The Trump Message vs The Biden Message

Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

If hillary was president, the vaccine would still be an idea. Trump got the ball rolling and got rid of regulations that would slow down the vaccine being produced.

If Hillary was President the vaccine would have still been developed. However, her response to the virus would have been swift, decisive, and competent. We wouldn't be in nearly the dire position we are right now. Mostly because in Jan-March she wouldn't be tweeting, golfing, or holding pep rallies. She's a career politician. She knows how government works and is supposed to work. I will even stipulate that we'd be in a better position with Cruz, Rubio, or Bush in WH as well.

Lol, so you are saying hillary would've got rid of regulations? You’re an idiot, anyway if Hillary was president we wouldn't be talking about corona. The deaths would be hidden just like H1N1 was stopped under obama. By quitting the counting of the deaths.

What do regulations have to do with response to the virus?..Answer, nothing. H1N1 and Ebola weren't issues. You didn't see our healthcare system or our economy collapse because of them. Why? Competent and timely response. Unlike with COVID-19. Not to worry. America came to her senses and we'll have competent leadership again on 1/20/2021.
Democrats the party of bad news. Remember Carter and America's malaise?
Republicans are the party of optimism and hope for the future.
So there's a good Rabbi to tell us the Good News? And not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Is that so?

Take that bloody knife out of the hands of those crooked doctors already, because they're damned after the way they treat our children and destroy the lives of the innocent ones.
Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

Trump ran on a positive message, Make America Great!

Biden ran on what, Gloomy days ahead?
Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

If hillary was president, the vaccine would still be an idea. Trump got the ball rolling and got rid of regulations that would slow down the vaccine being produced.

If Hillary was President the vaccine would have still been developed. However, her response to the virus would have been swift, decisive, and competent. We wouldn't be in nearly the dire position we are right now. Mostly because in Jan-March she wouldn't be tweeting, golfing, or holding pep rallies. She's a career politician. She knows how government works and is supposed to work. I will even stipulate that we'd be in a better position with Cruz, Rubio, or Bush in WH as well.

Lol, so you are saying hillary would've got rid of regulations? You’re an idiot, anyway if Hillary was president we wouldn't be talking about corona. The deaths would be hidden just like H1N1 was stopped under obama. By quitting the counting of the deaths.

What do regulations have to do with response to the virus?..Answer, nothing. H1N1 and Ebola weren't issues. You didn't see our healthcare system or our economy collapse because of them. Why? Competent and timely response. Unlike with COVID-19. Not to worry. America came to her senses and we'll have competent leadership again on 1/20/2021.

Regulations is the reason for it taking up to 10 years to get new medicines. As for H1N1 they say there could've been up to 500,000 deaths, but of course Obama just stopped counting and of course the media was compliant.

We have never shutdown an economy over any pandemic. Until Trump produced the best economy in our history. You people are despicable, there wouldn't of been any lockdowns if hillary was president.
Democrats the party of bad news. Remember Carter and America's malaise?
Republicans are the party of optimism and hope for the future.
So there's a good Rabbi to tell us the Good News? And not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Is that so?

Take that bloody knife out of the hands of those crooked doctors already, because they're damned after the way they treat our children and destroy the lives of the innocent ones.
Are you still drunk from New Years?
Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

OMG, its not a sprint, its a marathon. There were 20m doses distributed to states by the end of 2020, as promised. It is a medical miracle, like it or not. The injections are just starting, stay tuned as the shots get to the wider public, whoever wants one will be able to get one.

Promises were made by the Warp Speed team. You can't move the goal posts here. The failure to get the number of vaccines out and then the double failure of having the infrastructure in place to distribute them and having them get into people's arms in a timely fashion is a result of poor planning. You can't give Trump the credit for being the savior by developing the vaccine (which he didn't) and not give him the blame for the distro issues. If you can't, you're just a homer. :)

There is a difference between a "promise" and an "estimate". The CDC estimated that 20m doses of the vaccine could be distributed to the states by the end of 2020, it looks like they actually distributed 12.4m doses by the end of 2020. Its still a medical miracle to develop, test 3-phases, gain FDA approval, manufacture, and distribute 12.4m doses in 8-months, with hundreds of millions of doses to follow. That is a major success, period.
COVID-19 Cases, Deaths, and Trends in the US | CDC COVID Data Tracker

