The Trump Train (Hillary Got Schlonged Again) Victory Lap!!!

George Soros Rigged Voting Machines in 16 states! URGENT, PLEASE SHARE the words below: On election day, if your voting machine is a SmartMatic brand, DEMAND a paper ballot. George Soro’s now owns SmartMatic. You have the right to require a paper ballot, and under FEDERAL LAW the polling place MUST provide one for you. Don’t throw your vote away. Following states have SmartMatic voting machines: Arizona Colorado Florida Michigan Nevada Pennsylvania Virginia California District of Columbia Illinois Louisiana Missouri New Jersey Oregon Washington Wisconsin "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do." is the theoretical basis of Voter Fraud created by the grandfather of democRATic Party, Joseph Stalin, a 2-in-1 of Communist and Fascist! I live in Las Vegas, NV. I think we need volunteers standing outside recording and telling trump supporters to sign a log at every voting location. Folks, democRATic party = CHEATING party = NAZI(National SOCIALIST Party) = Voter FRAUD party = Mafia, democRATs = LIARS = Fascists = SOCIALIST Thugs. No Photo ID, No Vote!! Due to the long time liberal SOCIALIST brainwash education and the permanent change of demographic structure, Trump is our LAST hope and LAST chance! If Trump can't win the totally RIGGED election thanks to the Voter Fraud of GOP Establishment and DemocRATs, then the ONLY choice left for American people is REVOLUTION just like our founding fathers did! We the people must ACT if we don't want to be the slaves of Devious Hussein Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton! We need defend our FREEDOM using our GUNS, the same as our founding fathers did! At that time the army, national guards, border patrols and cops will firmly stand with US - we the people! At that time Muslim president lowlife Hussein Obama and Crooked Hillary ROTTEN Clinton will be HANGED! Remember: There's no FREE lunch in the world. FREEDOM is NOT free! Take OUR country BACK! Vive la révolution!

The paid posters have been advised if not ordered to stay away from these threads :lmao:

I think Soros is now pouring his money into a new effort. Obama, Jarrett and some others will be hanging around Washington to do everything they can to undermine Trump's presidency.

They never learn. They are continuing with the same rhetoric and same tactics that people are sick and tired of dealing with. Pelosi is minority leader. Instead of getting the message, they just increased the same stupid shit that got them all rejected.

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