The Trump/McConnell fight: who do you support?

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There appears to be a growing divide within the Republican party. Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell aren't exactly getting along at the moment.

Which side are you on?
McConnell is a weak, spineless, CCP-owned, Washington Establishment, 'Go along to get along, do whatever yo have to do to keep your job / power, worthless Democrat-blowing cuck who did not hesitate for a second to put back on his knee pads and 'assume tge position' for Pelosi & Schimer as soon as he saw Trump had lost.

McConnell once said he preferred to be the Minority Leader in the Senate because when you are the Head of the Senate all eyes are on you. He hates leading because he was afraid by leading he might make a mistake that could cause him to lose his cushy DC job. He would rather complain about the Democrats publicly then turn around and do what they want to keep himself being useful, like a good little cuck.

He is the official head of the RINO Party who use to, for years, tell Conservatives to STFU, hold their noses, and vote for who they were told to vote for to beat the Democrats but could care less what Conservatives wanted.

His ass needs to either convert to being a Democrat or GTFO of DC.
Apparently, according to CNN reports, The Turtle privately wanted Trump out. He is basically bowing down to the Dems.

He's trying to rehabilitate himself and the GOP to the DONORS

Money talks
I suspect that Trump has transformed the Republican party and that we're going to see the impacts of this for a long time. It's fascinating to watch in real time.
Yeah, pretty amazing living in what will most likely be considered historic times. I wish I could fast-forward about 20 years and see how it plays out, and how it is analyzed.
Luckily you won't be around then, old man. Thankfully.
Wow. Ugly.

You're a good Trumpster.
I suspect that Trump has transformed the Republican party and that we're going to see the impacts of this for a long time. It's fascinating to watch in real time.
Yeah, pretty amazing living in what will most likely be considered historic times. I wish I could fast-forward about 20 years and see how it plays out, and how it is analyzed.
Luckily you won't be around then, old man. Thankfully.
Wow. Ugly.

You're a good Trumpster.
You are a loyal leftist sheep. We can go with ad hominems all day. Unlike you, however, I am honest.
I suspect that Trump has transformed the Republican party and that we're going to see the impacts of this for a long time. It's fascinating to watch in real time.
Yeah, pretty amazing living in what will most likely be considered historic times. I wish I could fast-forward about 20 years and see how it plays out, and how it is analyzed.
Luckily you won't be around then, old man. Thankfully.
Wow. Ugly.

You're a good Trumpster.
You are a loyal leftist sheep. We can go with ad hominems all day. Unlike you, however, I am honest.
Well, whatever makes you feel a little better.
I voted for Democrats only because the Republicans are insignificant to me right now and I haven't paid a bit attention to whatever in-fighting is taking place - and wouldn't even know whether it's real or imagined.
There appears to be a growing divide within the Republican party. Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell aren't exactly getting along at the moment.

Which side are you on?

I support myself until the corrupt political class makes it impossible.
We're getting very close to this.
There appears to be a growing divide within the Republican party. Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell aren't exactly getting along at the moment.

Which side are you on?

The side of the American people. Neither Trump nor McConnell are on any side but their own.
There appears to be a growing divide within the Republican party. Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell aren't exactly getting along at the moment.

Which side are you on?

Wrong, there's BEEN a divide in the Republican party between asshole RINO's and establishment hacks and the American people. Long before Trump ran for president.

The side of the American people. ....

We don't need you on our side. YOU are NOT an American.

Do you need somebody on your side because you couldn’t manage your way out of a wet paper bag.

The mess you are currently in now is entirely self inflicted. Other countries manage to deal with the pandemic without crashing their economies and killing half 1 million people.

Because you can’t even keep the power, heat and water, running in the winter. 40% of the country doesn’t even make enough money to live on.

Half my family lives on your side of the border. You let the virus run amok and our case numbers doubled as a result. Living with the United States on our southern border is like living over a meth lab.

Stopped acting like you know what you’re doing because you don’t have a fucking clue.

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