The Trump Middle East Reality

The Trump Middle East Reality.

stay the hell out of the ME

Glad to see you've attempted to clean that post of yours up.

Keep working on that.

American has a role to play in the world....that's why it has been created.
Without America, evil and chaos prevails.

You haven't learned that?

we've been playing big brother in the ME for how long now ?

wtf has it got us but debt and dead Americans.

F the mid east.

Those of us who live in NYC learned a lesson on 9/11 as to the result of the United Stated not being involved in what occurs in the Middle East.

9-11 was a result of American infadels screwing around trying to cover Saudi's sorry ass. IN THE MID EAST


Oh....I're one of those 'Hate America Firsters.'

Musta loved your Democrats freezing in their seats at the SOTU, huh?

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