The Trump Middle East Reality


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Unlike the back-stabbing crypto-Islamist recently departed from the White House, this President has a grip on rectitude and reality.

2. Blinded by his hatred of Israel, Hussein Obama stroked the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism:
a. refused to support protesters against the 7th century savages ruling Iran
b. guaranteed said savages nuclear weapons
c. sent the same folks pallets of cash
d. followed Iran's orders, and gave Hezbollah a franchise to sell $ billion in cocaine right here in the United States...
...the money used to place IEDs in the way of US troops.

3. The Trump administration wins in foreign policy as it has in domestic:

"First, he recognizes that Iran now matters more to the Arabs than Palestine. With Iran and Islamic militants threatening the survival of major Arab states, many Arab leaders have quietly decided to align with Israel—dialing down their interest in the Palestinian drama.

Consider that President Trump’s plan to move the United States’ embassy in Israel to Jerusalem did not touch off huge protests in Arab capitals or angry editorials in the Arab press. Kushner was one of the strongest voices inside the White House in favor of the long-promised move. Any other mediator would fret that the move would needlessly complicate his job. Kushner knows that Iran has replaced Palestine as the center of Arab interest, and he spotted an opportunity that few in Washington saw.

Second, Kushner realizes that younger Arab generation has a fundamentally different perspective from that of its elders. More than 60 percent of Arabs are too young to remember the 1967 and 1973 wars with Israel, and many more regard them as ancient history. Consider an American equivalent; how many millennials are outraged at the fate of South Vietnam? As a result, younger Arabs largely accept Israel’s existence as a settled fact, and generally see trading with its prosperous economy as essential to their own economic growth. I know. I have heard them tell me these things in the privacy of their living rooms. Their septuagenarian leaders do not share their views, and punish younger leaders who try to independently engage with Israelis—which only deepens the divide."
Don't Ignore Kushner's Quiet Mideast Gains

What a miracle this President has turned out to be.
That may all be true, but i fully support disengaging from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody carnage over there. Enough is enough. Time to end all the wars and meddling. Time to come home.
I saw this earlier today. A well written article. Decades of state dept. failure necessitated a new plan and Trump's son in law is executing it perfectly.
That may all be true, but i fully support disengaging from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody carnage over there. Enough is enough. Time to end all the wars and meddling. Time to come home.

So your suggestion would be to allow terrorists to take over and control Afghanistan, and the 7th century savages of Iran to have nuclear weapons.


.....but abysmally short sighted.
As a result, younger Arabs largely accept Israel’s existence as a settled fact, and generally see trading with its prosperous economy as essential to their own economic growth.
That naive pollyannish view may be true in the mythical land of OZ,.... but not among any arab youth that I've come into contact with. .... :cool:
Consider that President Trump’s plan to move the United States’ embassy in Israel to Jerusalem did not touch off huge protests in Arab capitals or angry editorials in the Arab press.

What a miracle this President has turned out to be.
Talk about lowering the bar. What did we get out of moving the embassy? The Israelis certainly wanted it, did they give up anything to get it? So much for the art of the deal.
As a result, younger Arabs largely accept Israel’s existence as a settled fact, and generally see trading with its prosperous economy as essential to their own economic growth.
That naive pollyannish view may be true in the mythical land of OZ,.... but not among any arab youth that I've come into contact with. .... :cool:

See if, as I do, you see hope for the future, here, Sunni:

Behind the scenes, he is making surprising progress.

Ahmed Charai
January 29, 2018


"Is peace between Arabs and Israelis possible? Consider the case of my homeland, Morocco. Under the leadership of King Mohamed VI, a constitutional monarchy has emerged with legal protections for Jews and other religious minorities. Here in Casablanca, Jews and Muslims attend each other’s schools, form business partnerships and leave peacefully side by side. With a dose of Kushner’s quiet diplomacy, there is no reason Arabs and Jews couldn’t live the same way in Israel and Palestine."
Op. Cit.