The goal posts were not moved, the weather and holidays slowed the initial delivery schedule slightly, no big deal. Besides, the delivery of doses isn't the main problem, its getting more shots in arms of a limited population. As the doses are made widely available to the public, the number of doses will accelerate. There is no "blame" it takes what it takes, the vaccine should get to herd immunity by late spring, so says Dr. Fauci:

Last post on the subject. You do get that things happen from the top down right? This has been the issue from Day 1 (which I consider to be January 22, 2020). No federal leadership. Sorry, the guy in the WH is directly responsible for that...and he failed..miserably.

"Several states have also said it's been difficult to plan a vaccine rollout when their supply numbers from the Trump administration are constantly changing and they are only receiving information on vaccine supply on a week-to-week basis.
"There is no federal organization, no federal rollout, there is no coordination between the federal government and state governments," Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, said on CNN "Newsroom" Thursday".

Your TDS is your problem, no one else's.
1. What part of "medical miracle" don't you get? You try to pick nits, when there are no nits.
2. Top down was Trump to Pence to the Task Force to successful vaccine release in 8-months. That is the very definition of successful leadership, delivering a medical miracle.
3. Democrats whine, that's what they do. CNN is "fake news", that's what they do. The feds delivered 12.4m doses in 2020 and the states got 3m shots in arms. its a good start no matter what the TDS dems say.
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Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

If hillary was president, the vaccine would still be an idea. Trump got the ball rolling and got rid of regulations that would slow down the vaccine being produced.

If Hillary was President the vaccine would have still been developed. However, her response to the virus would have been swift, decisive, and competent. We wouldn't be in nearly the dire position we are right now. Mostly because in Jan-March she wouldn't be tweeting, golfing, or holding pep rallies. She's a career politician. She knows how government works and is supposed to work. I will even stipulate that we'd be in a better position with Cruz, Rubio, or Bush in WH as well.

Lol, so you are saying hillary would've got rid of regulations? You’re an idiot, anyway if Hillary was president we wouldn't be talking about corona. The deaths would be hidden just like H1N1 was stopped under obama. By quitting the counting of the deaths.

What do regulations have to do with response to the virus?..Answer, nothing. H1N1 and Ebola weren't issues. You didn't see our healthcare system or our economy collapse because of them. Why? Competent and timely response. Unlike with COVID-19. Not to worry. America came to her senses and we'll have competent leadership again on 1/20/2021.

Regulations is the reason for it taking up to 10 years to get new medicines. As for H1N1 they say there could've been up to 500,000 deaths, but of course Obama just stopped counting and of course the media was compliant.
View attachment 435922
We have never shutdown an economy over any pandemic. Until Trump produced the best economy in our history. You people are despicable, there wouldn't of been any lockdowns if hillary was president.

If Trump takes it seriously and shows leadership and competence in responding to the virus, not only would we not be in this dire of a position, but he would have been re-elected...easily.

He failed. Because he's incompetent. No shock. All of your justifications won't save his legacy. It was within his power to pivot...except he didn't have any interest in the job of being President.
Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

If hillary was president, the vaccine would still be an idea. Trump got the ball rolling and got rid of regulations that would slow down the vaccine being produced.

If Hillary was President the vaccine would have still been developed. However, her response to the virus would have been swift, decisive, and competent. We wouldn't be in nearly the dire position we are right now. Mostly because in Jan-March she wouldn't be tweeting, golfing, or holding pep rallies. She's a career politician. She knows how government works and is supposed to work. I will even stipulate that we'd be in a better position with Cruz, Rubio, or Bush in WH as well.

Lol, so you are saying hillary would've got rid of regulations? You’re an idiot, anyway if Hillary was president we wouldn't be talking about corona. The deaths would be hidden just like H1N1 was stopped under obama. By quitting the counting of the deaths.

What do regulations have to do with response to the virus?..Answer, nothing. H1N1 and Ebola weren't issues. You didn't see our healthcare system or our economy collapse because of them. Why? Competent and timely response. Unlike with COVID-19. Not to worry. America came to her senses and we'll have competent leadership again on 1/20/2021.

