The Trump Files: Watch The Trumps Not Able To Multiply 17 x 6 when asked by Howard Stern: Trump guesses wrong, Trump Jr guesses wrong, Ivanka? wrong!

So how many illegals do you employ if that is your normal mode of operations?

I was employed cash under the table for years. Never had to pay any taxes. That was the point. I got to actually keep what I earned without the government taxing me, or making me put into medical, 401k, fica, etc. Whoever said anything about illegals? Quit being a dipshit. It's being paid cash for services rendered.
I was employed cash under the table for years. Never had to pay any taxes. That was the point. I got to actually keep what I earned without the government taxing me, or making me put into medical, 401k, fica, etc. Whoever said anything about illegals? Quit being a dipshit. It's being paid cash for services rendered.
How do you think illegals are paid? They are paid by criminals like you! :abgg2q.jpg:
he's a very stable genius you know? Trump thinks he got it right, then they correct him, watch the whole minute!

I was able to calculate that correctly in my head.

So what? If i need to know the answer to a math question I just whip out my IPhone.

Trump showed he was a genius when he defeated Hillary. He broke about every rule in the book How To Run Your Political Campaign but he still won.
I did it quick, doubling 17 to 34 and multiplying by 3, because that's what us super geniuses do.

Don't believe me? Check out my IQ test results (only the Creepy Ones keep us down), though I assume it's extremely inflated, or, maybe they are trying to sell me one of their premium products. Still, 98th percentile on one try isn't too shabby.

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I just multiplied 17 by 5 and added 17. You could also multiply 17 by 10 and get 170. Divide that by 2 and get 85 and finally add 17.
In case you're forgotten, your VP Kalamata Harris stood up in south korea and told them that the US and North Korea were great friends. Not only did she not know where she was apparently...she doesn't know north from south nor north korea from south Korea.
he's a very stable genius you know? Trump thinks he got it right, then they correct him, watch the whole minute!

Buydem knows
Former halftard Trump has now gone full retard. And the rest of that tribe except Tiffany doesn't have the brains to come in out of the rain, either. She seems to avoid those skeeves like the plague. Yep, she's the smart one.
at least democrat God Odumbo knew there are 57 states
Buydem knows

at least democrat God Odumbo knew there are 57 states
Obama must have thought the USA was Heinz 57 varieties.


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