Ahmed Charai is a Moroccan publisher
Consider that President Trump’s plan to move the United States’ embassy in Israel to Jerusalem did not touch off huge protests in Arab capitals or angry editorials in the Arab press.

What a miracle this President has turned out to be.
Talk about lowering the bar. What did we get out of moving the embassy? The Israelis certainly wanted it, did they give up anything to get it? So much for the art of the deal.

I've never found either truth or a firm basis in reality in your posts.

And, you remain consistently so.
As a result, younger Arabs largely accept Israel’s existence as a settled fact, and generally see trading with its prosperous economy as essential to their own economic growth.
That naive pollyannish view may be true in the mythical land of OZ,.... but not among any arab youth that I've come into contact with. .... :cool:

arab youth cannot tell you------but they can TELL ME
I've never found either truth or a firm basis in reality in your posts.

And, you remain consistently so.
Yes, I notice you consistently avoid both truth and reality.

USMB is the worst computer dating site ever!

As for dating, you might do better once you have the marks from those ten-foot poles removed....

....or, you might turn lemons into lemonade, and take a job with pharmacies: standing outside same, to make people sick.
I've never found either truth or a firm basis in reality in your posts.

And, you remain consistently so.
Yes, I notice you consistently avoid both truth and reality.

USMB is the worst computer dating site ever!

As for dating, you might do better once you have the marks from those ten-foot poles removed....

....or, you might turn lemons into lemonade, and take a job with pharmacies: standing outside same, to make people sick.
Thanks for the advice, mine to you is stay off the humor threads.
I've never found either truth or a firm basis in reality in your posts.

And, you remain consistently so.
Yes, I notice you consistently avoid both truth and reality.

USMB is the worst computer dating site ever!

As for dating, you might do better once you have the marks from those ten-foot poles removed....

....or, you might turn lemons into lemonade, and take a job with pharmacies: standing outside same, to make people sick.
Thanks for the advice, mine to you is stay off the humor threads.

Let's leave that up to more objective folks, readers of my advice to you.
The Trump Middle East Reality.

stay the hell out of the ME
The Trump Middle East Reality.

Trump sucks Putin - Putin supports ISIS


no ... scratch that

A pity you are not more educated/articulate, and able to post that the way an adult would....but, I don't mind educating you, at least to geopolitical reality.

Obama cleared the field for ISIS, in effect, creating same.
Obama bowed to Putin...'would be more flexible'..
Members of Obama's administration were bribed by Putin
Putin cleared the way for the 'dossier' which was designed to get Hillary elected.

Any questions?
The Trump Middle East Reality.

stay the hell out of the ME

Glad to see you've attempted to clean that post of yours up.

Keep working on that.

American has a role to play in the world....that's why it has been created.
Without America, evil and chaos prevails.

You haven't learned that?

we've been playing big brother in the ME for how long now ?

wtf has it got us but debt and dead Americans.

F the mid east.
The Trump Middle East Reality.

stay the hell out of the ME

Glad to see you've attempted to clean that post of yours up.

Keep working on that.

American has a role to play in the world....that's why it has been created.
Without America, evil and chaos prevails.

You haven't learned that?

we've been playing big brother in the ME for how long now ?

wtf has it got us but debt and dead Americans.

F the mid east.

Those of us who live in NYC learned a lesson on 9/11 as to the result of the United Stated not being involved in what occurs in the Middle East.
The Trump Middle East Reality.

stay the hell out of the ME

Glad to see you've attempted to clean that post of yours up.

Keep working on that.

American has a role to play in the world....that's why it has been created.
Without America, evil and chaos prevails.

You haven't learned that?

we've been playing big brother in the ME for how long now ?

wtf has it got us but debt and dead Americans.

F the mid east.

Those of us who live in NYC learned a lesson on 9/11 as to the result of the United Stated not being involved in what occurs in the Middle East.

9-11 was a result of American infadels screwing around trying to cover Saudi's sorry ass. IN THE MID EAST


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