Regulations is the reason for it taking up to 10 years to get new medicines. As for H1N1 they say there could've been up to 500,000 deaths, but of course Obama just stopped counting and of course the media was compliant.
View attachment 435922
We have never shutdown an economy over any pandemic. Until Trump produced the best economy in our history. You people are despicable, there wouldn't of been any lockdowns if hillary was president.

If Trump takes it seriously and shows leadership and competence in responding to the virus, not only would we not be in this dire of a position, but he would have been re-elected...easily.

He failed. Because he's incompetent. No shock. All of your justifications won't save his legacy. It was within his power to pivot...except he didn't have any interest in the job of being President.

Like I said the only places that the virus is running rampant is in liberal shitholes. With new york has given us most of those deaths and the governor of New York did the opposite of what Trump wanted. Also your boy Fauci has run the response, with Trumps opposition. Liberals own this debacle.
Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

If hillary was president, the vaccine would still be an idea. Trump got the ball rolling and got rid of regulations that would slow down the vaccine being produced.

If Hillary was President the vaccine would have still been developed. However, her response to the virus would have been swift, decisive, and competent. We wouldn't be in nearly the dire position we are right now. Mostly because in Jan-March she wouldn't be tweeting, golfing, or holding pep rallies. She's a career politician. She knows how government works and is supposed to work. I will even stipulate that we'd be in a better position with Cruz, Rubio, or Bush in WH as well.

Lol, so you are saying hillary would've got rid of regulations? You’re an idiot, anyway if Hillary was president we wouldn't be talking about corona. The deaths would be hidden just like H1N1 was stopped under obama. By quitting the counting of the deaths.

What do regulations have to do with response to the virus?..Answer, nothing. H1N1 and Ebola weren't issues. You didn't see our healthcare system or our economy collapse because of them. Why? Competent and timely response. Unlike with COVID-19. Not to worry. America came to her senses and we'll have competent leadership again on 1/20/2021.

Regulations is the reason for it taking up to 10 years to get new medicines. As for H1N1 they say there could've been up to 500,000 deaths, but of course Obama just stopped counting and of course the media was compliant.
View attachment 435922
We have never shutdown an economy over any pandemic. Until Trump produced the best economy in our history. You people are despicable, there wouldn't of been any lockdowns if hillary was president.

If Trump takes it seriously and shows leadership and competence in responding to the virus, not only would we not be in this dire of a position, but he would have been re-elected...easily.

He failed. Because he's incompetent. No shock. All of your justifications won't save his legacy. It was within his power to pivot...except he didn't have any interest in the job of being President.

Like I said the only places that the virus is running rampant is in liberal shitholes. With new york has given us most of those deaths and the governor of New York did the opposite of what Trump wanted. Also your boy Fauci has run the response, with Trumps opposition. Liberals own this debacle.

Sorry. Your red vs blue states shit doesn't wash anymore. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Shit rots your brain.
Gloomy Joe told us "Our Darkest Days are Ahead" once he's in office.

I prefer the presidents outlook (and look back)

Why do you think we are in the "dark days" (and getting darker)? Because Trump's outlook isn't positive. It ignores reality. He's incompetent. He blew the response to the virus and now after having months to prepare for distributing the vaccine that he stood up and tried to take credit for, we find out he fails miserably...again. Biden is being realistic. Looking at a 9/11 or greater every day for the past month, one wonders why Trump hasn't been removed. Because this situation is exactly why we have the 25th amendment.

12:00PM EST on 1/20/2021, he's gone. Good riddance to bad garbage.

WTF are you talking about?
1. Operation Warp Speed developed several vaccines in record time while keeping the US economy from tanking. That is a very positive outlook, on the COVID response, and the economy.
2. The vaccine is a success, not a failure. The vaccine is available, the states need to get the shots in arms faster.
3. Biden is a senile joke who never managed anything, he's just a figurehead who reads teleprompters.
4. Nancy will 25th Biden's ass shortly.

