest opinion' article.... gee I wonder who it could be ....
John Brennan or James Comey are my first two guesses.
What evidence do you have that any of these Afghan refugees are "unvetted"? You have as much evidence of this as you do of election fraud. It's just another Trumpian fantasy.
Look at the process. The only people we could possibly vet are people who have had previous contact with the US in Afghanistan. If they weren't already in the system all they are doing is baselining these people, not vetting them. With no presence in Afghanistan there is no possible way to verify anything.

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