1) Keep drinking this Kool-Aid. There were several companies that already had vaccines in the pipe before the lightbulb went on for Warp Speed (which was just an attempt by Trump to salvage his re-election).
2) The vaccine is a success. However, it was the Trump administration's responsibility to make sure that the distribution plans included getting those shots into peoples arms. Again, you're missing the point that its the feds responsibility to provide leadership, planning, monetary assistance, and guidance to the states in coordinating their response to the virus. That..didn't..happen.
3) Just stop. Two in person debates put that to bed. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Stuff rots your brain.
4) Do any of you right wingers know how the Constitution handles the 25th amendment? What's the fixation with Pelosi? She doesn't get to make that determination.

1. You are the one drinking KoolAde. COVID-19 is a "novel virus" (that means new to humans), google it. So your partisan TDS bullshit is a lie. The Warp Speed vaccine development, testing, and production in less than a year is a medical miracle.
2. The vaccines are being distributed successfully. What's disturbing is that so many are refusing to take the vaccine?! Part of the problem is apparently a lack of manpower to give shots. Schools are closed, so many nurses stay home, and the hospitals and nursing homes are short-staffed. The shots will get in arms, but it will take time to resolve the manpower shortage. IMHO when the vaccines get to CVS and Walgreens the numbers will improve. The goal was to have everyone who wants a vaccine shot to have one by summer, this vaccine is more like the annual flu shot, not a one-time shot. So the shots will be an annual event, there is no finish-line.

Tasty Kool-Aid huh? Why did you bother linking the whole alt-right article on 20M being vaccinated by the end of 2020? We already know that didn't happen. It was closer to 2M. And the numbers for the rest are in jeopardy because it looks like Trump's admin fucked up the distribution plans in addition to the response. No one that I've seen is refusing to take it...the number of vaccines being shipped isn't what they said it would be and the distro plans made no allocation for extra money and extra manpower for the states so that they could get the shots into people's arms. Healthcare systems..overloaded. No leadership from Trump team. Starting to see a pattern?

If hillary was president, the vaccine would still be an idea. Trump got the ball rolling and got rid of regulations that would slow down the vaccine being produced.

If Hillary was President the vaccine would have still been developed. However, her response to the virus would have been swift, decisive, and competent. We wouldn't be in nearly the dire position we are right now. Mostly because in Jan-March she wouldn't be tweeting, golfing, or holding pep rallies. She's a career politician. She knows how government works and is supposed to work. I will even stipulate that we'd be in a better position with Cruz, Rubio, or Bush in WH as well.

Lol, so you are saying hillary would've got rid of regulations? You’re an idiot, anyway if Hillary was president we wouldn't be talking about corona. The deaths would be hidden just like H1N1 was stopped under obama. By quitting the counting of the deaths.

What do regulations have to do with response to the virus?..Answer, nothing. H1N1 and Ebola weren't issues. You didn't see our healthcare system or our economy collapse because of them. Why? Competent and timely response. Unlike with COVID-19. Not to worry. America came to her senses and we'll have competent leadership again on 1/20/2021.

Regulations is the reason for it taking up to 10 years to get new medicines. As for H1N1 they say there could've been up to 500,000 deaths, but of course Obama just stopped counting and of course the media was compliant.
View attachment 435922
We have never shutdown an economy over any pandemic. Until Trump produced the best economy in our history. You people are despicable, there wouldn't of been any lockdowns if hillary was president.

If Trump takes it seriously and shows leadership and competence in responding to the virus, not only would we not be in this dire of a position, but he would have been re-elected...easily.

He failed. Because he's incompetent. No shock. All of your justifications won't save his legacy. It was within his power to pivot...except he didn't have any interest in the job of being President.

Like I said the only places that the virus is running rampant is in liberal shitholes. With new york has given us most of those deaths and the governor of New York did the opposite of what Trump wanted. Also your boy Fauci has run the response, with Trumps opposition. Liberals own this debacle.

Sorry. Your red vs blue states shit doesn't wash anymore. Pull your head out of alt-right media. Shit rots your brain.

Florida is practically open and the economy is great and infections are low. California and New York are in crisis mode and they are completely shutdown, except for the blm riots. Yes, liberalism is a failure and this proves it 100%.

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